Sunday, June 4, 2017

Pro-imigration propaganda produced on London street following terrorist attack

Some news crew carefully arranges their shot then reports they chanced upon a random scene of  Muslim Mothers showing support for UK electorate.  Staff places teddy bears and flowers to improve the scene.

Teddy bears. Always Teddy bears.

(If anyone would tell them the origin of Teddy bears the practice would cease immediately.) Flowers and stuffed animals are empty signals where reassessment and introspection and definitive action are required, but instead they leave huge messes for city employees to clear out.

Video provided by YouTube member Mr. Pinko on his channel Best Political Videos.


rcocean said...

Great post chip

edutcher said...

I think this act will find the room tougher and tougher.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Islam hates you, but you are not allowed to hate Islam back.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Typical. Everything the left touches is a manipulation. good find - Chip.

Chip Ahoy said...

This video sure swept quickly. The YouTube video had only 100 views when I saw it. Now it's everywhere.

If it really is CNN I hope this video causes them a good deal of grief.

ricpic said...

All taqqiyah all the time.

Leland said...

That's a lot of filming equipment for a "spontaneous" protest. Are NY streets usually that empty, and whether yes or no; who holds a protest on an empty street for nobody to see, unless who you want to see it isn't there but somewhere else?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Good catch Chip- this is all over my teeter feed.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

This Is CNN

AllenS said...

One more reason to not watch MSM.

ndspinelli said...

Elitists are at a tipping point. The elitist govt. can't keep us safe and the elitist media blatantly lies. I think it's about to get REAL ugly.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

HA, the presenter with the microphone, nodding and checking the monitor to see that the shot is framed nicely. What is CNN getting in return for the manipulation? I know your answer is going to be 'clicks and cash'. But I guess I'm amazed that there are that many viewers who actually want to see this. Viewers who are wanting to believe that the moderate muslims are just so upset with this perversion of their religion. What is the mentality that CNN is feeding?

St Louis has thousands of muslims, we welcomed them after the Bosnia/Kosovo wars. They have been a huge plus to the city. But they don't veil their women, they don't thousand decibel their mosque loudspeakers, and they don't blow up people or go on rampages with knives. Its true they don't keep dogs as pets- but other than that they are the best of neighbors. WTF? How come our muslims are normal and how come there are so many that are nutty?

ndspinelli said...
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ndspinelli said...

Jim, It all depends on the country. Here in MN, we have Somalis. They are angry, insular people. They veil their girls at preschool age. Very bad situation.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Nick, why thread jack about Trump? This is about CNN making Fake News?

ndspinelli said...

Well EBL, I don't see it as a "thread jack" since it is about Muslims as well. However, I will delete my comment that offends you and see if anyone posts about Trump and the DOJ. How's that??

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Nick: I think the story about CNN manufacturing fake news is pretty important.

No doubt, Trump stepping on his own legal defenses is an issue (although I do not think it is quite as clumsy as some might argue), but it is a completely different issue.

ndspinelli said...

Now who's "hijacking?"

Amartel said...

I thought this happened, like, daily. The MSM curating the news for the morons who watch it. Remember the lady field reporter who was blathering about terrible flooding (global warming) from a canoe floating in inches deep water? Shit like that happens every day on a small scale. Dropping out facts, dropping in fictions, misrepresenting positions deemed unacceptable. But it also happens on a large scale like the pursuit of this Russian collusion fiction which keeps dope alive for the idiots and blocks out information about actual news.
So, okay, Chapter 9,225,860 in the Book of How The Media Sucks.

ndspinelli said...


Methadras said...

CNN. We aren't fake news. We fabricate it.

Methadras said...

What no one is asking is, why is the left going out of its way, pretzeling itself to defend islamic terror and islamic terrorists? Why?

ndspinelli said...

Meth, It is inexplicable.