Monday, February 29, 2016

Joe Scarborough: “I mean is he really so stupid that he thinks Southerners aren’t offended by the Ku Klux Klan and David Duke?"


"It’s breathtaking. That is disqualifying right there. To say you don’t know about the Ku Klux Klan? You don’t know about David Duke?" the co-host said during the opening segment of the show after remarking upon Trump's feigned ignorance of the group and Duke during an interview with CNN on Sunday, two days after he explicitly disavowed the group in a news conference.

The "most stunning thing" about the latest development, said Scarborough, a southerner himself, is that the latest maneuver "isn’t buying him a single vote."

“I mean is he really so stupid that he thinks Southerners aren’t offended by the Ku Klux Klan and David Duke? Is he really so ignorant of Southern voters that he thinks this is the way to their heart — to go neutral, to play Switzerland when you’re talking about the Klan?" Scarborough asked. "And to say he doesn’t know enough information about the Klan to condemn them — exactly what does Donald Trump expect to learn in the next 24 hours about the Klan.”


Leland said...

If liberals were not so obsessed with David Duke, I wouldn't have heard of him. Yes, I have learned that Louisiana gave him a seat in Congress after he switched parties. The interesting thing is why David Duke was a Representative, Robert Byrd was a Senator. Personally, I'm offended by both, but neither of them held much sway over me. I tended to give them as much attention as they deserved, which was none when I could get away with it. Unfortunately, liberals kept giving them attention.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

It's not "disqualifying" - but trump did make a stupid unnecessary mistake. Yeah sure you can say he's toying.. pushing the PC envelope. It's not necessary to push the PC envelope here. Say you disavow and move on.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Of course David Duke is a non-entity. The racial hatred that matters circa now is all black supremacist.

deborah said...

Trump just gave them attention, that crafty common-sense conservative. He just turned his campaign up to 11.

rcocean said...

Scarborough is such a drama queen.

This is the start of the usual "Republican nominee X is a racist/bigot/sexist/hompohoble" song that the liberal MSM is going to keep playing till November.

I'm tired of it. But it seems others just want to listen to the same old song over and over and over again.

Shouting Thomas said...

Why should Trump announce that he doesn't want the votes of lower and middle class whites because they've been labeled as "white supremacists" for demanding political representation for their self-interest?

He played this correctly.

ndspinelli said...

Reagan handled denouncing the KKK w/ intelligence, grace and dignity. This Reality TV guy is 0 for 3 in those categories.

AllenS said...

Well, Nick, he seems to have a higher batting average than anyone else in the race. So, there's that.

ricpic said...

Ooh, so Trump's a racisss now. That'll scare away his supporters and me....NOT.

Meade said...

"He played this correctly."

Why didn't he simply denounce "white supremacy"? How hard is that?

Trooper York said...

Trump had already disavowed David Duke. He said he was on the phone with a bad earpiece and didn't get all of the question. How many times did he have to repudiate David Duke? Once a day?

The media wants Trump to disavow white people and their concerns. It is typical white liberal virtue signaling. Witness the appearance of the virtue signaling trolls in this thread.

Trooper York said...

It is just as valid to address the concerns of white Americans as it is to address the concerns of black Americans. Trump is winning because he is not afraid to do that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump didn't ignore it. All he had to do was say 3 words and move on. Instead he yammered on about "I dunno who he is?" and wasted an entire media segment.

Shouting Thomas said...

Why didn't he simply denounce "white supremacy"? How hard is that?

Such a thing barely exists. Kow-towing to the belief that there is some sort of widespread "white supremacist" group just plays into the hands of PC. Such a widespread group simply doesn't exist.

Black supremacists are the real problem now. Black Lives Matter is a black supremacist group. Quota preference for blacks is the reality and has been for 60 years. Blacks have no complaint. They've gotten all the handouts and preferences they have coming. It's time to say: "No. You don't get any more!"

The term "white supremacist" means lower and middle class whites who demand that their economic and political interests be represented equally with any other group.

Trump did the right thing. That is, he did the right thing in terms of advancing his electorate chances and in reaching out to the despised middle and lower class white voters.

Kow-towing to a class of people who aren't going to vote for him, i.e. racism obsessed morons, won't get him any votes and will cost him a lot of votes.

Meade said...

Trump calls himself a "strong Christian". Is that not "virtue signaling?"

deborah said...

April, I think you are def correct about pushing the PC envelope. This was the MSM fishing for sound bites, and now Trump will come out swinging about the media wagging the dog, shaping public opinion, etc.

Trooper York said...

Trump had already disavowed Duke the day before and said he was talking over Tapper and really didn't hear him.

But ok it is obviously not enough for you virtue signallars who are so worried about not offendeding the politically correct. What can he do to make it right? Burn a Conferate Flag? Divorce Melanie and marry Whoopie Golberg? Kick Paula Dean in the cunt? Seriously there must be something. Help us out here.

deborah said...

It was early, but I gave ST the win at 10:37. He's not playing by the MSM rule book.

Shouting Thomas said...

Trump calls himself a "strong Christian". Is that not "virtue signaling?"

There's good and bad kinds.

Christian virtues are the good kind.

Meade said...

Christian Identity?

Trooper York said...

This is a phony controversy to divert attention from the Jeff Seaaions endorsement that blows the Cruz campaign out of the water.

It is typical pic bullshit and Trump is right to blow it off as the nonsense that it is.

Shouting Thomas said...

