Thursday, February 25, 2016

GOP Debate Open Thread


ricpic said...

OMG, when do these fakakta debates end?!

Rabel said...

Once again, a direct question to Rubio about his immigration plan and he dodged it again by changing the subject before dropping in a sentence about "we'll see what the American people will support."

Why won't he answer the question? He's not nearly as slick as he thinks he is.

Methadras said...

Gang of 8 is stuck to him like shit on the bottom of his shoes. Wherever he goes there is Chuck Schumers giant jew head popping out the fun times.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Cruz is hitting Trump hard on his donations to democrats.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Is Trump paying Carson and Kasick to hang on?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Rubio is not letting Trump get away with his repetition.

Chip Ahoy said...

Just caught the end of the Luntz focus group.

He said, "Look, Trump has a lot of voters. Where are they? Why are you not speaking up?"

He asked that twice.

They were holding back. Within the focus group they were being quiet. Luntz had to drag their opinions out of them, force them to support their opinions and when they did.

Jesus Christ.

Jesus, look at me and see if I'm lying again. Because I'm not this time. No really I'm not.

Anti-Trump jumped all over the reasons given by Trump supporters. They simply were not having it. Not one word of it. Each word is squashed as it leaves their lips and that is why they shut up to begin with.

And that is what I see all over everywhere I read. Extremely vociferous anti-Trump Republican conservative voters and exceedingly quiet and fairly well mannered but nonetheless extremely pissed off Trump supporters.

Except here. Comonocreerendios is a little itsy bitsy teensy weensy teeny tiny microscopically bit different. Somewhat.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Rubio did to Trump what Christie did to him. The highlight of the night.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Mitt Romney ‏@MittRomney 1 minute ago
No legit reason @realDonaldTrump can't release returns while being audited, but if scared, release earlier returns no longer under audit.

ricpic said...

Cuban gang-up on Trump failed.

rcocean said...

I've never seen a candidate like Trump get hammered by everyone for 2 hours.

rcocean said...
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rcocean said...

Uh the returns are being audited! It would be moronic for Trump to release them since many of the items may be found to be incorrect or have to be discussed with the IRS.

rcocean said...

Not only that but why would you want to have a bunch of political enemies pouring through your under audit return and giving the IRS leads on what to question?


bagoh20 said...

"It’s not a bad thing to see a bully humiliated." ~ John Hinderaker

"...why would you want to have a bunch of political enemies pouring through your under audit return and giving the IRS leads on what to question?"

Nobody wants that, but if you want to work here, first we need to know if you are a criminal, and specifically if you have been robbing us all. Crazy, huh?

Maybe I'm missing something, but I never heard anyone here defend a candidate withholding their tax returns before. Strange times we're in suddenly.

bagoh20 said...

My tax return is a freaking book, but I give copies to all kinds of people: bankers, lawyers, escrow companies, attractive women in bars. Is there something to hide?

Chip Ahoy said...

Wow, I just now learned from a crossword puzzle that James Russell Lowell made a notable quote about obstinacy. Goes like this


And it was very difficult to solve too. Nah, no it wasn't.
And Lowell looks like Rasputin. Nah, no he's nicer than that.
And I don't like this guy who wrote it. Eh, He's okay.
And the picture isn't very pretty either. Eh, maybe it is.
And they don't know what they're talking about. Come to think of it, they do.

rcocean said...

"Maybe I'm missing something, but I never heard anyone here defend a candidate withholding their tax returns before. Strange times we're in suddenly."

Mitt Romney didn't release his actual tax return. He released a summary of his tax return.

There's no reason for Trump to release an tax return that's under audit. The only people who care about the issue don't like Trump anyway.

chickelit said...
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rcocean said...

Mitt Romney is still demanding Trump release his return. What a clown.

chickelit said...

bagoh20 quoted Power Line:...It’s not a bad thing to see a bully humiliated." ~ John Hinderaker

Yes, they are vehemently anti-Trump and always have been. I think they irrationally think Trump is Jesse Ventura.

