Thursday, August 8, 2019

Conservative activist organizes 200 to clean up Baltimore neighborhood

Actually, more than 200. People started joining in once it got going.

The video is funny.

The story is covered a lot of places. This video upload is by left-wing news outfit purporting to be the 'real news' but they cannot quite get the story straight. They feel evil in their hearts, they understand cynicism by practicing it, so they must see ulterior motives. Nothing is ever straightforward. Trump highlighted the condition of Baltimore, people became activated. Leftists don't do anything that isn't political therefore everyone else behaves the only way they understand behavior.

Just like my little sister at age twelve.

Commenters to this video on YouTube let the uploader have it for mischaracterizing the story, POW, right in the kisser.

*  Justin
Propaganda at its lowest, you have a lot of nerve with your Title. They Clean up an impoverished area and you call them right wing extremists.  Smh

*  NCR Forlife
Mollner II a conservative versus a right wing extremist is a pretty big difference also I don’t see you helping cleanup if you’re not gonna help then don’t slander the people helping

*  Samuel Houle
I think people dont know what extremist mean anymore hahaha

*  Mad Madigan
Right-wing Extremist?... Go see a Therapist for the Love of God.. You guys are so bitter, please go look in the mirror.

*  A Living Miracle
You fake news people are actually calling that good man a "right wing extremist?" Hahahahahahahahaha. Wow.. That is so messed up! Sick.

And so on.


edutcher said...

Lefties really hate being exposed.

AllenS said...

This cleanup made Cummings really look like a loser.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Meanwhile - Fascist "anti-fascist" leftists and linking arms with the socialists to get things done.

Institutional totalitarianism.

Democratic Socialists of America Voted To Establish an Anti-Fascist Working Group. It Was Controversial.

Amartel said...

So much admiration for the good people of the neighborhood who do not allow the troll/journalist to lead them away from their new friends. Like the first guy. Not interested in the suggested diversion about jobs, is just appreciative of people helping people. Also the guy who got sent down from a politician's office to shadow them. He does not appear to be aware of the narrative that the troll is pushing. Then there's a bit of a jump cut to Discontented Local Lady and her bullshit. Her powers of intuition are not questioned when she mischaracterizes the motives of the people who have come to help. She says they're not there to help, not really. Where did she come from? It looks like the troll really had to search her out. She's certainly not amongst the people who are helping each other on the street.

Amartel said...

If the media went away so would a lot of our problems.
Turn off your TV!
(Remember when the left used to say that all the time? Not so much anymore, for some reason. It's a thinker ....)

Mumpsimus said...

The scourge of Gentrification. If they let things like this cleanup go unopposed, next thing you know there'll be brewpubs and organic markets and assholes on bicycles.

The Dude said...

Scooters. They will be on electric scooters, bless their heart.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

It's clear that the left like to keep people down and miserable. and stupid.

Amartel said...

They conquer by division.
People finally are recognizing that their promises are bullshit so it's all they've got left and (I hope, I hope, I hope) it's not working.
Nobody believes that the "right wing extremists" are (1) extreme, or (2) tidying up to make things easier for the skinnyjeansgoatee crowd because white people all work together against black people. It's too stupid.