Saturday, February 20, 2016

When they place a baby in your arms and this time you don’t have to give it back, something happens.

The world goes from being an immense place radiating from all sides and angles to being one small central focal point. Everything flips. You no longer receive, you give. You are still the same shell, but you are now filled with living breathing, pulsating matter. The question is, if this baby is the pearl of my oyster, do I pluck it out, slurp up the oyster, wash it down with wine, slip the pearl into my pocket like a button (is this something a man might do?) and continue on my journey of receiving, or do I come to a stop and start with a plan about how I'm going to help the pearl to grow? 
This is Lucy writing on her blog. Her boy is seven years old now. She began writing her blog before he was born. Hers is the most beautiful wedding I've seen. I recommend her blog. She is amazing. Expatriate American living in Lyon, I mentioned her today and looked again and she blew me away with her feminine insight. She speaks like only she does. She wrote the most touching Thanksgiving story I've read to date. It has everything.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I was listening to a re-run of Car Talk and some women from New Hampshire (with a toddler and twins coming) said she was morally opposed to SUVs but wanted something hipper than a mini van. Click and Clack took that premise apart in about two minutes, reminding her that her vanity was no longer and issue for the next twenty years and by then her husband will be the one drooling on the seats.

She suggested a VW van and they asked her why she would place her children in such a death trap?

They told her to get over it, she needs a vehicle that gets her from A to B with the least hassle and most practicality: Honda Odyssey. If she want some hippie flowers, get a kit and paste them on.

Steg said...

I wouldn't analogize my child to a pearl. Pearls are formed out of necessity by the oyster protecting itself from a random particle which got inside it, or something.

More like a diamond. Female mother (earth) took father's seed (coal) and incubated (pressure) for 9 months, and out pops a diamond. Do I cut the diamond and sell it off to be made into many pieces of jewelery, or do I guard it preciously, and polish it so that it may outshine all other gems?

Maybe cutting a diamond into pieces and selling isn't the kind of analogy that pops into a loving mother's head. #PP