I understand Trump's reluctance to talk about something under investigation. Any competent lawyer would advise the same. If you were being audited, bags, perhaps you wouldn't be so glib.

William said...

I don't think Trump is articulate, but he has an expressive face. On a crowded stage, he's the one you look at. Cruz is a skilled debater, but against Trump he's a picaro charging a Humvee. I don't think Trump won any debating points against either Cruz or Rubio, but he prevailed simply by making the attacks against him look like debating points.......If Trump can get away with saying Bush lied us into war, he can get away with not revealing his tax returns. I don't think Trump won the debate as a debate, but he won the reality show........Kasich is knowledgable and experienced, but his awkward gestures and hunched posture say more than his words. This is unfair, but on the reality show level of the debate, he's the one who would get voted off.

chickelit said...

Lem said...Rubio did to Trump what Christie did to him. The highlight of the night.

You should make a blog post out of that because although I watched the whole debate, I missed that connection.

I guess I wasn't on Twitter?

chickelit said...

William said...I don't think Trump is articulate, but he has an expressive face. On a crowded stage, he's the one you look at.

Don't forget that the camera people deliberately do close ups on Trump and often split screen shots when someone else is talking. This is planned and approved at top levels at the networks. If you or I were in the audience, we might focus on someone/thing else.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Ted Cruz did not waste anytime.


chickelit said...
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chickelit said...

Lem said...
Ted Cruz did not waste anytime.

I'm pretty sure there will be a rebuttal. That montage was -- how shall I say it? -- highly synthesized from a variety of sources,

As for the individual mandate...I don't see a way around it. Its whole point is to go after freeloaders. You can't have universal care (as we do now) w/o universal responsibility to pay.

I guess you guys have never met or or know anyone who refused to buy healthcare even when they could?

chickelit said...

And if you're not on board w/ "universal care" (meaning that no one will be refused emergency care) then you'd better be on board with "people dying in the streets."

chickelit said...

Look, I know I'm talking to myself at this point (it's late for you guys) but I formulated my position on the individual mandate in or around 1992 after talking to a young Brit on Switzerland. His convincing point was that in Britain, the hardest policy barrier that they had to overcome was the notion that everybody -- even the poorest -- had to pay something for healthcare. And they do, as I understand their system. What we're enabling in this country is a situation whereby the poorest -- due to subsidies -- actually don't pay for healthcare. It comes as a right was Bernie Sanders would have it.

chickelit said...

G'Night, All.

bagoh20 said...

"If you were being audited, bags, perhaps you wouldn't be so glib."

I would gladly publish it. I send out copies to lots of people. I trust everyone more than I trust the IRS. If he IRS was after you, and you knew you were honest, why would you hide it? Publishing it would get you help against the monster. I know why Trump won't. So do you, and it's not because he wants people to see how honest he is. Let him publish a summary like Mitt. I bet he won't.

Like I said, nobody ever defended a candidate for hiding his taxes before in here . It's a bill owed to all of us. It proves better than anything in black and white just how honest you are. Character is how you act when you think nobody is watching. Trump knows something about Trump that you don't want to know.

bagoh20 said...

" You can't have universal care (as we do now) w/o universal responsibility to pay."

We always did. Everybody got care before Obamacare. It was the law then too.

You never get everyone to pay for anything. You only get honest people to pay, but I didn't mean to bring up Trump again.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Any mocking of Hillary corruption from the late night Democrat TV crowd?

chickelit said...

Hillary's nomination is nearly complete.

BTW, does she have Vincente Fox's endorsement yet?

deborah said...

I missed it! How badly was Trump damaged??

chickelit said...

deborah said...I missed it! How badly was Trump damaged??

Pollsters will say he was destroyed. Tuesday will tell the truth.

chickelit said...

Was anybody else offended by the Telemundo journalist's tone and line of questioning? Power Line (no friend of Trump) picked up on that too.

ricpic said...

