Sunday, August 18, 2019

Gregg Gutfeld

I have no idea what Rachel Maddow said. My little laptop went on mute. Accidentally. Probably. Then after her I have no idea what Scaramucci said because my little laptop went on mute again. Accidentally. Probably.

That keeps happening all the time whenever I accidentally probably touch that little button with the speaker icon. It's a mystery.

I'm waiting for someone to invent a British English to American English converter.

I'd pay $1,000.00 for that app.

Today I listed to a British musician explain why the Heart cover of Stairway to Heaven is so outstanding. Phil from Wings of Pegasus. His insights are impressive. And the guy has an attractive smile and pleasant visage throughout as he is listening to Heart. The whole thing is very good, but it all comes through his national speech impediment and that ruins the whole thing. Phil is so good that it's almost possible to dismiss the distraction.

I showed the Heart concert here before. I showed it to my older brother and he tripped out. It's excellent with Page and Plant in the audience. They also show the Obamas in the audience with Michelle scowling with furrowed brow both times they show her, and that spoils the thing for me. As I age I get a bit crusty. It was a huge concert with all kind of notables present and much more to the assembly of musicians. Little touches throughout that make the whole thing well worth watching again. Along with little touches that can put you right off when you'e old and crusty.

Care to see something stupid?

And I mean otallytay upidstay.

I saw the Phil reaction video of Heart through Small Dead Animals.

It received 85 comments. Only a few about the reaction video. I guess links like that signal an open post.

The rest went immediately to incredibly stupid statements about Drumph.

Is there anything more stupid than a socialist foreigner who admits to not understanding what's happening but still so securely arrogantly ensconced  in their socialist certainty as to presume being smarter than Trump even as their own leadership falters and their government is having their ass handed it by not cooperating toward genuine respectful free trade?

Is there anything more stupid than a presumptuous arrogant socialist?

This thread is filled with them.

So to divert my attention I watched Cleopatra on Amazon Prime.

It's an excellent show. Very well done. Except all of the intellectuals speak with the same affected national speech impediment that make everything they say sound perfectly retarded, no matter how smart.

But I bore with it because the material is so good.

And that really did tax my tolerance.

Then I watched something else having to do with Roman history and it started out with British accents and I'm out.

Come on, Amazon!

 Knock it off with the British accents all over the place.

Why don't Americans make these kind of shows?

Why can't I get a translator so I don't have to listen to their retarded pronunciations, elisions, letter displacements, omissions, consonant dropping, glottal stop substitutions, word choices, sentence constructions and peculiar common locutions, their national speech sloppiness and laziness? They drive me insane.

And they never shut up.

I'd gladly take it all by British sign language instead.

I went through Amazon Prime offerings looking for something, anything, in unaffected American English.

Ended up with something about magic. The Lost Room with Peter Krause (Six Feet Under).

1 comment:

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

I thank you for this. I don't have cable and I miss all the good stuff.