Wednesday, August 24, 2016

"French police make woman remove burkini on Nice beach"

"Photographs have emerged of armed French police confronting a woman on a beach and making her remove a burkini as part of a controversial ban on the swimwear...."
The images of police confronting the woman in Nice on Tuesday show at least four police officers standing over a woman who was resting on the shore at the town’s Promenade des Anglais, the scene of last month’s Bastille Day lorry attack.

After they arrive, she appears to remove a blue garment, although one of the officers appears to take notes or issue an on-the-spot fine....

Her ticket, seen by French news agency AFP, read that she was not wearing “an outfit respecting good morals and secularism”.

“I was sitting on a beach with my family,” said the 34-year-old who gave only her first name, Siam. “I was wearing a classic headscarf. I had no intention of swimming.”

A witness to the scene, Mathilde Cousin, confirmed the incident. “The saddest thing was that people were shouting ‘go home’, some were applauding the police,” she said. “Her daughter was crying.”

Last week, Nice became the latest French resort to ban the burkini. Using language similar to the bans imposed earlier at other locations, the city barred clothing that “overtly manifests adherence to a religion at a time when France and places of worship are the target of terrorist attacks”.


bagoh20 said...

This is retarded.

Leland said...

It is sad. But the son of that Texas dad killed by the Larry driver didn't get a chance to cry, because the son was killed too. The Burkini ban is intentional to discourage complacent acceptance of Muslim values of women. They understand that this acceptance has lead to a morality that supports the necessary death of others in pursuit of spreading the word of Islam.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Burkini ban is intentional to discourage complacent acceptance of Muslim values of women.

It is their treatment of women that keeps them... how should I put it... backwards?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"...Her ticket, seen by French news agency AFP, read that she was not wearing “an outfit respecting good morals and secularism." "

Whatever it takes. Your religion needs a reformation. Until then - even French secularists are pushing back.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

All that fabric hides unseemly private parts.... and weapons. Put on a skimpy swimsuit or take it to your own back yard.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

This is retarded.

Hearts and minds work... The French are in a way saying we are going to exert some parental rights over you.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
edutcher said...

The Frawgs have been putting their foot down on the assimilation thing after a long period of dhimmitude.

May be too little, too late, but at least they've stopped planting trees at the side of the roads.

bagoh20 said...

Just think about what it means if you support the police forcing a woman to undress in public only because she is not naked enough for them. Imagine if it was your daughter, or mother, or a nun being stripped on the beach. Totalitarianism is all the rage these days. It just feels so good.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

Just think about what it means if you support the police forcing a woman to undress in public only because she is not naked enough for them.

I know! This is nuts. I mean, I do support the ban on face veils for safety reasons. You need to be able to identify who you are talking to, interacting with in public. I sort of also support the ban on the full body burkas, again for safety reasons. Are you just lumpy or is that a full body bomb belt under that swath of fabric you are covering yourself with? Hmmmm?

I also sorta agree with the idea that in a public arena, like schools or at work, you leave your religious fanaticism at home. No giant crucifixes on the desk. No ostentatious wearing of religious garb. No prayer rugs etc etc etc. All of those things are divisive and create chaos. In the schools it is like wearing gang colors or something. The crips against the bloods. The christians against the muslims. Divisive and done on purpose. If you are in French in public. I would say the same about being in Saudi Arabia. I don't like their rules, but it is their country and you need to act accordingly.

However, if some one decides to be fully covered at the beach....AND that person isn't trying to influence or stop others who want to be ...ahem.....less covered, what business it is of the police or anyone else? If the Islamic person wants to swelter and sweat and get sand under all of her ridiculous clothing.....fine. Also....if people wish to take photos of the weirdly dressed burkini covered person, that is also ok. It is a PUBLIC place. Get over it.

The divisive issue arises when she or her male keepers decide that the less clothed of us are to be harassed because we refuse to accept THEIR moral views.

The burkini issue is stupid. They have a right to be covered up. We have a right to point, laugh and take photos to show the world the stupidity.

Leland said...

I do think they could have just demanded she leave the beach and fined her. Still, I don't have to imagine anything; I can simply go the nearest airport and watch the TSA at work.

edutcher said...

oopsy, your last point may be good, but the Frawgs have finally begun to get the idea that dressing like a race apart makes you a race apart.

bag, as I say, is an idealist. Idealists live in their own little world. We've seen here what happens when people are allowed to be their own privileged class. Over there, it puts them in trucks plowing through crowds of people on Bastille Day.

edutcher said...

Not modestly, but sufficiently alien that it sets them apart from modern Western society.

One may say we let the Amish dress weird, but they don't run around yelling "Allahu Akbar".

ricpic said...

The Muslims can't have it both ways. They can't walk around, every last one of them - man, woman and child - a potential bomb and demand to be included under the full panoply of western rights.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I seem to remember reading somewhere, that the progress of western values are directly related to our treatment of women.

That just rings true with me.

Chip Ahoy said...

Fine! Removes scarf. Head full of curlers. "Happy now, you jerks? " Hops in convertible and speeds off.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

ed, the whole idea of Western Civilization is having a live and let live attitude. That is called freedom and liberty. Of course that goes out the window when they start beheading you for disagreeing. The French are trying to put a band aid on a gut shot wound (or in this case take the dressing off).

Yeah, I get it, fundamental Islam is not compatible with Western cultures.Thanks for pointing that out to us. Best way to deal with it, not import millions of fanatics into your society in the first place.