He wasn't damaged at all. He's going to wrap this thing up when he takes Florida on March 1st. That's 4 days away. So get out your crying towels all you holier than thous. Your next big decision will be whether you can overcome your oh so great concerns about Trump enough to vote for him and block a Rodham presidency which you KNOW would deliver the final death blow to America.

chickelit said...

Your next big decision will be whether you can overcome your oh so great concerns about Trump enough to vote for him and block a Rodham presidency which you KNOW would deliver the final death blow to America.

All these years of bending the whole Democratic Party to Hillary's will have caused this whole mess. The sooner the entitled Rodham is relegated to history, the sooner the Democratic party can fix itself.

deborah said...

Thanks guys. The Entitled Rodham^(TM)

bagoh20 said...

Truly embarrassing. The whole thing.

deborah said...

I just watched this clip...definitely geared for Rubio, but it did not look good. I think Team Rubio was waiting till maximal Trump popularity to release the kraken...he could have said all of this before now.

deborah said...

I mean I just watched Lem's debate highlight thread.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

OMG, when do these fakakta debates end?!

My thoughts exactly. First they aren't even debates. Just an opportunity for everyone to be attacked by each other or by the moderators or both. Now they are just a way for the GOPe to gang up on one candidate. A total waste of time and boring. There is nothing to be learned from this kabuki theater.

Now....if we could get all these guys in some Mexican Wrestling gear and masks and do a Lucha Libre event....I would watch that.

Seriously. Just stop with the pretense that these are fair debates or that we, the public, are going to learn anything from them.

Trooper York said...

My opinion doesn't count because I am a Trump partisan. Just as bags and April don't count because they hate Trump so much.

I don't think the debate will matter that much. I don't think many people saw it or will be effected by it. FOX and the anti-Trump media will pump up the Rent Boy but Trump pegged him perfectly. He is a choke artist.

He choked on a cock. Once that comes out he will be McGreevyied. You know that the Clintons will go there. The National Enqurier will be publishing a big story about Rubios arrest in college. Just like they had the goods on John Edwards. They are the only real journalists out there.

Trooper York said...

Of course if Rubio ran honestly as a "Gay American" he would be much better off. But he is a weasel and will be exposed at the most
inopportune time if he is the nominee.

Of course I don't think he has a chance in hell but you never know.

Trooper York said...

Rubies only chance is a brokered convention. If Trump doesn't have enough votes to win on the first ballot then the stablishment will give it to Rubio.

A sure win for Hillary.

Trooper York said...

Sorry I am using an IPad and the keyboard sucks.

bagoh20 said...

Go on Youtube and watch some debates from the past, back before reality TV and internet were things. The level of discussion, language, ideas, intelligence, and respect was like a different species. This is the first election that is 100% in the era of the Idiocracy. We've simply stopped ascending. We stopped even trying after the Apollo program. What year was it when we hit our zenith? We seem to have been falling for so long that the dull thud must be close now.

Just not today, please, because It's Fridayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!

bagoh20 said...

"My opinion doesn't count because I am a Trump partisan. Just as bags and April don't count because they hate Trump so much."

True enough, but I was excited about Trump in the beginning. Now, after a lot of research, it's true that I do hate your douche bag. I realize you fell in love at first sight, and it's hard to change affairs of the heart, but as Rubio said today: "Friends don't let friends vote for con artists." My exploration of the man's record showed me he is exactly that, and not even a charming one. I'm just concerned for your self-esteem whether he wins or loses. I think it might be hard on you either way.

I wonder if his wall will say "TRUMP" all along it, and if he'll sell little plastic models of it - made in China of course?

deborah said...


"We've simply stopped ascending. We stopped even trying after the Apollo program. What year was it when we hit our zenith? We seem to have been falling for so long that the dull thud must be close now."

Libertarian capitalism will do that.

bagoh20 said...

Where is libertarian capitalism practiced? I can have my bags packed in an hour.

deborah said...

Smooth, Nice 'n Easy.

