Friday, February 26, 2016

"Harvard ‘racial justice’ protesters protest award ceremony about … racial injustice"

The College Fix: Approximately 20 demonstrators representing Reclaim Harvard Law, which is currently occupying part of a building on Harvard’s campus, and Brandeis University’s own building-crashers Ford Hall 2015, interrupted a Brandeis awards ceremony on Thursday honoring Harvard Law School Dean Martha Minow.

Ironically, Minow was being recognized for her “scholarship on race relations and legal issues.”

Also ironically, the protesters weren’t there to confront one of the theses of Minow’s presentation (titled “Bystanders, Upstanders and Justice”) – “expanding the full scope of civil liberties” beyond the public realm into the private.

They were there to tell Dean Minow “Your school is racist. Your school is not inclusive. Harvard Law School does not teach justice.” (Read More)


Methadras said...

If they are occupying a building will the FBI come and lay out a siege strategy and then wait for them to leave to pop a cap in one of them that screams Black Lives Matter?

Chip Ahoy said...

Man, that irony sure is ironic sometimes.

Joe is responding to my photographic instructions in Mexico. I'm telling him what to look for. The weird stuff that's interesting. Details of things that catch his eye. I'm trying to get him to leave stuff out instead of thinking about how to cram as much into each frame. Do you know what I mean? To put me in the place the impulse is pull in as much as possible. But to invoke a scent of the place he needs to pull in and exclude enticing things around it.

His photos have already vastly improved. Imagine this. The guy is, what, 83 years old possibly more. I don't know. Very old. And here he is responding to instruction in Mexico. I'm telling him to look for shit that's weird and so far everything is perfectly ordinary except for possibly Daiquiri Dicks. One tiny sort of weird thing. While right across the street is a shop with colorful crap outside the doors. That would be interesting. No matter how uninteresting the wares, the display itself is interesting. There are details in this photograph I'm looking at that could make excellent compositions themselves. And you know what?

Right now, today, this very moment, Photobucket is offering 85% off their canvass prints. Imagine it: A four foot photograph of a gecko that wandered into your living room overnight. A giant canvas photograph that YOU took BLAM right there on your wall, and for 15% of its usual cost, admittedly overly expensive comparatively, but still. an offer you simply cannot refuse no matter how crap your photos. Just DO IT, I said!

Apologies. I get excited. It's an excellent service and an outstanding deal. It simply cannot be beat. Here's a great chance to really surprise your Honey Bunch, make her head spin with delight. Say, a picture of her that you took that you like. A week later a giant flat package arrives by delivery directly to her and she's all, what? what? what? Ooooooh, what? What am I going to do with this now? Such a wonderful problem. Or a photo of their pet. C'mon, put your thinking cap on, here is an outstanding opportunity to blow someone away. And I don't even profit from all this hard sell, it's just that outstanding.

ampersand said...

The S. S. Minnow was reportedly named after her father.

On another college racism front Woman who wants muscle fired.

ricpic said...

Such a conundrum for the beautiful people at Harvard and Brandeis. What to do? What to do? Feel the vibrancy beautiful ones. Feel it permanently. Live with what you've done to the unconnected. I hope the lowlife filth burns down your campi. Would that do any good? Not really. But it would make me happy, if just for a moment. And that would be enough.