Trumps is going to blow away the opposition tomorrow.

He's appealing to the electorate directly, over the heads of the press and the PC enforcers.

I think he's going to defeat Hillary in a landslide, too.

No endorsement, just a prediction.

rcocean said...

"Reagan handled denouncing the KKK w/ intelligence, grace and dignity. This Reality TV guy is 0 for 3 in those categories."

Not according to Jimmy Carter or the MSM. The same characters that are calling Trump a racist were calling Reagan a racist and using "code words". And they didn't stop calling Reagan a racist until he left office in 1989.

Caring about this stuff just plays into the Left's hands and gives a weapon.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

A good Christian doesn't denigrate, dismiss, disavow an entire amorphous** group of people (white Southerners) at the behest of people who mean you no good. Judge not and all that stuff ya know.

** look it up.

White supremacist is a nebulous and pejorative term applied to an entire swath of the country. As such, it is meaningless. Trump is right to ignore the tarbaby that the media keeps trying to throw into his path.

rcocean said...

The Sessions endorsement was the key. I think Cruz is pretty much topped out.

rcocean said...

Saying you 'disavow' white supremacists groups gives enormous power to the Left. All they have to do is label any anti-illegal immigration group/person as "white supremacist" and you're screwed.

Ann Coulter = white supremacist. Jeff Sessions = white supremacist, David Frum = white supremacist.

Disavow them Mr. Trump.

deborah said...


"This is a phony controversy to divert attention from the Jeff Sessions endorsement that blows the Cruz campaign out of the water."


Dust Bunny Queen said...

BTW: The media lies again and tries to put out a false meme. Either they are totally incompetent or they are deviously trying to do hatchet jobs.....we know the answer to that. BOTH!!!

David Duke did NOT endorse Trump.

Trooper York said...

Look they are getting desperate.

The media wants Trump to repudiate the white working class who they consider racist ignorant reality show rubes.

Ted Cruz wants you to believe that Trump is in the Mafia.

Macro Rubio wants to talk about the size of Trumps dick.

They are losing it big time.

Trooper York said...

Of course Marco Rubio wants every conversation to be about dick but that's another story.

Meade said...

Trooper York said...
"Trump had already disavowed David Duke. He said he was on the phone with a bad earpiece and didn't get all of the question."

Do you have a link for that? Thanks.

Meade said...

Never mind, I found it:

"I'm sitting in a house in Florida with a very bad earpiece that they gave me," Trump said on NBC's Today show regarding an interview broadcast Sunday on CNN's State of the Union. "And you can hardly hear what he was saying."

Here's the interview. I wonder why Trump never behaves as if he's having trouble hearing or asks for a better earpiece.

deborah said...

DBQ, amazing find. This is exactly what Trump will kick the MSM in the head with.

AllenS said...

You know who else Trump hasn't disavowed? Meade. That's right, Meade who doesn't know, associate with, or have any black friends.

ricpic said...

Why are you LOLing, Deb? The Sessions endorsement is decisive. Sessions is Mr. Integrity. He's recognized as such across the board. And he's a national figure. There's no way the Left can CREDIBLY attack him. The imprimatur of legitimacy has now been stamped on the Trump movement. Which is what Sessions called it by the way, not a candidacy, a movement.

deborah said...

I know, ricpic, it just tickled me the way Trooper said it.

ricpic said...

Meade better apologize to the black yutes who play the polar bear game on his head when he's walking down a street in Madison feeling all virtuous about himself. I mean apologize from a hospital bed. Anything less would be RACISSS. And he KNOWS it. His whole worthless beautiful person life has been dedicated to virtue signaling by way of apologizing to black thugs for breathing white.

Meade said...

AllenS said...
"You know who else Trump hasn't disavowed? Meade. That's right, Meade who doesn't know, associate with, or have any black friends."

Meade has never endorsed Trump. Duke has. Do you see the difference, Allen?

AllenS said...

No he hasn't Meade. Scroll up to DBQ at 12:01 PM.

Meade said...

Duke said “Voting against Donald Trump at this point is really treason to your heritage.”
“I’m not saying I endorse everything about Trump, in fact I haven’t formally endorsed him."
"But I do support his candidacy, and I support voting for him as a strategic action. I hope he does everything we hope he will do.”

Trooper York said...

I think Marco Rubio should apologize to Donald Trumps penis.

Plenty of really hot women seem to think the a Trump penis is just right.

Of course it helps if you are screwing ontop of a pile of money.

Meade said...

The DBQ video at 12:01 PM came after this David Duke quote: "I do support his candidacy, and I support voting for him as a strategic action".

David Duke is a strategic liar. And so is Donald J. Trump.

Trooper York said...

When is Trump going to disavow the Mafia?

When is he going to come out and prove that he is not a member?

America needs to know! NOW!

Shouting Thomas said...

Fortunately for the electorate, Trump doesn't know who Meade is and doesn't give a shit about Meade's sanctimonious ass kissing of blacks or his fantastic hair shirt.

Trooper York said...

When is Trump going to admit that he won't eat Mexican food? That he is going to issue an executive order banning the Chipotle Grill and force them all to become that odious racist Cristian Chicken place!

AllenS said...

Duke can vote for whomever he wants to. Same as all Americans. It's not Trumps duty to disavow anyone.

AllenS said...

When is Obama going to disavow eating dogs?

Meade said...

Probably around the same time you disavow letting your dog run loose so he could get hit by a car.