Rather than worrying about Burkinis, I would be killing and prosecuting terrorists. That may end up solving the beach wear symptom.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I may have to do a Kelly McGillis Rule 5 this week given your Amish comment ed.

edutcher said...

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

ed, the whole idea of Western Civilization is having a live and let live attitude. That is called freedom and liberty. Of course that goes out the window when they start beheading you for disagreeing.

Actually, it isn't, unless you're a Libertarian.

We have something called the Rule of Law, however, which says you do it our way or you go to jail. Socialism takes the live and let live thing as far as it can because it knows a lot of people are weak enough to do dumb things which will keep them on welfare all their lives because they have no discipline, which will keep them voting for socialism.

Now the Frawgs allow a lot of public nudity which would get you busted here. Everybody has their lines in the sand, some for public decency (quaint notion that it is), some for public order, some for public health. They may differ, but they're all enforced eventually.

bagoh20 said...

The thing that makes Islamists such a disgusting bunch of murderous psychopaths is that they they can justify any atrocity upon people they can imagine as enemies.

Trooper York said...

You don't need to ban the head scarf. You need to ban Muslims. All of them. Without exception.

They are not compatible with Western Civilization.

It is that simple. No Muslims. No terrorism. It is not hard to figure out.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Why Japan has no terrorist attacks

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

We have something called the Rule of Law, however, which says you do it our way or you go to jail. Socialism takes the live and let live thing as far as it can because it knows a lot of people are weak enough to do dumb things which will keep them on welfare all their lives because they have no discipline, which will keep them voting for socialism.

We have something called a rule of law, but we also have a Constitution. There are limits on doing it our way or you go to jail. But the Burkini thing is a symptom, not the problem.

France has its Napoleonic code and its EU crap to deal with. The issue is Muslims trying to destroy Western Civilization. France needs to stop Islamic immigration and kill radicals and terrorists. They probably should exile all Muslims, but they are not at that point yet. if this demographic trend in Europe continues, either the Gates of Vienna fall or the Muslims get driven out. It will happen within the next fifty years.

How else does it play out?

Trooper York said...

Assimilation. Segregation. Elimination.

Those have been the three choices throughout history when one culture invades another.

Which one do you think will happen in Europe?

ricpic said...

"...either the Gates of Vienna fall or the Muslims get driven out. It will happen within the next fifty years."

I hate to say this but the West's doom is baked in the cake by one thing: propagation rates, or rather lack of propagation. Not a single European nation has a replacement rate level of propagation (2.1 children per woman). Muslim women have something incredible like 5 or 6 children per woman. That will decide the matter in fifty years...or less.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Remember those French also ban wearing rosaries and other religious icons also (so they can pretend they are even handed about this). They should have never let all those Muslims in from Algeria. They have not assimilated and now they are watching the Germans bring in millions more (who can just walk across the border into France).

It will come to a head. Europe goes the route of the Balkans.

Why don't the Germans import Mexicans? The Germans would love the Mexican work ethic. Win win.

bagoh20 said...

I think those Italians in New York and Chicago should be next. That's right Spinelli, we're coming for you. And no, using a Tommy gun, although really cool, is not technically assimilating.

bagoh20 said...

I think going to the beach without stripping down to a bikini is not exactly destroying the culture. I seem to remember people saying the emergence of the bikini back in the 60's was going to destroy the culture. It so hard to keep up with all the culture destroying stuff going on. Just too much change. Maybe we need a culture ministry to make rules and keep things orderly like in some other places. They wouldn't put up with that shit in North Korea, or Saudi Arabia. I can tell you that.

Synova said...

The French are self-congratulatory wankers. It's true. Look down on everyone. 10 years ago, more, this stuff was going on. Oh, look at us, how wonderful and cosmopolitan we are. Ban head scarves in government schools. Biggest racists evah. 10 years ago, more, they had riots and 25% unemployment of immigrant "youths" because you don't get to assimilate in France, you get to conform. And the French were all like... but we had a handful of super wealthy asylum seekers from the middle east before and they just all became French and liked it, what's wrong with these imported laborers? And now? Hey, lets have millions of more non-French move in with us, we're so very lofty and noble you know. Our own peasants will like it too, or else.

Seriously... State enforced Secularism?

Who thinks this is a good idea?

ndspinelli said...

France has a problem much more serious than ours. At least for now. Muslims make up ~6% of their population but comprise almost 60% of their prison population. And not those phony Black Muslims.

William said...

Given world enough and time, the Muslims will assimilate, at least in my neck of the woods. I live near a mosque in NYC. Some Muslim girls work at the supermarket I go to. The girls wear scarves or head coverings. They also wear tight jeans and flirt with the customers. I think the head coverings will eventually go the way of the bustle skirt........That's with world enough and time. That scenario might not come to pass. These frequent occurrences of shootings and bombings cause one to regard Muslims with wariness, and I suppose some of the Muslims respond to this wariness with increased religiosity.........I have mixed feelings about religious garb. In some ways it's like flashing your gang colors. And I'm pretty sure that a lot of the girls are pressured to wear the colors by their family members. I'd feel better about the whole thing if there was some kind of movement within the Muslim community, here and in France, that was critical of religious garb. Make an effort to meet us halfway.

bagoh20 said...

Secularism: Meet the new boss - same as the old boss.