Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Women abandon Hillary in NH

Hillarys gender chips just took a big hit.


rcocean said...

those girls are just boy crazy.

Just crazy for Crazy Uncle Bernie.

bagoh20 said...

Someone bought me a shirt once that said: "Old Guys Rule." I thought it was a joke. Bernie, you dog!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Hell just got a little nicer and cozy ;)

ampersand said...

There's a special place in Hell for Hillary supporters as well. At the Captain's table.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"Hillary Clinton is running on one issue: Hillary Clinton.
Unfortunately, very few Americans like Hillary Clinton."

The hack press/Clintonopoulos media like her – isn’t that enough?

AllenS said...

Bernie must be the kind of guy that girls end up with in Hell.

AllenS said...

Why should Hillary drop out? Check out the delegate count here:

I know, how can this be?

Olson Johnson is right! said...

AllenS- wow, she loses 60% to 38% and STILL ends up with more NH delegates?

I think that the Bernie supporters who are already ticked off about the Iowa losses by 6 Hillary coin tosses might be angry with that.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

"But I know what it's like to be knocked down -- and I've learned from long experience that it's not whether you get knocked down that matters. It's about whether you get back up," she wrote.

THIS!!! is Hillary's mind. Right there. She is not a unlikeable robot, she is not evil incarnate, she is not a money-hungry, power-mad statist. Well, I mean she is all that, but that is all incidental to the core person.

Hillary really digs the feeling of 'No matter how they try to get me--I will never let them see me cry- I will stand here, forever strong and they can't break me' Think Scarlet puking up the carrot at Tara. That kind of strength. I've sometimes thought that she would have a 'health crisis' and bow out, or having to face an indictment from Justice--now I think that is not gonna happen- she will have to be forced out, and with lots of kicking and screaming as they drag her to the door.

Dad Bones said...

AllenS at 7:03 Ha ha. Hell's a funny place.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Hillary just assumed that her "feminism" stance would win over the young women without much real effort. I am woman hear me roar and all the other women will fall in line. Women being a block voting group that all thinks and acts in lock step....at least that is the assumption.

So by waiving the flag of "feminism" and throwing down the gender card they felt that they would have those female votes.

However, they calculated wrong. The young women 18 to 29 have grown up in a POST feminism agenda age. They have not had the struggles that the old hag feminists imagine that they have been fighting against. The old feminists and their ideas are not relevant to the world that the young women are living in.

It is as if Hillary is trying to impress and tempt the young women with this newfangled electric typewriter when they all own uber fast computers and mange their lives through tablets and android apps.

Hillary and her pandering brand of passe angry feminism is old, illusory, tired, outdated and not relevant. The more Hillary screams about sexism, feminism and throws tantrums when she doesn't get her way, the more she just looks like that screeching fishwife harridan that nobody wants to listen to.

deborah said...

"Hillary and her pandering brand of passe angry feminism is old, illusory, tired, outdated and not relevant."

Not exactly. When a woman as cool and matter-of-fact as DBQ would willingly give up her right to vote if all other women were denied their right to vote, there is still work to be done.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Deborah

What in the world are you talking about? No one is giving up their right to vote.

Women have the right to vote for who ever they want and should not be relegated or brow beaten by some antique feminist hags into voting for another woman just because she is a woman. Voting with your vagina and your gender instead of with your mind and not looking at the issues, is worse than having no vote at all.

deborah said...

I understand what you said, DBQ, I was referring back to the time you said you would gladly relinquish your vote if all women would be denied the vote.

As far as those 18-29 year-old females lol. They were immature children (by the standards of yesteryear) voting for an illusion. Why single that age group out? How did older females vote?

I wonder what kind of organization Sanders has set up in SC?

Other than not starting any new wars, and possibly getting us out of South Asia and the ME, he will be completely ineffectual and unable to get anything passed because Congress is filled with neoliberals on both sides of the aisle.

Sanders is a fairytale for sure, and for all we know, set up specifically to derail Hillary. She's going off the rails fast. Her demented post-Iowa 'win' speech indicates brain damage or mental pathology. She should be acting presidential at all times, but I'm beginning to think she has no control over her emotions in times of high duress. Then again, I haven't heard her post NH concession speech.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I was referring back to the time you said you would gladly relinquish your vote if all women would be denied the vote.

Well, I certainly don't recall expressing this concept. If I did, it was likely sarcasm. Although, I do think that there should be some sort of criterion to be eligible to vote other than being able to fog a mirror. Being an actual CITIZEN would be a nice start.

