Wednesday, February 3, 2016

"...Democratic Party eating itself like a snake that loves science and Planned Parenthood"

 "For many of us, it's not simply politics as usual. It's very personal.

For me, the backlash against Hillary Clinton feels very, very personal.

Can you imagine how absolutely infuriating it must be for Hillary to have to work so hard to be likable, but strong? Hip, but above the need to be seen as cool? For everything she says to be perfect because she'd be crucified otherwise, meanwhile Bernie Sanders could say pretty much anything he wants and it would be seen as the goddamn revolution? I'm so infuriated on her behalf. Because what you like about Bernie, what they like about Trump, she doesn't get to do that. She doesn't get to be all wild hair and yelling. Do I wish different? Of course. And the first female president would go a long way toward making that difference possible."


Amartel said...

These tears are delicious!

Leland said...

Perhaps conducting public business on a personal email server wasn't a wise move.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I want Hillary to die. Know why? Because I love my country.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

shorter hollywad rant: Ignore her corruption - "that's how sh*t gets done."

bagoh20 said...

I searched it. The following words do not appear in the explosion of feelings:


Does she even know who Hillary Clinton is? Does she read the news?
Maybe she's talking about a different Hillary Clinton.

I love the total self-defeating appeal of this:


Yea, I'm sold. God job you did there.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...


bagoh20 said...

Everyone keeps telling me that we need corruption to get rid of corruption. I need that idea fleshed out a little more.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The Clinton-Trump nexus of 'please ignore my past corruption and game playing and trust me.' It will be different this time.

Between the two, I'd trust Trump. But it's not by much.

I'll give anyone 10 bucks if you click the link and post my 1:55 comment. (I tired and failed.)

Amartel said...

Dear Democratic Ladies for Hillary,
Your candidate is awful. People don't like her and her long record of lying, corruption, and general shiftiness and shittiness keeps bubbling up despite all official efforts to suppress it. Her character is bent and her credibility is non-existent and it shows in her face, in her body, in everything she does. She is sick and angry and tired and toxic. Even the Palace Guard finds her repugnant and keeps straying over to (comparatively) Fun Uncle Sandy (who is, in fact, a terrible creepy old scold). They like him better not because he's a man but because (1) he is authentically who he is, (2) he fits a treasured lefty stereotype (until he starts talking), and (3) he'll do what they want, not what the corporate interests beholden to the Clintons want. Face facts: Hillary Clinton only rose as high as she has because of her husband who was a fairly good candidate with the extreme good fortune to attain power during a period of enormous private sector economic growth (for which he was not in any way responsible) and relative peace and quiet in the world (for which he was not in any way responsible) and fool the fools into awarding him credit. He's only sticking with her so he can keep the money coming in to the Clinton Foundation of Faux. That's the only reason she's even a candidate, because of his pull. It's all fake. President Clinton would not be a victory for women. It would be an embarrassing defeat. After all, look what Obama, the first black president, has done for Afrian-Americans. Being the first is meaningless if you're also the last.

bagoh20 said...

I posted my 1:53. That should go over real well.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A former DC DA said for Hillary to get indicted no less than five women have to all agree.

Amartel said...

Apparently "Bernie Bros" are people who support Sanders without being sufficiently in awe of the one true Empress (our future president) Hillary Rodham Clinton. The linked tantrum presents the "contra" viewpoint.

Amartel said...

contra Bros, that is.

Amartel said...

Bros before Faux?

Amartel said...

Except he's just as faux as she is, bro. There's just no pending indictment.

Amartel said...

"For many of us, it's not simply politics as usual. It's very personal."

Unbelievable there are still people who think politics is personal. Talk about rubes clinging to their religion.

Amartel said...

Planned Parenthood:Science::Auschwitz:Mengele.

What? Too religiony?

bagoh20 said...

Man! I think I lost a few IQ points just reading some of the comments over there. Those are some stupid people. With the likes of that voting, it's no wonder we elect such low caliber people. They just have feels, and everything they believe is directed by that. You could never break through that wall of denial.

ampersand said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
deborah said...

They have feels and feets.

ampersand said...


Rabel said...

Two words: cat parasites

That was my contribution to her comment section.

Chip Ahoy said...

Ha ha. I thought that was you talking.

Bag, have you recovered your I.Q's?

A few breaths should do it.

It's odd, you can actually feel your points drain, here's how it happens:

You read a comment so remarkably stupid you imagine what it must take to repair it. You imagine how far back you must go. You imagine going back so far in your reconstruction it renders the payoff hardly worth the effort, so now not just stupid but wasteful stupid and you feel that waste.

This comports with an unrelated example.

Today my copy of James Hotch arrived from Abebooks, Middle Egyptian. Unnecessarily expensive text. This is a beginner course that I am following online. They've already started so I read to catchup. I meant to say catch up.

So I did.

Re-read. It's beginner. It's all review. The book backtracked to the beginning to assure everyone is on the new same first page of basic language sounds. They got some sounds nailed by interdisciplinary language studies some still living and sounds still used so new insights are shared among new language students, but it's still mostly review. You have to go back to the beginning of the alphabet of foreign sounds, but then with this one you have to go back before that, and read again,

"the written language is rebus and pictograph" and instead of applying intelligence to understand this manner instead let it drain and pictures stand out and make themselves clear. The dumber I allow myself to be the better I understand this whole thing.

I'm following but not participating because you're trying way too hard when write English sentences like this, copy/paste:

For clarification:
a) Quoting the reference to Gardiner section 66 is tempting, but wasn't quite the right place. Gardiner in fact agrees with Hoch (which is probably where Hoch got it from), as seen in Gardiner's section 300 under "Subject and object of the infinitive". There he makes a special point of saying that the pronoun 'st' was bound to the infinitive, probably, he guesses, felt by the native speakers as though it were a suffix pronoun. The example he gives is: ' Hm.f Hr rdit st n.i r Hmw' = "His Majesty gave them to me as slaves." Gardiner's citation (I have a revised 3rd edition published in 1973) quotes this as being from Urk. iv, 4, it is, but more completely it's at Urk. iv, 4.13. I have no explanation as to why 'st' as a direct object, would be an exception, being felt as a suffix in this case, except that it's one of the oddities present in almost all human languages.

Chip talking now. And that's only a). Dude's got an even longer b).

He's not draining. He's insisting on keeping his present points and refusing to allow them to drain. Not entirely bad. Programmers do very well with this.

So much easer to just drain, then your thoughts will sound like this instead, see how he allows his i.q. points to drain copy/paste:

It's not the noun hAw.

In this case the root is the 3ae-inf. verb hAi, "come down, go down, descend, fall, etc…), as stative and written with the twirly 'w' glyph. The commoner has entered the state of (having descended into) or (gone down to) the pool.

A good clue is to make sure you check the determinatives, in this case the walking legs glyph. Just going by the transliteration is sure to lead one astray, as I have learnt myself many, many times :)

Chip talking now. See? Learn a language by going stupid. It's simple as that. (btw, It's rebus language his passed on his chance to substitute "ash tray.")

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Ha ha. Great comments here.

Cat parasites, and wanting a felon for president!

As for the fisking, here goes:

Can you imagine how absolutely infuriating it must be for Hillary to have to work so hard to be likable, but strong?

Nope. Most of us who are the latter don't care about the former. Because the latter usually leads to the former anyway.

For everything she says to be perfect because she'd be crucified otherwise, meanwhile Bernie Sanders could say pretty much anything he wants and it would be seen as the goddamn revolution?

Pretty sad that others can't see how sad it is for mere truth telling and a willingness to actually engage the voters is seen as a revolutionary act these days. Wasn't that what the goddamn war against King George III was originally about?

These people are horrible.

I'm so infuriated on her behalf.

Go suck a lemon.

The implosion of narcissistic, power-obsessed, authoritarian second wave feminism in America is being completely televised. And man, is it glorious.

Even the Amazonians must have realized that in order to conquer another society, you have to build something viable of your own first. But even they knew to stay in their own jungle. The only men and neutral women they (brow)beat were the ones they took as prisoners after wandering too far into their tropical territory. Hillary's bitches OTOH are all about, "Hey! Fuck getting our own house and our own integrity in order. We're coming to conquer, first! Why don't you like it?"

In short, Hillary's campaign is about as ridiculous as this. May it be as unsuccessful, too.

Hillary's not really running a campaign. She's directing a film about cannibal women in the Avocado Jungle of Death.

Rabel said...

No movie with Shannon and Adrienne is totally ridiculous.

Olson Johnson is right! said...

Thank You deborah.

The screaming shrieking crazy harpy act is not unique to the link. I'm seeing all over leftist and progressive sites. Moveon has had a large number of female members leave after they endorsed Bernie. (most of them leave after writing a 500 word letter of resignation). Lots of other sites tie this to gamer-gate somehow (full disclosure I don't understand gamer-gate) The pro abort sites are up in arms cause Bernie called Planned Parenthood part of the 'establishment'. And generally you can't find a progressive/leftist site that does not have a good segment of fat old cows mooing about how misogynist it is to call them fat old cows.

Conservative/libertarian cross-breeds like myself have been predicting a progressive crack up of the coalition for a while. If your identity is what you think is entitling you to the piece of the pie, then of course there will be conflicts between the identity groups. I had always guessed the break up would be when blacks learned that they were second tier to Hispanics in the spoils system.

Who would have guessed that all those angry women who open mouthed watched Obama streak past Hillary to the finish line 8 years ago would still be this furious.

Amartel said...

These broads aren't very bright. Obama went to a segregated mosque today. The women sat separately and covered so as not to infect the men with their female filth. This is only one of many signals that the King of the Democrats has sent to women that the Dems don't really respect their highly personal and emotional concerns.

deborah said...

Thanks, Jim. The quote in the title of this post just caught my eye. How bizarre.

Religion's a funny thing when it comes to gender, Amartel. I recall a story where a famous evangelist's daughter, Billy Graham, maybe, got up to deliver a sermon, or maybe just give a talk, and the men in the audience turned their chairs around.

Catholicism bases their opposition to female priests not on Paul's exhortation that women be silent in church, but that since Jesus was male, only priests may be male.