The refined debates of yore were rehearsed and without valuable content; i.e., professional liars lying.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

We seem to have been falling for so long that the dull thud must be close now.

Not to worry. SMOD will be along soon. I understand that a 100 ft asteroid that missed us last year by 1.3 million miles is taking another stab at it about March 8. It will be flying past lower than 11,000 miles from us.

During the upcoming March 5 flyby, asteroid 2013 TX68 could fly past Earth as far out as 9 million miles (14 million kilometers) or as close as 11,000 miles (17,000 kilometers). The variation in possible closest approach distances is due to the wide range of possible trajectories for this object, since it was tracked for only a short time after discovery.

Scientists at NASA's Center for NEO Studies (CNEOS) at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California, have determined there is no possibility that this object could impact Earth during the flyby next month. But they have identified an extremely remote chance that this small asteroid could impact on Sep. 28, 2017, with odds of no more than 1-in-250-million. Flybys in 2046 and 2097 have an even lower probability of impact.

"The possibilities of collision on any of the three future flyby dates are far too small to be of any real concern," said Paul Chodas, manager of CNEOS. "I fully expect any future observations to reduce the probability even more."

See.....nothing to worry about. Nothing to see here. Move along. Worry about Trump's hair or something.


bagoh20 said...

The ones I watched were very informative, and the candidates tended to take their own word more serious than today. Politician have always lied, of course, but today it's virtually mandatory, which is why I don't judge them on their words. I look at their record. I've learned from hiring and employing people for decades that people rarely change in substantive ways once they are adults (about 30 years old). They maintain the same levels of honesty, ethics, reliability, etc virtually forever. People may change their minds on things like social and political issues, but how they deal with the world around them and other people is pretty constant. What someone has done in their life before office is the most reliable model of what they will do in office, but with my money.

What we've been seeing in these debates is almost useless. It's 90% entertainment of the reality show variety, very much like "Housewives of Wherever", which is exactly what the media and much of the public wants, but hardly what we need. There is enough of that in our recreational culture. What these debates have been accomplishing is to make Americans look retarded.

bagoh20 said...

Yea, DBQ, I read about that too. That is scary close. An impact is what I think will eventually do us in completely. Imagine if that happens. Everything about this planet disappears forever: beyond the other life forms gone, everything about us goes too: no history, no wars, no art, no politics - all gone like it never happened. Only a fading radio record traveling through space like a message in a bottle from a long sunken ship.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Bago

It would be prudent to have our country and some others who have the ability to come up with some sort of system to prevent, nudge, destroy, deflect the incoming asteroids that will eventually hit us. Instead of wasting funds on stupid trains to nowhere, giving away money to buy votes, and just in general throwing our money, time and resources down the toilet....we should be funding a protective system. It could be done. We have the capability, the resources....we just don't seem to have the will.

Of course, this won't happen because it requires long term planning. It requires that some things have to be defrayed or given up. No one wants to give up anything. It requires that we have an educated population instead of the dumb bunnies we have created in these last two generations.

A hit from a 100 ft asteroid would be rather devastating, but not necessarily planet killing. Worrying about whether our light bulb are causing global warming when the result is likely an ice age or worse snowball earth. Getting all twittepated if there might be some GMOs in our corn, when we have nothing to eat. All stuff that we can forget about being first world problems that we worry about now. Think about surviving instead....if we even have that much time to think about it.

deborah said...

Bago, the Trump and co. debates have only brought to the fore the long-standing
retardedness of the US.

Trooper York said...

It is a reality show. So what is wrong with that?

It is reality. The loss of American jobs to illegal immigrants is a reality. The endless wars in the Middle East ginned up by the conservative intelligentsia is a reality. The crony capitalism trade deals that screw American companies is a reality.

The difference in this debate is that there was some passion with candidates talking the way regular people talk. Not elitists. Not oh so polite Washington inside baseball George Will types. With rough language and sharp elbows.

The average person knows where Trump stands. Where Rubio stands. Where Cruz stands. The charges and counter charges were out front and in your face. It is not a minuet. It is a mosh pit. Politics ain't bean bag.