Meade said...

When is Allen going to disavow using "whomever" when he should use "whoever"?

Meade said...

"Have you ever considered stopping the black ass kissing, Meade?"

I've never kissed any ass of any color, Steve. You, however, are an admitted habitual dope user.

Methadras said...

Why is Trump obligated to condemn the Klan or even speak about them? He doesn't endorse them. Furthermore, why would he condemn a creation of the democrat party?

Methadras said...

Meade said...

"He played this correctly."

Why didn't he simply denounce "white supremacy"? How hard is that?

He's no more obligated to denounce white supremacy than I am or you are. It's like saying, if you hate cookies, then denounce cookies. If you want to denounce, then do so, but just because someone doesn't isn't an excuse or a reason to ask if they are supporters. That's just ignorance of omission.

Rabel said...

DBQ wrote:

"A good Christian doesn't denigrate, dismiss, disavow an entire amorphous** group of people (white Southerners) at the behest of people who mean you no good."

Point of order!

Point of order 2!

At least we could claim that Anaheim is in "Southern" California. As for Wisconsin...

Dust Bunny Queen said...

"I do support his candidacy, and I support voting for him as a strategic action".

There is a world of difference between a person saying I support a candidate and an official position of a group leader or official "endorsing". One is a personal feeling the other is an official action on behalf of the KKK as Tapper alleges.

Duke also said in the video that he agrees AND disagrees with Trump.

Dust Bunny Queen said...

@ Rabel

You and I both know that the reason for this sudden KKK broughahah is because the big voting this Tuesday (tomorrow) is mainly in the Southern states and that the media wanted to get Donald Trump on record to basically say he doesn't want the votes of white supremacists and we know that the media meme is that all white Southerners are of course racist KKK leaning supremacists.

A not so subtle way to piss off a bunch of people in the South and hopefully make them not vote for Trump. It is the timing.

I'm sure when it is time for the South Western voters we'll see a lot of memes that Trump is a racist because he doesn't want illegal immigration and that everyone who wants to have better immigration and border control are all racists too.

Sorry, media drones. We are onto you.

Rabel said...

I know DBQ, but I found the opportunity to post the Wisconsin link irresistible for some reason.

edutcher said...

This sort of stuff was de rigeur, particularly in '80 when Reagan was endorsed by the Klan and was perpetually asked to renounce it. It's gone out of style for a while, but the Lefties appear as desperate as the sorehead Conservatives.

Southerners aren’t offended by the Ku Klux Klan and David Duke?


The Blonde has first cousins in Pulaski TN, birthplace of said Klan - there's even a plaque on Bedford Forrest's old law office to give the event gravitas.

You'd be surprised how revered that stuff is down there.

Super Tuesday may be a lot more super than any boy from New York could have ever expected.

Methadras said...

So this is how the scumbag media works. The KKK shows up somewhere and BLM shows up to counter them. Violence ensues. Then somehow, the Marxist leftist lap dogs in the media spring into action to money shot this on Trump, then ask him to disavow something he has zero involvement in and now he's expected to denounce it. They might as well have asked him when he stopped beating Melania and kicking his grandchildren.

These leftists are no better the KKK. Showing up somewhere to stir shit up and trying to fling the poo where it doesn't belong. Then people like Meade show up like the stooge that he is scouring blogs and forums making resolute statements for Trump denunciation of the KKK.

Titus said...

The more Rubio talks about Cock the more questions need to be answered.

Rubio thinks about cock long time.

Rubio has tasted cock and he is starting to get hungry again.

He can't swing into a public restroom on the campaign trail and it is killing him.


rcocean said...

Shorter Meade: If David Duke is for it, I'm against it.

Trooper York said...

Very perceptive comment Titus. You put you're finger on it.

Shouting Thomas said...

You put you're finger on it.

He's put much more than his finger on it, Troop!

Trooper York said...

No doubt.

I just hope that Trump doesn't go there. There is enough virtue signaling and politically correct posturing going on already. Trump has it in the bag. He should just sit back and pile up the endorsements.

On the other hand if Trump goes there the lawnboy will have a stroke. So it is a quandary.

Meade said...

"I just hope that Trump doesn't go there."

Troop wants Trump to be PC. What a pussy.

Amartel said...

Media 101: Renouncing Satan and All His Works

Media Tool: "Will you unequivocally condemn David Duke and say that you don't want his vote and that of other white supremacists in this election?" Tapper asked Trump on "State of the Union."

The Wrong Answer: I don't know, I don't know, I don't know. I have to do some research. Followed later by tweet disavowing white supremacy.

The Right Answer: You nitwits are so predictable. Why is that Republicans are always being asked to turn away votes? Tell me when you've ever asked a Dem to disavow his or her racist and bigotted voters and tell them not to vote. NEVER. Not one time. Hell, the Dems vote racists into office and leave them there for decades and barely a peep out of you guys. And why does this character David Duke always show up in the national news at election time? I'll tell you why: Because unless the media is using him to pretend that Republicans are racist he has no national profile, that's why. None whatsoever. You do know that Duke ran as a Democrat? No? Look, I don't mind talking to you. I have to; it's my job. But I will take the opportunity, as long as we're both here, to object to you insulting people this way all the time. Obviously I disavow white supremacy, which really should go without saying. As a person of good faith, I'll assume you feel the same (optional: although I sometimes wonder if you really genuinely respect or like black people). That being said, I'd like to know when you plan to disavow your bigotted assumptions about Republicans? It's high time for a change in that regard.