Our citizenry is pathetically ignorant of history, the Constitution and criminally ignorant of the issues or the consequences of their votes. This is by design and through several generations of indoctrinated, instead of educated, students who lack any critical thinking abilities. This actually why Sanders is doing so well. Lack of historical reference as to what socialism is and does and inability to see the long term ramifications of those sound good feel good bad results policies.

California can be held up as an example of what happens when you let the ignorant propose measures and the even more ignorant vote reflexively without thinking, just like the aged dinosaur feminists wish women would do. Close your eyes and vote. Don't think about the issues.

Why single that age group out? How did older females vote?

Singling out the younger demographic as failing Hillary IS very important. Without that demographic group to rely on, it is going to be very difficult for Hillary to get the votes. Obama led with the youth vote and the black vote. Hillary has neither of those.

deborah said...

I'm pretty sure you did say it. Not sarcastically, but probably disgustedly, and likely related to Obama getting voted in :)

Okay, good point about the youth vote. But then, there's always the delegate count, super delegates, and the rest.

I think a good place to start would be raising the voting age, but that's not going to happen, of course.

deborah said...

PS: You say we must remember history, and that includes the strides of early feminists. Hey, we were both there when the 'Ms.' designation came online. It was weird, but today we think nothing of it. We take for granted that at one time a woman was identified by her marital status.

Sing it with me, Deebs! I am woman hear me roar!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Exactly Deborah.

The feminists of yore did overcome many real obstacles, and also tilted at imaginary windmills too. And while we do need to remember history, this is exactly that to the young women. History.

They don't see the relevance to today in the tactics of old. The times they are a changing and Hillary and the rest of the dinosaur feminists have made a big mistake in not changing and making their message relevant to the young women whose votes they want to garner.

They made the mistake of assuming that the young people think the same thoughts and are fighting the same fight as they (the antique feminists) did in the past. Many of those fights have been won long ago and it is time to move on. Hillary and her advisors have not moved on. They took the young women for granted and then tried to guilt them into voting based on gender instead of making a case or argument for Hillary.

Vote for me because I am a woman and you are a woman....is NOT a persuasive argument anymore, if it ever was.

deborah said...

"The times they are a changing and Hillary and the rest of the dinosaur feminists have made a big mistake in not changing and making their message relevant to the young women whose votes they want to garner."

So true. Steinem really stepped in it with the 'girls want to be where the boys are' smack.

And that horrid 'place in hell for women who don't help other women' comment from Albright makes me want to slap her. Every time they replay it, it brings to mind the Iraq sanctions, and all the children who died under them.

MamaM said...
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MamaM said...

And that horrid 'place in hell for women who don't help other women' comment from Albright makes me want to slap her.

Would that be a "bitch-slap"?

Honestly, deborah, what makes your desire to slap another adult different from Albright's desire to consign someone to hell? They're both expressions of contempt for another.

As is the use of a silly and inappropriate nickname in a serious discussion with a skilled debater who is clearly, and cleanly presenting her points.

The good that comes out such poking, however, is the same good I used to experience at Althouse as the result of her provocations, in that some excellent responses are realized as commenters respond and clarify their positions.

Today, Carly Fiorina, revealed leadership in the following statement as she closed down her candidacy:

To young girls and women across the country, I say: do not let others define you. Do not listen to anyone who says you have to vote a certain way or for a certain candidate because you’re a woman. That is not feminism. Feminism doesn't shut down conversations or threaten women. It is not about ideology. It is not a weapon to wield against your political opponent. A feminist is a woman who lives the life she chooses and uses all her God-given gifts. And always remember that a leader is not born, but made. Choose leadership.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

Trigger Warning: Sexist comment

It is cool to read comment threads when intelligent and funny women have an intelligent and funny conversation. Good reading.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Camille Paglia has a good article in Salon (which I never read on purpose) that explains some of my disaffection with the "feminist" movement as expressed by Steinem and others of the genre.

You can actually be a feminist without rejecting your own femininity or denying your sexuality. Attacking men in general. Rejecting biology. Denigrating women who chose to have children and stay at home as wives and mothers. Just in general being sour bitches who griped about everything turned me off.....and this was back in the 1970's.

This type of militant lesbian leaning feminism is one of the problems that they have today trying to reach younger women who do not see much relevance in their own lives to the old movement.

I admire Carly Fiorina very much and agree with her statement as quoted by MamaM A feminist is a woman who lives the life she chooses and uses all her God-given gifts.

I also admire people who don't whine about being treated unfairly,who buck up and get in there fight for their rights and get the job done without fanfare. Just get it done.

deborah said...

I agree completely, DBQ. Love Paglia. I went looking for her article on Mama Grizzly/Palin which I think was in Salon, but couldn't find it. But I did find this readers' questions piece. It's the fourth question down:
