Monday, February 22, 2016

"Woman killed boyfriend for spending too much time on Facebook"

NY Post: Terri-Marie Palmer, 23, broke down in tears as she was convicted of 24-year-old Damon Searson’s murder following a one-week trial, where the details emerged about the fatal end of their rocky relationship, according to multiple reports.

Moments before the killing, Palmer posted: “He p***** me off sitting on Facebook, completely blanking me when I’m talking to him,”

She regularly posted on the social media site about how Searson would ignore her while scrolling through Facebook messages on his phone, adding random girls and posting shirtless photos of himself.

“Gross,” she wrote on one of his topless pics. “Didn’t expect any different to come out of your mouth f–king b–ch,” he fired back.  Eventually, Palmer texted her man that she was fed up — and furious.  “Crying myself to sleep for the second time this week and it’s only Wednesday. Thanks Damon. I’m so angry and hurt I honestly want to f–king stab you,” she wrote...

The two met at Palmer’s hair salon, Costa Del Sol in Lancaster, England, and moved in together last July.


bagoh20 said...

I was that close to getting a kitchen knife in the back yesterday arguing with you Trumpers.

Facebook kills! That's why I escaped from there a few years ago, but now even Lem's is getting to be high risk behavior. If you guys would just promise not to elect Trump, I'd be a lot safer. I could retire back to the occasion quip about how I hate the government and slow drivers.

bagoh20 said...

This should have the label: "Why bagoh20 should be alone".

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

No problem bags... When Trump is president he said everybody is going to be "taken care of".

Trooper York said...

Bags if you switch over to Trump....,Melania will introduce to some hot Euro Trash babes.

I can hook you up.

Think about it.

Amartel said...

This is a classic example of Facebook Violence. I call for legislation banning Facebook! Immediately, before it's too late. To be implemented directly by the Executive, if necessary, as pre-ratified by the Judicial branch for the betterment of Society. This is a National Emergency about which we must have a National Conversation. Well, more like a National Chat. No time to waste! Well, more of a National Lecture with the Nation listening quietly and agreeing wholeheartedly and immediately. Without Facebook, this fine upstanding (unemployed mindless drone) would still be alive!! And his totally gorgeous and not at all entitled girlfriend with minor little impulse control issues would not be spending the next 12 (the link says she'll be out in 12) years in the poky. Help us, Gummint, save us from the unnecessary, artificial, superficial menace of Facebook Violence. Trump's for it today. Position may change by tomorrow. Watch Twitter for updates!

Amartel said...

To say nothing of the knife violence. When will the knife scourge end? Somebody DO something.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump is not electable.

His negative rating nationally is -31.

Hillary is -17.

Trump wins state primaries/caucuses at 32%(ish) is not a majority of votes and it won't translate to a win against Hillary - the worst candidate in our lifetime.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Here's one.

Bob gets a text from his neighbor: "Hi Bob, am am so riddled with guilt I must confess I've been enjoying your wife while you are away."

Bob is so angry, he fetches his gun and shoots his unfaithful wife.

The neighbor sends another text to Bob: "I'm sorry Bob, auto-correct changed wi-fi to wife.
I've been enjoying your wi fi. Thanks and sorry!"

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Trump is not electable.

His negative rating nationally is -31.

Hillary is -17.

This is constantly being repeated and without any substantiation or explanation of the data collecting methods it means exactly Jack Shit.

Who did they ask?
What are the geographic and demographic parameters of the respondents?
How MANY people were surveyed? 300? 30,000? 300,000? Sample size is crucial.
How many of the people asked about Trump were Democrats who wouldn't vote for him anyway?
How many of the people asked about Hillary wouldn't vote for her anyway?

Sample of 300 democrats who 31% have some negative reactions doesn't mean what you think it means.

What are the negatives? Define negative. I have a negative opinion of his hair.
Does the survey define or delineate negatives according to categories.

Until there is more information, I take these surveys as being just about as important as that hairball my cat just puked up.

ricpic said...

One of Bukowski's best poems, which I can't find, is about where he goes into a little repair shop, maybe a shoe repair shop to get his shoes reheeled and this creature comes out from the back of the shop, one of those creatures like the creature in this story, a face with no vibe, no human temperature at all and the creature takes the shoes, looks at the middle button on Bukowski's shirt, says "Tomorrow" and as Bukowski turns to go he thinks, *Well, you need them, they do serve a function, so....*

ricpic said...

Trump regularly has 20,000 at his rallies BUT HIS UNFAVORABLES ARE THROUGH THE ROOF! Ha ha ha ha ha........

edutcher said...

Anybody who'd rather spend more time being exploited by Zuckerberg than with a real human being deserves what he gets.

AprilApple said...

Trump wins state primaries/caucuses at 32%(ish) is not a majority of votes and it won't translate to a win against Hillary - the worst candidate in our lifetime.

In a field of 5 or 10, it's pretty much what you'd expect. Let's see what happens when it's down to him and the Mambo Kings.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Trump is not electable.

His negative rating nationally is -31.

Hillary is -17.

This is constantly being repeated and without any substantiation or explanation of the data collecting methods it means exactly Jack Shit.

Exactly. It's like Pissy reminding people how black he was 8 years ago. Battlespace preparation.

Problem is, the great rule of thumb in American politics is people vote against one more than they vote for another and, right now, Trump is winning his nomination on the force of his personality and arguments. The Demos so dislike Hillary Ditzy Debbie has to fudge the rules to make sure she gets enough delegates - witness NH.

Consider the "accuracy" of the polls.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Arguments? "It's gonna be terrific" is not an argument. I've been hearing the poll reported all over. Except Hannity. He's a Trump chump.

Meade said...

"Trump is not electable."

They know. They don't care about electable. They just want to blow it all up. They're on a suicide bombing mission.

Donald J(ihadist) Trumpers.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I don't want to blow it up, I want to extinguish the fire.

Meade said...

"Trump’s trajectory is predicated on the premise that a jaded public cares more about emotion than logic, and how a leader speaks rather than what he says."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Think Trump will campaign on this?

I don't.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

VDH is always worth reading.

bagoh20 said...

Dammit! Looks like I'm gonna have to settle for a knife in the back.

Hey Trooper, Do those Euro babes care if you ignore them for hours when you're on line? I told my lady what to do to get my attention, and that's why I had to sign off suddenly. I mean I love you guys, but I'm not gay...yet.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Last week Trump said: "I like the Obamacare mandate."

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump said: "Every single other Republican candidate is going to cut the hell out of your Social Security."

Wow. The dems have been scaring us with than lie for years.

bagoh20 said...

I respect VDH a lot too. He seems unusually well-grounded and reasonable without trying to make heat just for attention.

I never cared much for talk radio firebrand Mark Levin. He seemed like an intelligent man but gets all Trump-like with the childish insults and telling people to shut up. But, it turns out that he's like me in that he enjoyed the hell out of the Trump phenomenon until the prospect of him actually winning started smoking. Now he's pretty solidly in the Cruz camp, for the same reasons I am, and trying to reason with people a lot more on the air. Trump showed him the problem with being a douche bag.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Levin is on late here, and I therefore consider him a delicacy. I rarely ever get to listen to him.

Rabel said...

Blow it up? The Washington establishment? Well, yeah.

Nuke it. Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure.

bagoh20 said...

Our douche bag will save Obamacare, and Hillary, kill the Bengazi investigation, put Obama on the Supreme Court, and raise the cost of everything you buy, except Iphones, which people will be dumping. Then he'll use Eminent Domain to build a Casino on Liberty Island called The Very Classy Amazing French Whore.

C'mon admit it. You're not really sure how much of that is true, or which part.

bagoh20 said...

"Blow it up? The Washington establishment? Well, yeah."

I know we all hope that happens, but what does it even mean, how would it happen, and who will be picking up the pieces. Does the Constitution get blown up too? I mean, just think about how that fantasy would actually play out on planet Earth. We need to look to the French or the Russians to get an idea, but I'm sure that if that wild impossibility actually happened that it would be "great, wonderful, and amazing. It will be beautiful. You won't believe how beautiful". I'm sold.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Our douchebag will ensure we get a felon.

Trump-Sheen 2016!

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Maybe there is a Noah like appeal to Trump.

bagoh20 said...

How did a post about a woman killing her cheating boyfriend end up about Trump?

I get it: You get mad about being ignored, so you just do whatever feels good, and don't worry about the consequences.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We all hate Paul Ryan - right? Trump hates him too, but from the left.

Paul Ryan is too radical-right-wing for Trump.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Though Noah was a builder, his numbers were not as good. Trump would be the first to tell us.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's my fault.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

How did a post about a woman killing her cheating boyfriend end up about Trump?

Most of all, Trumpkins feel betrayed.

bagoh20 said...

Noah had no appreciation for gold leaf.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

In topic, facebook should die.

Trooper York said...

Keep telling us he can't win as he racks up the delegate.

If he really is a cats paw for Hillary the way some idiots suggest, why doesn't she do all she can to make him the nominee.

I think Hillary actually fears Trump because he will kick the shit out of her without a second thought.

Trooper York said...

That is why the Hillary fans like lawn boy concern troll conservatives.

Trumps support spans many factions of Americans who are tied of being ignored.

But keep listening to George Will and the NRO pussies. That's a winning team right there.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

He might win the nomination, but do you really think he can win over all the people who think he's an eminent domain crony weirdo with no principles and who has flip flopped on issues so hard he could make John Kerry blush?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

eminent domain used for his private developers (not the public)

Trooper York said...

Eminent domain is not even in the top twenty issues of this election.

If it meant jack shit Cruz would have won a conservative evangical South Carolina.

Methadras said...

Oh yeah, stability is clearly not a part of this woman's construction.

bagoh20 said...

There are no issues to discuss in this election, just ask a Trump supporter. They are mad about stuff, and they just want someone to hear that as loud as possible. Am I right?

Rabel said...

"How did a post about a woman killing her cheating boyfriend end up about Trump?"

Check your 3:58. It's the one at the top.

bagoh20 said...

They just want to be on the winning team for once, goddammit!

bagoh20 said...

OK, I take credit. He just gets me so excited inside. It's like climbing that rope in gym class.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

with tube socks

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump's personal attacks are a real turn off to most people.

Trooper York said...

The issue is the illegal immigrants that get you butt hurt because they are scared of Trimp. The issue is political correctness that leads to bullshit like the Ferguson effect to tie the cops hands and let the savages loot your local CVS. The issue is China using trade deals to fuck us over. The issue is letting Muslim terrorists like that twat in San Berafino in without a qualm because we don't want to profile.

Those are just a few of the important issues. I know where Trump stands. I know Rubio is on the other side of most of them. And I really know Cruz can't get elected because he can't even come in second in South Carolina where he should have won.

ricpic said...

To me the most disappointing thing about bags' comic strip characterization of Trump is that bags runs a real company in the real world where he has to perform and meet deadlines and come in on budget and kill himself to make sure his people don't lose their jobs and TRUMP IS THE SAME CRITTER. What do you think he's been doing all these years? He's a builder. A maker. Facing all the problems you face. Year after year. Including crises. Including taking care of his people as best he can. He's a maker. A MAKER. Not a supercilious snake who's never rolled up his sleeves like Obama. Look it up. Don't believe me, fine. But look up how CENTRAL Trump was in lifting New York out of the depths. He kept building when other contractors folded their tents. He's going to POUNCE on every problem facing us. It's his nature. He can't help himself in that regard...JUST LIKE YOU.

Trooper York said...

Maybe Paul Ryan or Mitt Romney is the answer.

Of course the question is how can we be sure to lose 50 states.

Dad Bones said...

Trump isn't running against either of the faulty thyroid twins yet. I look for him to adjust his attack to fight that battle if he gets that far. Change is second nature to him.

Trooper York said...

Building stuff is stupid. He should have just invested his money and he would be just as well off. Forget the jobs he created.

We need another lawyer or political rent boy. That's the fears king answer.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump lost all credibility with me because he flip flops on every issue.
EVERY Single Issue.
Why would anyone buy his BS about stopping illegal immigration?

2012 Trump condemning Romney for his tough stance on illegals.

"You have to give them a path. You have 20 million, 30 million, nobody knows what it is. It used to be 11 million. Now, today I hear it’s 11, but I don’t think it’s 11. I actually heard you probably have 30 million. You have to give them a path, and you have to make it possible for them to succeed. You have to do that."

Trooper York said...

But it works. Bags and Apri fear Trump because they think he will act like a king. So we need another fucking lawyer.

Meade said...

"Trumps support spans many factions of Americans who are tied of being ignored"

Meade said...

You know who else "are tired of being ignored?"

The many factions of Muslims who join ISIS.

chickelit said...

"Friends don't let friends vote Trump" is the bagsian mantra.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Troop - you are correct. Fear he will act like a king.

Trooper York said...

I know April.

But there are good Kings.

Trooper York said...

Like Elvis.

That's Trump.

He is going to die on the toilet too.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

This is the kind of problem that could be solved by more feminism.

edutcher said...

Meade said...

Trump’s trajectory is predicated on the premise that a jaded public cares more about emotion than logic, and how a leader speaks rather than what he says.

Sounds more like the Lightworker's pitch 8 years ago.

bagoh20 said...

There are no issues to discuss in this election, just ask a Trump supporter. They are mad about stuff, and they just want someone to hear that as loud as possible. Am I right?

I thought that was the Cruzzers' description of the Demos.

Of course, they expect nothing from the One True Ted.

AprilApple said...

Troop - you are correct. Fear he will act like a king.

As opposed to Pissy?

FWIW, Reagan's negatives were yuuuuge in '80.

edutcher said...

In other news, it took them this long?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

People who are too busy playing Team Politics for the Bourbon/Romanov/Neocon Conspiracy lack the presence of mind to observe that Trump does and will get crossover votes.

Will Hillary get crossover votes? Of course not.

While military interventionists distract themselves with talk of how much of the world they want their establishment elites to "blow up" so as to save their party, Tump seems to see a bigger picture.

Trump is a nationalist. The GOP establishment and their cheerleaders are partisans who place party above country.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think you guys ignore Trooper at your own peril.

Trump will broaden his share of the GOP vote.

Do any of you in your wildest fucking dreams, believe any Democrats - let alone a significant number of independents and undecideds - will vote for Rubio, Cruz or whichever other robotic, generic flavor of the month you've put on offer? They're a bunch of Republican HIllaries, as far as anyone can tell, and enough Democrats hate Hillary already.

Go ahead and lose another election, this time to someone ten times worse than Obama. Don't say I didn't tell you so.

edutcher said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

I think you guys ignore Trooper at your own peril.

Trump will broaden his share of the GOP vote.

Heaven help me, I must agree with Ritmo.

People do like the strong horse and Trump is proving to be it.

In other news, the Demo Establishment is praying big union support will push Hillary over the top.

As of last week, the majority of states in this country are Right To Work, up from an original 12. That cuts into union PACs, so the world may not be what even the left expects anymore.

Rabel said...

"Trump is a nationalist." The fact that that has become a bad thing in the minds of many leading Republicans is an indication of just how deep our problems run.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Cruz will help drive Democrats to the polls in numbers far surpassing anything that would motivate them to vote against Trump.

All the Democratic fundraisers have to say is, "Ted Cruz," and Democrats will vote like mad. Trust me, very few of them are really all that freaked out about Trump. Sure, some are. But they are cancelled out by those who don't mind him.

Running Cruz is like running all those disphits in 2012 that lost elections based on trying to deprive raped women from the right to abort the rapist's baby. It will motivate them like you wouldn't believe. Cruz will lose by a margin close to what Goldwater faced.

edutcher said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

Trust me, very few of them are really all that freaked out about Trump. Sure, some are. But they are cancelled out by those who don't mind him.

The media, and the Pope, seem to think otherwise.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The media and the popes only speak for themselves and those who need the media and the papacy to think for them.

People who have minds of their own to make up and/or change are the persuadables. And they are the people who you need to focus on in an election.

edutcher said...

Well, the "persuadables" seem to be less in the Democrat camp than in the Republican. Trump seems to be winning the Reagan Democrats, who will supersede the Margin of Fraud, but he needs to secure the base to ensure victory.

PS Most political scientists will tell you "People who have minds of their own" are a lot fewer and farther between than Ritmo might like to think, but I guess he needs to argue about something.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Maybe you're the one who needs to argue about something. This is not a conventional election or a conventional election year. How many "might I like to think" there are anyway? It doesn't matter how many; they're still the ones who decide these things.

If you want to know how fucked Cruz is, just take a lot at TOP's latest post. Those people are as clueless as ever about anything other than the political porn that they already masturbated to. They actually think everyone wants to be convinced to like Cruz for the same reasons they do. It's pretty sad and hilarious, actually.

Meade said...

Lincoln was an American nationalist. Reagan was an American nationalist. George W. Bush was an American nationalist.

Trump is an American trumpianist.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Meade is a bed-wetting masochist.

Meade said...

Hahaha. Rhythmo, you are doing a genius level job posing as a Trump supporter. Truly Brando-like. Very entertaining.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And you are doing a mediocre job convincing anyone here that Trump is somehow a more destructive narcissist than the professor from WI blogging about him.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

R&B, How much is Hillary paying you for this charade. You aren't even good at it. You are trying to argue a logical case for Trump as if that matters.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Even though all voters have emotional/non-rational priorities, (no less than you do, Team Global Cop), the way those priorities play out and interact with each other can still be analyzed rationally. Duh.

bagoh20 said...

"The issue is political correctness that leads to bullshit like the Ferguson effect to tie the cops hands and let the savages loot your local CVS. The issue is China using trade deals to fuck us over. The issue is letting Muslim terrorists like that twat in San Berafino in without a qualm because we don't want to profile.

Those are just a few of the important issues. I know where Trump stands. "

That's worthless. Every Republican could say the same thing, but they expect you to ask "how" about it. He just gives you sound bites that you swallow like a carp on bread crumbs. There is no policy, no solutions, no answers. You just have faith in a lifelong self-interested businessman who you drape with hopeful scenarios just like the worshipers of the lightworker. He doesn't even have to tell how he will fix them, just that he will. If he actually knew how, he would tell you, wouldn't he? He hasn't even thought about how. He doesn't have to, because you don't ask. How many timeshares do you own?

edutcher said...

Ritmo isn't trying to argue a logical case for anybody. He's like the "social justice pussywillow" back at Insta (the old some phony folksy of TOP), he just wants people to think he's on their side so he can get them to say something un-PC so he can feel sauperior.

As for a logical case for Trump, his people know why the like him and have no problem saying so - logically. If anybody disagrees, that's their problem. It seems the Cruzzers are a lot less logical than the Trump crowd. The Cruzzers want to browbeat everybody into bowing down to the One True Ted.

Rhythm and Balls said...

Check out this clip of Cruz trying (and failing) to get a kiss from even his own daughter.

You know what they say. When the babies and kids hate you, they know something's up.

His daughter hates him?

Wow, takes a real sack of slime to try to get people to believe a guy's daughter hates him.

bagoh20 said...

"But there are good Kings."

I think you might like to consider another country for your submission to authority. America is the only nation ever devised to put the citizen over the king. As I've asked Ritmo before:

Can you leave just one nation to it's citizens without fouling it with your mandatory knee-pads? It nice to see you two sharing your pair.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Trooper York said...

I was joking bags.

I said Trump was like Elvis.

You need to get over yourself buddy. You used to have a sense of humor.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Wow ed. It looks like pop forensic psychology would be a great field for you to go into.... if you could get a job.

Anyway, sorry you feel you got cooties from previously agreeing with me at 9:34 and now have to recant with strange theories.

Heaven help me, I must agree with Ritmo.


February 22, 2016 at 9:34 PM

Don't worry, you're not going to go to hell for agreeing with me. I mean, it's not like your chronic masturbation problem.

Heaven, please help ed protect himself from his inability to focus on the idea and not the person.

Trooper York said...

The thing is if an Attila the Hun conservative and a red dyed in the wool lefty like Ritmo can both see supporting a non-lawyer and non-politician like Trump....well there is a landslide in the making.

Both New York and Califorina might be in play.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He is the real Democrat in Republican clothing.

But sometimes it's not clear which party's clothing Bags himself is wearing.

I mean, is making America Team Global Cop (as Bags wants) a real conservative/Republican priority?

I still see he has a sense of humor, but it does seem to be shrinking into the few observations that he still finds absurd but understandable to him.

I think this current election is rattling a lot of people's sense of convention. Some of us are fine with it, some people prefer the predictability of where all the old lies got us. As bad as it was.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The thing is if an Attila the Hun conservative and a red dyed in the wool lefty like Ritmo can both see supporting a non-lawyer and non-politician like Trump....well there is a landslide in the making.

It just happens to be one of those years when some really constructive changes might be in the making. Even if they're only reflected in the campaign at this point.

For crying out loud, I even ran across something just now that made Ted Cruz seem totally reasonable and supportable to me. And Ted Cruz ordinarily scares the bejesus out of me.

So I'm just being honest when I maintain that Ted Cruz will still scare the bejesus out of Democrats and a number of independents in general.

Trump is a known entity to us... as he is to the huge population of New York. We know his strengths, we know his weaknesses. We know what it is about him that's worth freaking out about... as well as what really isn't.

edutcher said...

Ritmo said one reasonable thing (mirabile dictu) and thinks that my facetious assent means I have some problem with it.

I subscribe strongly to the Stopped Clock Theory of Trolls and realize the odds will hit occasionally.

That Ritmo has to go into his ad hominem bunker because I felt obliged in good conscience to call him on his sleazy, Kos-worthy shot at Cruz only proves he's getting more like Titus as time progresses.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The thing is if an Attila the Hun conservative and a red dyed in the wool lefty like Ritmo can both see supporting a non-lawyer and non-politician like Trump....well there is a landslide in the making.

If Bags had had his way back in 1980 he'd have opposed Reagan because no way in hell Democrats would have gotten on board with getting him elected.

Then again, maybe 1980 was still one of Bags' halcyon college days when he was a registered Democrat... for reasons that already totally escape me now.

bagoh20 said...

"To me the most disappointing thing about bags' comic strip characterization of Trump is that bags runs a real company in the real world where he has to perform and meet deadlines and come in on budget and kill himself to make sure his people don't lose their jobs and TRUMP IS THE SAME CRITTER. What do you think he's been doing all these years? He's a builder. A maker. Facing all the problems you face. Year after year. Including crises. Including taking care of his people as best he can. He's a maker. A MAKER. Not a supercilious snake who's never rolled up his sleeves like Obama. Look it up. Don't believe me, fine. But look up how CENTRAL Trump was in lifting New York out of the depths. He kept building when other contractors folded their tents. He's going to POUNCE on every problem facing us. It's his nature. He can't help himself in that regard...JUST LIKE YOU."

I appreciate all that, ricpic. I really do.
But, Me and Trump have almost nothing in common. I was born poor, started with absolutely nothing, no college degree, no inheritance, and I built from scratch. Trump started with 40 million dollars back when that was an incredible amount. He never built shit. He invested other peoples money, including his dad's, his whole life. He probably never picked up a hammer once. If he really built something like I did, and he if he had my returns starting with $40,000,000, he'd be the richest man on earth many times over. His claim to fame is arithmetically worse than mediocre. He was the boss or the boss's son his entire life, incapable of being fired, no matter how poorly he did. He never failed, even when he did. Somebody else got fired, or was left with a bankrupt investment. I know Troop thinks that's just him being smart, but it actually just his inheritance - pure luck of the draw. He has always done exactly what he's doing now: selling a product, a project, and playing the dupes for all he can. He'll worry about making it work after you sign the check...or he won't. What are you gonna do about it? He's the king.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

ed, stop being so crabby about it and reverting to your paranoia about the mysterious nature of what it means to agree with someone against whom you cast endless aspersions, while going on to cry foul about every silly little ad hominem you face in return.

So, just stop being silly or else I'll keep posting this over and over again as my response to your every comment:

Heaven help me, I must agree with Ritmo.


February 22, 2016 at 9:34 PM

Remember what W. said, ed.

Be a uniter. Not a divider.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I appreciate all that, ricpic. I really do.

But, Me and Trump have almost nothing in common. I was born poor, started with absolutely nothing, no college degree, no inheritance, and I built from scratch. Trump started with 40 million dollars back when that was an incredible amount.

So Bags, when not advocating the U.S. spend a shitload of money breaking the budget to be Team Global Cop, which policies are you advocating in order to help advance opportunities for small business as opposed to elite establishment mega-corps? And which of your favorite pols this year is doing the most to advocate for them... other than Sanders, of course?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You can't blame ricpic for wanting to make either you OR Trump his king, and not seeing the difference. For years you voted for guys who told the ricpics of the world that money was all that mattered, and you can't judge Trump for his advantages or where he came from.

So that's the inevitable result. He equivocates between Trump and Bags and would be just as eager to make either one of them his king.

bagoh20 said...

"Both New York and Califorina might be in play.'

Yea, I know, but the Republicans aren't called the stupid party for nothing.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

(mirabile dictu)

Hey. Stop talking about my dictu in public, man. It's not polite.

bagoh20 said...

"If Bags had had his way back in 1980 he'd have opposed Reagan"

I did, vociferously. I voted for Carter. Stupid kids always vote Democrat. It's a thing dumb people do. Some never learn.

edutcher said...

Ritmo seems truly obsessed over my making a joke of his actually making a reasonable state.

Just more proof professional help can come his way none too soon.

ndspinelli said...

Michael Scott on The Office had Dwight Schrute. Our Michael Scott doesn't even have a Schrute or a Mose. More pitiful than the painfully pitiful Michael Scott.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It didn't take learning for me to oppose Hillary. Just basic decency, morals and common sense.

And no interest in seeing the kid kicked off of Nixon's own impeachment hearing elected and sworn in, only to inevitably repeat all his same mistakes.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ritmo seems truly obsessed over my making...


Tsk tsk tsk.

Some people never learn.

Heaven help me, I must agree with Ritmo.


February 22, 2016 at 9:34 PM

Heaven help me, I must agree with Ritmo.


February 22, 2016 at 9:34 PM

Heaven help me, I must agree with Ritmo.


February 22, 2016 at 9:34 PM

Trooper York said...

Here's the thing bags. Trump built a lot of stuff and employed a lot of people. He casinos did employ a lot of people until the bottom dropped out because of the profusion of legalized gambling.

Ritmo Put his finger on one thing. People in New York know Trump. He is surrounding himself with people like Giuliani who might be Attorney General. Top men!

New Yokers are not afraid of the Big Bad Trump and we laugh at you.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I did, vociferously. I voted for Carter. Stupid kids always vote Democrat.

Yeah. But you see you're missing the point entirely, right?

Reagan would NOT have won had he not brought tons of Democrats into the voting booth for him.

Republicans are losing a greater and greater share of the vote every year.

This is not the year for them to flub it again, just for the sake of pooh-poohing an electable candidate with crossover appeal to bring Democrats back on for him.

But hey, man. You do what you want. This isn't my party.

Do what you think is right. Just like you did in 1980.

Be about the purity now. Party purity. Just like you were, then.

bagoh20 said...

"So Bags, when not advocating the U.S. spend a shitload of money breaking the budget to be Team Global Cop, which policies are you advocating in order to help advance opportunities for small business as opposed to elite establishment mega-corps? And which of your favorite pols this year is doing the most to advocate for them."

Leave us alone. Don't tell us and our employees what we can do and how to do it. And stop taking half of all we produce and giving it to rich guys like Trump to build stuff nobody wants to pay for with their own money, or people who refuse to contribute anything to the effort.

There is only one person even close to that thinking: Cruz. And he won't win in the one cycle where we had a chance, because 1) he's not pretty nor charismatic, and 2) we don't see the real cancer. We are to mad at the quacks we've been hiring to fix us. We are blinded by anger at what is entirely our doing.

Trooper York said...

Trump will bring in geometrically more Reagan Democrats than he will lose conservative Republicans. He can transform the Republican Party to a Jacksnian Populist Nationalist Party.

The Conservative consultants and pundits can come along or be left by the wayside.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Trump will bring in geometrically more Reagan Democrats than he will lose conservative Republicans. He can transform the Republican Party to a Jacksnian Populist Nationalist Party.

I think you're right.

Some people are just too wedded to the nostrums of Buckley and George Will, though - as if they were meant to be taken forever.

They want 2016 to be 1980, just like they've wanted every election since 1980 to be 1980.

bagoh20 said...

"Republicans are losing a greater and greater share of the vote every year."

The Presidency is only one office. The Democrats have lost every other single level of government by a big margin since Obama was elected, and they will lose that too this time. The Right is ascending quietly, stealthily, and completely. Too bad they don't know it. Lasting change takes time and patience. Failure happens suddenly, and surprisingly. It hurts most, when you don't see it coming. Are you prepared for it, Ritmo? You have been spouting leftist bullshit the whole time it's been happening right under your nose. You time has arrived, and now you switch teams? How admirable.

Trooper York said...

It is Cruz's own fault that he can't win. He had his chance in South Carolina. He lost The Evangeical votes. He is a fatally flawed candidate.

Give it up.he couldn't even finish second for crying out loud.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

It is Cruz's own fault that he can't win. He had his chance in South Carolina. He lost The Evangeical votes. He is a fatally flawed candidate.

Lol. He's too busy telling me that I'm wrong for not giving him a blank check to endorse his arguments with. ;-)

Bags has other priorities this year. Being an anti-Democrat.

He's fighting the fight that to correct the wrong that he believe he committed in 1980.

You can't every argue with/persuade someone who's still fighting with his own past.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The Presidency is only one office. The Democrats have lost every other single level of government by a big margin since Obama was elected, and they will lose that too this time.

This is only by virtue of the miracle rigging known as "gerrymandering", that keeps Republicans from facing up to the fact that they keep losing the popular vote even in House races. By greater margins each time. You like temporary fixes. It will slip past them as well in Congress, eventually. But in the meantime you're still going to need a president to sign bills. Ever take a civics class? Go watch Schoolhouse Rock. Fun cartoons. AND they'll keep you engaged! ;-)

The Right is ascending quietly, stealthily, and completely.

Hahahahahahahaaaa. Will it be like your secret business plan? The Colonel's secret recipe? 11 herbs and spices? The secret to Coca Cola?

It's amazing that someone with as much responsibility as you is so clueless about how people actually make basic decisions.

Too bad they don't know it.

Yeah. Too bad, indeed.

In the meantime, you can't even tell who wins primaries, or apparently that the party nominee actually needs to do that!

Lasting change takes time and patience.

You sound like Obama.

Or like someone who doesn't get politics, in any event.

Nothing's wrong with philosophy. But you're not convincing anyone of anything. The facts are out there.

Failure happens suddenly, and surprisingly. It hurts most, when you don't see it coming. Are you prepared for it, Ritmo? You have been spouting leftist bullshit the whole time it's been happening right under your nose. You time has arrived, and now you switch teams? How admirable.

You really make me smirk. This isn't quite laughable, per se. But your confusion between whatever personal issue you have with me and what's actually going on the country is pretty funny.

You may very well be a more admirable businessperson than Trump. But you know what he's got on you? He knows what's worth taking seriously and what's just jerking him around to engage. And that's saying a lot, given his humungous ego and all the flame wars that he DOES still engage.

Is your priority to vindicate the regret of your 1980 vote through flaming me? Or is it to prove that you actually understand what's going on in 2016?

I think it's the former.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Prince wanted to party like it's 1999. And Bags wants to vote like it's 1980.

Quietly.... secretly... upward!

Ok, I'm done being mean, Bags. You obviously are using me as a punching bag to knock out those demons haunting you from 1980.

Just envision that I'm wearing a Jimmy Carter mask. (A guy I never liked).

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Since I turned this into the Trump thread.....

If Drudge is accurate, Trump just moved my needle.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Just envision that I'm wearing a Jimmy Carter mask.

We've been doing that for years now.

bagoh20 said...

"Most Americans Dislike Hillary Clinton, But They Like Her More Than Donald Trump"

"As bad as the numbers are for Clinton, she's doing better than the Republican frontrunner, Donald Trump. Three weeks ago, Gallup found that a whopping 60 percent of Americans viewed Trump negatively and only 33 percent felt favorably toward him. Out of recent presidents, only George W. Bush pulled higher negatives and that came after he'd been in office for seven years (in April 2008, Bush managed a record 66 percent disapproval rating)."

If he eventually tears into her, which way do you think that will move those numbers? Women voters are the Right's Achilles heal.

bagoh20 said...

"Cruz: “You better believe” I’ll order mass deportations of illegal immigrants, too"

And explains how, and how not. In other words, he's actually considered how to do what he promises, because he is not just saying whatever you want to hear. I was very impressed with his refusal to pander to Iowans on ethanol. He has proven that he won't just tell you what you want to hear to get your vote. He would tell you: "Yes, your ass does look fat in those jeans", rather than let you go out in them."

"Trump (policy) would allow the deported to immediately re-enter, while Cruz would keep them out forever." ~ Hot Air

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

That just it. Americans don't like Trump. His supporters don't see it.

bagoh20 said...

Even on the key issue to Trumpians, Cruz is better, which just shows you it's a cult of personality: un-examined and unquestioning.

Trump hired hundreds of illegals, paid a $1 million settlement for it, has supported amnesty in clear emphatic language, and I wonder how many H-1B visa's he's hired. Do you think it's zero? Do you think he has some kind of aversion to it? He is worse in real terms on immigration than any other Republican, yet it's just "lalalalalalala".

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All that wall talk has his supporters blinded.

Trooper York said...

I don't think that it is the Trump supporters who are blind.

Cruz couldn't get elected to anything other than an Eddie Munster lookalike election. If he can't beat Trump in the primary what makes you think he could win the general?

Trooper York said...

Americans will not like Trump all the way into the nomination.

He will destroy Hillary. The promise to prosecute her he made today is just the tip of the iceberg. That is why the liberals and the media are flipping out. Trump doesn't play by their rules.

Trooper York said...

For people who support Rent Boy Rubio to complain about flip flops is ridiculous.

Meade said...

"Blow it up? The Washington establishment? Well, yeah.
Nuke it. Nuke it from orbit. It's the only way to be sure."

Bluster. If you truly wanted to blow up the RINO establishment in Washington, you would support Bernie or Hillary.

Come to think of it, you are supporting Bernie or Hillary. Indirectly. By supporting Trump.

Very clever.

By half.

Amartel said...

The Trump fans are in love. You can't talk people out of love.

Trooper York said...

Denigrating and dismissing Trumps voters seems to have worked out really well do far.

Good luck with that.

Trooper York said...

The Hillary fans are frantic now that Trump said he would prosecute her. It is pretty amusing.

Trooper York said...

Be sure to show your solidarity with Rubio in the caucus.

Wear your high heels.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Reason magazine is a great exhibit for why libertarians are too fuzzy-headed to successfully even get a party of their own in America. Did they do the comparison to Cruz and/or Rubio, too... or just to Trump? So WTF is the analysis? They might as well do a story on how many Americans hate eating French snails, so therefore they'll willingly eat locusts. These are the retards whose philosophy and organizational disabilities have lost you five out of the last six presidential popular votes.

bagoh20 said...

R&B, who was the Libertarian GOP candidate...ever?

You should limit your comments to what you understand, like the science of jumping on bandwagons when they're almost full.

ndspinelli said...

This is turning into TOP.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I understand that America would tell "Reason" magazine to go suck a dick before it would even consider voting for Cruz or Rubio. More of America would have that response than the part that would reject Trump.

I understand that "Reason" magazine didn't even do that analysis because telling half the story is what they do best.

I understand that you have trouble understanding these things, as simple as they are to understand, because you're really, really, super-duper pissed at yourself for voting for Jimmy Carter in 1980.

I understand that you, mistakenly, think your unresponsive yips and yelps at me vindicates that.