Trooper York said...

Trump doesn't have to play the gay card. So why use it now. The election is in the bag. Rubio is a gnat.

He should wait for the general election to use it against Hillary.

Meade said...

" Tell me when you've ever asked a Dem to disavow his or her racist and bigotted voters and tell them not to vote. NEVER. Not one time. Hell, the Dems vote racists into office and leave them there for decades and barely a peep out of you guys."

Would you like me to google that for you? "robert+byrd+kkk"

Amartel said...


ndspinelli said...

Threads have become increasingly like TOP. Lawnboy, Reality TV guy, etc. yada yada yada.

Meade said...

Woah! Is ndspinelli the same as Nick Spinelli, the world-famous commenter at TURLEY's?

Meade said...

And by TOP do you mean THAT Other Place or THIS Other Place?

Trooper York said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
MamaM said...

Then people like Meade show up like the stooge that he is scouring blogs and forums making resolute statements for Trump denunciation of the KKK.

What's even richer is the story behind the "disavow letting your dog run loose so he could get hit by a car" remark, as letting a dog run loose so it could get hit by a car is part of Althouse history, with once not being enough and a look-alike dog procured and passed off as the first one, before it too was hit and killed by a car.

It was risky of Mother and Father to go with a spotted cocker spaniel. Mother and Father were the daring type, I guess. In my 1950s family, they got a honey-colored cocker spaniel, named it Honey, and when it got hit by a car, they got another honey-colored spaniel, named it Honey, and no one had to tell the little daughter a dog had died. With a spotted cocker spaniel, a kid might get suspicious. I don't remember this paw being black.

Then Honey 2 got hit by a car, and my parents didn't keep up the scam with a Honey 3. "It's too sad when they die," my parents said.

Of course, this debacle was followed up with additionally traumatic trouble with pets later, leading to I had a cat and then another cat back in the 70s/80s. Both presented me with serious problems, which is bad enough luck that I blame myself and would never attempt another cat. I've gone almost 30 years without a pet since my troubles with the second cat. The choice of cat over dog was for simplicity and ease, but the easiest, simplest thing is not to have a pet at all. Meade does borrow a dog quite often, so there's a dog, a Labrador, here much of the time. Meade would never want a cat in the house.

Now Meade runs loose around the neighborhood, snapping, yapping, and marking up hydrants with pissy remarks about people who disavow letting their dog get killed.

It doesn't get any weirder than this. Except for the fact that Amanda the Ingapanda is over at Althouse again, dominating that moderated blog while Meade is over at the unacknowledged Blog Child's house, fomenting drama and bringing his questionable integrity to light one more time.

Trooper York said...

It's sad when people try to stay relevant with their elitist attitudes and snotty superiority complexes. You see it on FOX news now all the time. Many of their super conservative and neocon pundits are increasingly irrelevant as the world has passed them by. All they can do is grouse and complain that the people are rubes and fools for not seeing things exactly the way they do.

People just change the channel. I suggest it to those who don't like the programming.

They are having a marathon of Vanderpump Rules on Bravo today! Check it out.

Amartel said...

The Meadiness is exhausting.

Rabel said...

Doxing is the lowest form of online behavior. You've done it before by naming names and giving out personal information about commenters. You should stop.

ndspinelli said...

Tedious, vapid, and exhausting.

William said...

Trump caught some flack for quoting Mussolini. It turns out the quote in question is not something that originated with Mussolini, but something that Mussolini himself quoted. It seems kind of bogus to slam Trump for sharing a quotation with Mussolini. The real point of the exercise is to subliminally accuse Trump of being a fascist. Ditto with the Duke stuff. The more relevant question is not why Trump didn't disavow Duke but why Tapper asked Trump to disavow Duke after he had done so two days prior. Tapper was not seeking to elicite information but to create the ambience of racism around Trump.........There are legitimate reasons to have reservations about Trump, but it's simply unfair and untrue to depict him as a fascist or a racist......Trump is not running only against his Republican opponents and Hillary but also against the media. When the media uses manipulative tactics to undermine Trump, they are actually strengthening his candidacy. In a great many of these contretemps it is the media and not Trump who look the sleazier.

Trooper York said...

Charles Krauthammer loves to run over puppies with his motorized wheelchair.

Nobody talks about it. But it is really getting bad now that Trump is going to win and will stop the endless wars.

If I were a fakakta spaniel I would be worried.

rcocean said...

I find the whole Trump Mussolini thing hilarious. Do you know how many people under the age of 50 know or care about Mussolini?

LOL. Most young people think the Germans bomber Pearl Harbor. To them Il Duce is a starbucks latte drink.

rcocean said...

"For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope: for a living dog is better than a dead lion."


"Better 1 day as a lion then 100 years as a sheep"

Meade said...

Was it doxing to remind AllenS of the dog he told us he let get hit by a car?

Meade said...

MamaM said...
"Now Meade runs loose around the neighborhood, snapping, yapping, and marking up hydrants with pissy remarks about people who disavow letting their dog get killed," squatting and pissing on the hydrant I supposedly pissed on.

AllenS said...

That's a lie, Meade. You have a link? No, no you don't.

Meade said...

I'll see if I can find it for you, Allen. You had a dog, right? It got hit by a vehicle on the road in front of your house, right? You told us about it in comment either over at That Other Place or This Other Place. You didn't delete it did you?

Trooper York said...

Young people think EL Duce is that rubber thing their grandma used to clean her twat.

edutcher said...

William said...

Trump caught some flack for quoting Mussolini.

Maybe he'll quote Hitler about the evils of deficit spending.

Der Fuhrer bored the Hell out of people telling them Weimar was on the road to Hell until Wall Street crashed and took the world with it.

Then Dolf leaned back and said, "Toldja". That's was when people started listening.

Trooper York said...

Of course why should they care since they never clean theirs warming....climate water...don't use soap....eeeeecccchhhhhh!!!!!

Trooper York said...

These hipster chicks are dirty, dirty girls.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

there are 3000-5000 KKK members. Why on earth would you want to suck up to them?

Trooper York said...

Suck up to them? Who is doing that? Trump?

Get a clue. He didn't hear the gotcha question. Or recognize it as such. He was just wary of the press jerk-off and asked for more information. It played it safe instead of shooting from the hip. I thought that is what all of you Trumpaphobes wanted for crying out loud.

You know a press jerk off like the one who assaulted a Secret Service officer.

Methadras said...

rcocean said...

I find the whole Trump Mussolini thing hilarious. Do you know how many people under the age of 50 know or care about Mussolini?

LOL. Most young people think the Germans bomber Pearl Harbor. To them Il Duce is a starbucks latte drink.

I find it funny too. Funny that the left is trying to smear Trump as a neofascist. I mean, why don't they trot out the old Darth designation like they did with Cheney. Darth Trump. Has a nice ring to it. Watch it get picked up as a meme. You heard it hear first.

The only reason why the Mussolini comparison is because of the same way Trump uses his face expressively like Mussolini did and therefore, to the shallow thinking leftist, if he does this, then he must be just like Mussolini and think like Mussolini, and is therefore a Mussolini. Leftists are fucking stupid. They can't think beyond their base desires and hatreds. Ask them, you'll get your answer. I see it daily on FagBook, er, FoodBook, uh, I mean Facebook.

Methadras said...

AllenS said...

That's a lie, Meade. You have a link? No, no you don't.

Don't feed the nasty little wart Allen. One day, this little thing. This little attempt at a man. This little thing that claims to be a man is going to run into something he won't be able to get himself out of. Some people may say it won't be worth it, others will say revenge is a dish best served by those that can carry it out.

You give this little speck of effluvial shit any mind at all. It's like watching the miniature come to life like a puppet and give his wife a show that even she is bored of between her vino breaks.

Meade said...

Yeah, Allen, you better salute Methadras and ask him how high he wants you to jump. Because, look at him — Methadras is A Man.

MamaM said...

Remind me again of who is squatting and pissing on this thread while the Althouse blog is undergoing another Golden Shower of Oops.

It's dogs all the way down. Now that the Big Cat with the orange hair is dominating the news cycle, the dogs are going nuts. Barking, Yipping, Snapping. It's been fun to watch the "stubby finger ding" situated in the article ChipAhoy linked to on Saturday night (in the …then he nailed me to the chair with a rat-a-tat grilling post)show up in Rubio's current routine on Who's the Man With the Most Potent Schlong.

Methadras said...

Meade said...

Yeah, Allen, you better salute Methadras and ask him how high he wants you to jump. Because, look at him — Methadras is A Man.

Lulz, the envy in your post is just dripping with estrogen or however much of it is still left in your failing endocrine system. You realize there are different measures to what is considered a man? In your case, the search is still on for the smallest known unit. I am a man, shitbird. I don't need to proclaim it. Unlike you, living on the crumbs of a UW salary and a shot that between wine glass gulps you might get an eye glance at your crotch that wasn't by accident. Did you get your allowance for the month so you can look forward to your next return trip to Chuck E. Cheese?

MamaM said...

32 Celebrities Struggle to Describe the Color of Donald Trump's Hair

Aperol Spritz comes the closest, with sick dog poo following close behind. Whatever the color, it's a wonder, that's for sure.

Trooper York said...

Trump does bring the comments.

Amartel said...

Trump is Mr. Media, rolling the PC Palace Guard is his greatest appeal, so he should not be flailing in response to easily anticipated gotcha questions. Why would anyone need to think twice before disavowing white supremacy? Turn the question back on them. Quite right to ignore Rubio and his juvenile obsession.

Trooper York said...

It is not about disavowing white supremacy. It is about disavow white people all together. The media talk about the white working class with contempt that they would never voice about anyone else. He was not failing about. He had already disavowed David Duke. How many times does he have to do that to satisfy the media? You know what? Fuck the media. They will never be satisfied. They are going to call him a racist and a fascist no matter what. When you buy into their narrative you are enabling them. Fuck the people who play gotcha with Republicans. He should have told Tapper to fuck off. I hope he remembers that the next time he is interviewed by him and he tears him a new asshole.

bagoh20 said...

My nightmare prediction is that the damming stuff about Trump is quietly building up, being collected, and loaded to fire. The most damaging stuff is being held until the Repubs have locked themselves into a Trump nomination and see the whites of his eyes, then a continuous barrage of broadsides will let loose showing lies, hypocrisy, bad connections, rip-offs and scams, often at the expense of the innocent little guy.

Trumpers will continue to try and spin and explain away, but it won't stop coming. Many will just kind of wander off quietly under the cover of defensive fire from those who will never admit that they were scammed, and easily, because they trusted, but refused to verify. They played the mark beautifully, as if they never saw a con in their lives. The mark's weakness is that he wants to believe, and the con man pretends to have what he wants.

The only candidate with enough dirt in his record to make Hillary look good is Trump. A lifetime of dirt - more than any candidate in history and now with video and Youtube proof. Eventually so much will be shown and proven that even incredible lies about him will stick, because it will seem like the kind of stuff he would do. Before any of the lies can be disproved, the election will be at hand and Hillary will look safer, and even more honest. An incredible feat. Only her incarceration will save us from a Hillary Presidency.

AllenS said...

bags, the more dirt that they seem to come up with, the more Trump's popularity climbs. It's not working.

Shouting Thomas said...

It's possible, bagoh, but I don't see a better alternative.

The parties are colluding against the electorate.

Rabel said...

I have to give you credit Bags. Your persistence makes Wile E. Coyote look like a quitter.

Trooper York said...

Really Bags. You think what they have on Trump is so bad that people will turn away. You shot your wad buddy. Rubio and Cruz are not holding back. They are inoculating Trump. Phony media and establishment horror don't mean jack shit. Because Trump will not fold like Mittens did when the media went after him. Trump is going to hit back twice as hard. And he is not going to give Hillary a free pass the way the inside the Beltway pussies do. I just saw Britt Hume say that Hillary should not be indicted for the emails. They duopoly protects their own.

I don't get you. How can you possibly think that Cruz or Rubio are legitimate candidates when Trump is cleaning their clocks? Why didn't Cruz win in South Carolina? If Cruz loses in Texas and Rubio loses in Florida and Kasich loses in Ohio are you still going to tell me Trump can't win?

Trump has been a public figure for thirty years in NYC. We know everything there is to know about him. It is all out there in public. And you know what. Most people don't care. Or a lot of people don't care. Enough to get him the nomination. Enough to win him the Presidency. It's that simple.

Titus said...

I sense tension between commenters.

Let's cum together and hold hands and sing.

We can make this blog great again!

bagoh20 said...

I don't bring in all the stuff I read out there, but every day I read some new dirt on Trump, and much of it is disqualifying to most people out there - not Trumpers, of course. There is no such possible revelation. There is also a lot available to discredit much of what he says, and his "policy" ideas. But most of this dirt hardly gets discussed on the right over the dim of trivial bullshit, because Republicans are torn on weather to attack him or embrace him. You guys seem to think that Trump is under attack more than the rest, but most of the money is not being spent to attack Trump. That will come hard and heavy from the left once he's the nominee.

I've never said the alternatives were great, but I think nearly every other candidate is a smaller target by far. Trump just has too much stuff to pick from, and non-Trumpers will buy it - true or not. They want to hate him. Anti-establishment voters of the non-liberal variety are defiantly going heavy for Trump, but that's not most people. Most voters are waiting to see what comes out down the line, and I think that's when Trump gets nailed to the wall. Hillary will too, but we pretty much already know her dirt, and it's priced in already, and she's still holds up against Trump in polls. Nobody cares anymore about Hillary's dirt - it's not new and exciting. The dirt on Trump will be every single day.

Rabel: "I have to give you credit Bags. Your persistence makes Wile E. Coyote look like a quitter.'

I'm not getting much argument on the merits of what I've been arguing. Mostly what I get is along the lines of: "I don't care. I want him to blow it up." "The other guys suck.", or "It may look bad, but it's really his incredible kung fu that Bags just doesn't get, or some personal attack on my motives, which nobody could possibly know, nor does it matter why I say what I see. It's either true or not.

AllenS said...

Head over to Drudge, and read the headline.

AllenS said...

Here's the headline:

Amid Trump surge, nearly 20000 Mass. voters quit Democratic party
Boston Herald‎ - 7 hours ago

Meade said...

AllenS said...
"Head over to Drudge, and read the headline."

And read only the headline unless you want to get to the part of the article that says this:

"The 19,800 who left the Mass Dems represent about 1.3 percent of the 1.49 million enrolled in the party. And though the MassGOP gained several thousand voters, it actually lost more in the same time frame, when 5,911 quit the party to be unenrolled."

chickelit said...

Amid Trump surge, nearly 20000 Mass. voters quit Democratic party
Boston Herald‎ - 7 hours ago

That is a remarkable political phenomenon. The scary part is that Rodham just doesn't care. She knows she has the nomination and she knows something about how votes will count and be counted in the fall. How else do you explain her total nonchalance?

Meade said...

Trump/Drudge/Trooper are con artists who play on the emotions of gullible vulnerable people. Don't be fooled. Read the whole thing and think rationally for yourself.

chickelit said...

I mean, even the Bush donors had to scramble and look for an alternative. Why are Hillary donors so smug?

chickelit said...

Of course, April, Bags, Spinelli et al. will say that Trump is still on stage to elect Hillary and so that's why she so cool with it.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ bAGOH You guys seem to think that Trump is under attack more than the rest, but most of the money is not being spent to attack Trump. That will come hard and heavy from the left once he's the nominee.


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Drudge also thinks Sanders is going to win.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I thought it from the very beginning. I hope I am wrong,. but I do think Trump is a Hillary stalking horse.

Rabel said...

I'm definitely in the "blow it up" camp. I wish we had a better bomber than Trump, but we don't. If I thought Cruz could win he'd be better, but the polls and the votes so far seem to back up my opinion on that. Rubio is looking more and more like the little shitweasel company man that I think he is, so he's out. Those are the choices. If Cruz can show some strength on Tuesday I could vote for him later, but he's slipping away.

RNC delenda est.

And by saying "blow it up" I mean that it is critical that we take this opportunity to move the Republican power structure to the right to put them more in line with public opinion. Voting for Trump is a brute force method of doing that.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm right with ya Bags. total Agreement.

I'll vote for the crumb if this election is Hillary v Trump, but it will be in vain.

His fumbling the football on a question about the KKK makes me think I'm right.

Dad Bones said...

As near as I can tell Trump isn't burdened by guilt or regrets. In fact he seems to be enjoying life on a level the other candidates can't touch, which is to say it isn't dependent on him being elected. As far as he's concerned his life is a great success and will continue to be so. I think that's what's driving his support as much as anything he's ever said.

Anti Trump propaganda is everywhere I look. People aren't going to be surprised by what's thrown at him, other than those who hate him who will be pleasantly surprised to learn something new about him that they think will keep him from being elected. Trump's life is a metaphor for a lot of people who aren't proud of some of the things they've done but who still don't see themselves as bad people. My opinion, and what the hell do I know, is that the barrage of dirt that's coming at him can only help.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Most of the general election polls show Cruz beating Hillary - Trump losing to Hillary.

Meade said...

I think he WAS a Hillary stalking horse but then it got away from him and now he's in it to win. But he won't win. Hillary will win it. She was always going to win it. If you think Trump supporters are angry and worried now, watch them when Hillary wins it in November. It will be major league ugly.

chickelit said...

Meade, I don't think you get the rejection of media methodology in the public's eye. Every Trump interview has become like a legal deposition wherein the attorney-like host asks essentially the same question as was asked before. The two answers and transcripts are then immediately compared like redlined documents. Discrepancies are pounced on a "twitigated" in the court of opinion. I think Megyn Kelly pioneered this method.

People see through this for exactly what it is now (finally).

chickelit said...

Americans are tired of being bullied by attorneys. DC is a viper's nest of attorneys.

I'm surprised that 'Henry VI,' Part II, act IV, Scene II, Line 73 hasn't caught on more.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump and Hillary probably made a financial deal.

Meade said...

"People aren't going to be surprised by what's thrown at him, other than those who hate him who will be pleasantly surprised to learn something new about him that they think will keep him from being elected."

This is silly. There is already plenty known about Donald Trump. Start with how during the war in Vietnam he evaded the draft knowing that some other American boy with less means would have to take his place. He's always been and will always be the shit of the earth.

chickelit said...

The advice that first-rate academic Ph.D. chemistry advisors are giving now is "go into patent law -- at least there's a decent living in that."

I followed that advice myself for a time.

It's as if we're done inventing and producing -- we're just rent seeking now.

That's why bags is so exceptional -- because he's a holdout, bucking that trend.

Meade said...

"Americans are tired of being bullied by attorneys. DC is a viper's nest of attorneys."

Donald Trump, Inc. is a viper's nest of bullying lawyers.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

And when the American people get fed up with a bully, they turn to a new one.

Although now Hillary, the power-obsessed sociopath who doesn't give a crap about American security and sold us all out to the highest bidder, is selling love.

chickelit said...

Donald Trump, Inc. is a viper's nest of bullying lawyers.

Maybe so, but people aren't aware of his influence on policy. They still sort business and government into different categories. Maybe his litigious nature will be his downfall. But you must admit that Hillary is vilified for essentially the same reasons.

Meade said...

"Meade, I don't think you get the rejection of media methodology in the public's eye."

I get it. But the rejection is just not as big as you might think.

chickelit said...

I mean, Hillary is in legal trouble. Hillary is getting away with it because of legal abuse.

chickelit said...

And both Rubio and Cruz, being great attorneys themselves (well at least Cruz) do not offer great alternatives.

Meade said...

America would be fortunate if both Hillary and Donald died peacefully in their sleep tonight. Scalia, then Donald, then Hillary. They're all old enough. We all have to die someday. If February 2016 was good enough for Scalia, it's good enough for Donald and Hillary. May they all rest in peace and leave the rest of us in peace.

chickelit said...

But the rejection is just not as big as you might think.

I was specifically talking about fellow commenters here. In general, you may be correct.

Meade said...

By the way, what is the big deal about Donald Trump "meeting payrolls" and "creating thousands of jobs"? Did Ronald Reagan ever meet a payroll? Did he create any jobs?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

If you care about the nation, you will do everything you can to keep Hillary away from power.

Trump doesn't care. He and his old pal did biz-nis in NY *wink wink* and just think of the good times and money that will occur when his pal is in power.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

@ Meade America would be fortunate if both Hillary and Donald died peacefully in their sleep tonight.

oho! I support this message.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Meade said...

April, I think this could be the beginning of a beautiful morbid friendship.

chickelit said...

Encouraging: My 15-year old daughter in the other room just clicked off Hillary ranting on CSpan to channel surf for alternatives.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I agree - the hatred of the media spin machine is strong with people like us, Chickl. WE are a small minority A growing minority but most Americans are clueless to it. They still eat it. The media treat dems one way, R's the other. R's are grilled endlessly. Hillary - still to this day, not a single tough question. Her privater server? old news!

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I don't hold grudges. At least not forever. Life is too short.

chickelit said...