Trooper York said...

The use of immigrants by Trump is a valid issue and should be brought up and discussed. The fact that Rubio and Cruz and Kasich have never hired anyone or ever run a business or paid a payroll should also come up. It should be upfront and in your face.

That's reality. Not the typical political bullshit.

bagoh20 said...

It's like a reality show in that the whole point of it is conflict between the characters. There is no real attempt to solve anything or learn anything. Trooper, I'm sure you know from doing one that the producers just want conflict, fights, backstabbing, name calling, etc.. They want heat - not light, and the media people working these debates are really just into creating as much of that as they can. They had a prize winner this cycle.

That's fine in entertainment, but this is important business, and I think the American public isn't taking it as serious as they should. Literally millions of lives may be at stake, as well as the future of the grandest experiment in history. A free people choosing a leader for the world, and that's not hyperbole. That's what we are doing.

TrooperYork said...
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Trooper York said...

Bags this is reality. It is not what has gone on before. That is a shadow puppet show. Both sides of the same coin. Both members of the duopoly. Professional politicians who feed out of the same bowl.

This is different. I think you will agree. Do you think things will change with Rubio or Cruz?
Or Hillary or Bernie? I don't think so.

For better or worse Trump will be different. His worse will be no worse than Obama. His better can be a hell of a lot better. We will have to see.

bagoh20 said...

" It requires that some things have to be defrayed or given up. No one wants to give up anything."

I'll give up my Obamacare, and my PBS funding, and Planned Parenthood, and if Trump gets rid of the IRS, I won't ask to see his taxes, and I'll buy some Trump Airline Tickets to Vegas, drink a fifth of Trump Vodka, wear a Trump Tie to the Trump Casino, and play blackjack all night drawing cards on every hand, even if I get a blackjack. I won't be as smitten as Trooper, because I just don't have that big of a heart, but I can fake it.

bagoh20 said...
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bagoh20 said...

Of course Rubio, Cruz, and Kasich have all hired people. The all have staffs, and in addition Kasich ran a whole state. They have not however, bankrupted the organizations they ran, been thrown out of executive positions for poor management and performance, hired illegals who they treated badly and then underpaid only to then not pay them at all, and I don't think the others have been sued and investigated for defrauding a bunch of people who actually believed "it will be wonderful" just because he said so. So yea, Trump does have a yuge amount of experience in things that the others don't.

bagoh20 said...

Being a prince of the duopoly myself, and in line for the throne someday, I fear change. I don't want to wake up someday and be a polish laborer working 12 hour days for $4/hr which I never get paid for. Don't rock my luxurious canoe.

MamaM said...

Bago, the Trump and co. debates have only brought to the fore the long-standing retardedness of the US.

PLease point me to a group of humans that do not reveal some form of "retardedness".

Functioning with delayed development and limited awareness is a feature of being human and living in time.

These debates haven't brought to the fore anything more retarded than has been present for years (if not centuries) albeit in different forms, in previous political exchanges and conflicts.

Chickelit nails one element over at Althouse in the Christy Endorses Trump thread with this comment, inspired by a Freeman hunt link to a chain cascade:

Freeman Hunt said..."The cascade begins. Like the first ball in a long string of ball chain, headed over the edge of a cup".

Those things work in physics because of gravity. In chemistry, we call it thermodynamics.

The Republicans thought they had those forces on their side. They misread Nature.

(Althouse, Christie Endorses Trump post, 2/26/16, 1:27 PM)

bagoh20 said...
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bagoh20 said...

If the world is annihilated by a meteor, and no trace of us remains, does God still exist? Does science?, How about beauty? Good and evil?

Steg said...

AH you guys are such pessimists! Voyager is out there going interstellar with Chuck Berry singing 'Johnny B. Goode', among other things.

So we know, Goode will still exist. I don't think they put 'Evil Woman' on the craft, though.

bagoh20 said...

If nobody is there to hear a song, does it rock?