Friday, February 19, 2016


Earlier today another site directed attention to Amazon's half off sale on some things and pointed also to their Levi sale and that's usually pretty good. The first page shows a belt. An ordinary belt.

I have several belt fails. Belts that never get worn anymore. They just don't cut it. I have favorites too that I like so much I must take care not to wear them too much. They won't hold up. One of the best is a light beaded faux American Indian souvenir belt. Hardly useful as belt at all. I've had it for decades and it's still a favorite.

I bought one that so outshines all of these ordinary Levi belts. The picture is what reminded me of Levi belt disappointments. Buckles breaking, what have you. This one's buckle is brass hardware. A hook that slips into one of 5 leather slots woven into the end. I thought it was some kind of fisherman type hook because the shop is on the East Coast and most of their belts are nautical and are fabric with amusing characters woven in. I have two of those as well, Dinosaurs are one, and cats and dogs on another, I think. Two more that are not very sturdy.

I cannot find the store where I bought it. I recall it was more than I wanted to pay for a strip of leather. But I don't think I paid $125.00 as on one site. What do you know, it has a name, "hoof pick belt." Horses then, not boats.

I don't care about this belt. It is nothing to me except a thing for my pants. But I've had more people comment on this, it's a bit embarrassing because it's telling me they're looking at that.

Several women remarked, and that's a first for me with belts. Men too. Yesterday another man I don't know and won't see again remarked while waiting. "I can tell you've had that a long time." I didn't know what he was talking about and when he answered  my belt, then he was wrong because it's new, but I didn't contradict, instead, "thanks" while wondering why would he even notice. Anyway, of scores of belts, people notice and remark on this one belt.

So you should buy it. 


Adamsunderground said...

The conventional belt buckle is a curse the continues through the ages. Does the all-metal clasp once common on military webbing have a name?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Yea, please use our Amazon portal to buy, not just belts, all kinds of stuff.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

That's at least three times more than I've ever paid for a belt.

The hook makes women think it alludes to some sort of extra tension needed to hold something up. It also gives off a more "dangerous" vibe right around the crotch area. "Dangerous" in a way that they like.

Steg said...

That hook is weird. It would throw me off. I'm a good old double prong kind of guy.

Here's my only belt, for every occasion:

With the holy bull, so it can be used in emergencies. This is a belt I hope to someday pass on to my children. (haha! they might not want it after all the whippings.)

Plus USA made for all those who care about that thing.

chickelit said...

Adamsunderground said...The conventional belt buckle is a curse the continues through the ages. Does the all-metal clasp once common on military webbing have a name?

Lift/latch. My '63 T-Bird had them. You fed one end of a canvas belt into the metal latch and viola, a "safety belt."

Adamsunderground said...
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Adamsunderground said...

Oops. Not the lift/latch. It's similar to this:

rcommal said...

FWIW, I suggest that you buy the best belt that you can afford--cloth, leather, beaded, whatever--and buy buckles separately. Just some advice I received at an early age, and so I offer it to you, in tribute, so to speak.

Chip Ahoy said...

I checked out Etsy. com for belt buckles and belts. They have some FANTASTIC ones. Some are outrageously expensive, so no to that. But some others are still worth considering.

The crow's skulls are a bit macabre. The gears are nice. Some very nice free-form buckles that work well without drawing attention.

deborah said...

Good question, adam, you could find the answer if you went to an Army-Navy catalog, or a US govt site with military nomenclature.

Kudos on the lift/latch name, chick.

Once at a flea market I saw a belt buckle that said, 'If you don't see what you want, just ask.'

MamaM said...

The hook makes women think it alludes to some sort of extra tension needed to hold something up.

And you'd know this how, R and B???

The amount of projection served up at levity amazes me, from presumed guilt over spoiled food to knowing what the hook on a belt makes women think.

The buckle pictured in this post catches my eye as different. It does not cause me to think about extra tension nor give off a dangerous vibe that I like. At most, it signifies a willingness to appreciate craftsmanship and enjoy a creative approach to life.

The mention of Indian Belts and the picture at the link triggered a memory, as they were one of the acceptable souvenirs we were allowed to purchase (colorful and useful) on summer camping trips. I had several and can still recall the colors.

AllenS said...

You don't need a belt if you wear bib overalls, or coveralls. More comfortable.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And you'd know this how, R and B???

Ha ha. By knowing less prudes than you know, I'd guess?

Come on, not to put too fine a point on it. But when's the last time you thought about dick?

Let's not pretend you're speaking for all women, either.

Christy said...

I like it!

MamaM said...

But when's the last time you thought about dick?

Ha ha hahah ha ha ahhh ahhhhaa hah hah ha!. Let me catch my breath. The last time I thought about dick was last night when I read your comment!!!

But if you're secretly wanting to know when I last touched a dick or welcomed one into one of my orifices, well, that's between me and MrM.

I speak for myself, Rhythm and Balls. And I'm not given to pretending. The fact that you tend to go mean when stung or fairly rebutted is not to your credit; and doing so detracts from your sparkling sense of humor and intellectual giftedness.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It might sound mean, but that's based on your presumption that prudeness (and it's not yours alone, I'm not blaming you more than I would anyone else) is more important than openness. A phony/arbitrary "propriety" more important than honesty.

I'm just not sure why you thought your "rebuttal" was apt, though. You presumed to speak for all women by presuming why they wouldn't have liked the hook belt.

Who knows if either of our presumptions might have been wrong or right, or why. But as this election shows, there's a lot of presuming about what all women think that's wrong, regardless of the gender of the person doing the presuming.

But even in your latest comment you talk about "touching", etc., rather than "thinking"... about something, which is different from the point I had raised. This follows in the vein of a more, if I may, passive way of going about the matter, which doesn't lend us insight into the minds of people who might be more actively engaging thoughts about such things.

In any event, thanks for your compliments and I apologize if I offended you or sounded harsh. It's just that society's relative sense of censorship of these topics is one of my pet peeves. I guess I tend to go off on what I perceive to be examples of it because such self-censorship seems to be of a piece with so much of all the other ignorance and dishonesty that is at the root of so many problems in America. We guard ourselves against engaging so much of what is intimate and personal that it creates a vault into which we can throw so many other uncomfortable truths about the world, and that damages more than just the self, but the society as a whole.

Apologies, once again. I'm sure there was a better way I could have related my point - and appreciate your reminder of when and how to go about dulling my stings.

chickelit said...

FYI R&B: You're coming off as a dick in this exchange with MamaM.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

As usual, chemical man, you failed to read the actual thread. There was an apology in that last comment, in case you missed it - which is not what decent people, neurotypical or not, refer to as "dick."

But if being the white knight suits you, ride on. I'm sure it beats failing to read the MSDS on lead, or Zyklon B, or whichever chemical you'd like everyone to be inflicted with these days.