Did Ronald Reagan ever meet a payroll? Did he create any jobs?

Reagan got government out of the way so that the private sector could create jobs. He didn't have to create jobs -- just not kill them.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

tip toe thru the typos.

chickelit said...

Obama on the other hand seems proud of ramping up government jobs in metro DC.

chickelit said...

AprilApple said...tip toe thru the typos.

Just don't mix up who and whom and you'll be OK with Meade. Don't blow the subjunctive and you'll be OK with me.

Titus said...

Trump is at over 50% in Mass, followed by Rubio at 15, Kasich at 12 and Cruz at 9.

I don't vote.


Methadras said...

It doesn't matter who you are going to vote for. If it's Hillary vs. Trump, then people will have to ask themselves if they think this country is better off with an hubris filled, multi-hundred millionaire, ambitious unindicted married lesbian criminal liar who sold out her soul years ago for power and prestige and believes she is entitled to the position of POTUS because she has a uterus, a vagina, and breasts vs. a multi-billionaire, who is a braggidocious, hubris filled, heterosexual with a morally sordid past, is unequivocally not-PC, is a TV celebrity, and believes he should be POTUS because he can say ambiguous things and has breasts.

I report, you decide.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Sorry, but you guys are buffoons. I got through the first fifteen comments and realized the racial resentment prevailing in those comments is what's going to cost Trump. ST seems (as always) to be the most incoherent in saying that racism's trumped up, but that it somehow only counts when against whites, etc. He obviously doesn't want a color-blind society and thinks that many whites either do or should think of their voting interests in racial terms, with economic interests or categories as an afterthought. Well, good luck with that: Whites shrink as a percentage of the voting electorate each year. And intermarriage. Easier to marry out when you're the privileged racial class, even if you are poor or middle class. As we found out in 1932 - 1944, Bernie will take your votes, resentment-baiters. The American people if given a choice will always prefer, on the whole, to advance their economic interests - even if as a part of the underclass, rather than as part of a "race". Racial "interests" are too weird to even define.

In the meantime, sure go ahead and talk about black racism and black "supremacism". And then try getting a majority of U.S. votes convincing anyone that being on the wrong margin of a narrow hiring decision is soooooooo much worse than being on the "wrong" side of the racial suspicions that make it a hell of a lot more likely for you to get your ass beaten (or worse) by the cops. I think I have an idea which grievance will rightly get a fuckload more sympathy.

chickelit said...

If Hillary weren't such an atrocious candidate, I'd half agree with you, Ritmo. But she is so there's that fly in the annointment.

Amartel said...

The literal interpretation of Dick the Butcher's suggestion in Henry Vi Part II (first thing let's kill all the lawyers") has enjoyed great resonance through the centuries. The literal meaning was not necessarily Shakespeare's meaning. It's clear when you read it in context. Jack Cades Rebellion was smashed thoroughly though it did lead to some small measures of reform later. After the rebels were all dead along with their leader.

chickelit said...

Millions of people hear Hillary's message and they think anti-white and especially anti-male. She has no chance of shedding that persona. She's not even aware of it.

chickelit said...

Maybe she thinks that by enabling Bill she was being "pro-male?"

Is that a possibility?

William said...

Disraeli claimed that getting to be prime minister was like climbing a greasy pole. In this election, Trump has not climbed the greasy pole. He has become the greasy pole. His opponents just haven't been able to get a grip on him.........He has said some dumb things, and some dumb things that I myself would like to boo. But a good part of his appeal is the way he shrugs off the boos........As bags says, there will be more scandals and further revelations of his lack of character. Trump will respond by citing media bias and by saying that he is the kind of spikes up player you want on your team and sliding home........I don't know if he will be able to sell this. That's what elections are for. It's possible. Both McCain and Romney were far more honorable men than Trump, and they both lost. Their sense of honor might have been a factor in their loss. That won't be a problem with Trump. We'll see how it turns out......The people aren't always right, but they've been right more often than me. I'm willing to abide by the electoral decision......,..Given a choice between Trump and Hillary, I would choose Trump. But, as noted, I've been wrong about a lot of things, and it's possible that Trump could turn out be a disaster as either a candidate or president. You're definitely throwing the dice with him.

bagoh20 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...

Chickelit, I appreciate the complement at your 9:19.
At my company, we still invent new products every month, but we stopped getting patents years ago. Sometimes our customers patent products we created for them, to lock out their completion and we don't object. There are applications where we have designed and sell 3 or 4 different solutions to the same problem to different competing companies.

For our niche of obscure non-consumer items, patents are too costly, take too long, and only give you the right to spend a ton later on lawyers to defend them. Ain't nobody got time for that. We would rather just spend that time and money developing another new product. It's easier and more rewarding. Patents are worth it if you have a single product that sells many millions of dollars, and takes a long time to develop, but that's not what we do. We sell mostly to other companies who market it under their own name. The patent system is too slow, to arbitrary, and yes it is mostly used for rent seeking.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Black only clubs marching to fry police officers. What's that?

perhaps not supremacist, but certainly "black only" clubs are as racist as "white only" clubs. Right Balls?

bagoh20 said...

We need a W.E.T. channel.

Meade said...

Who's "we"?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Black racial resentments exist.

That said, I'm sure their impact is a good bit less insidious.

The most harm that poor black attitudes do is in general to blacks themselves.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Although I don't doubt that white racial resentments are also self-defeating.

We've got an example of that on this very thread.

Methadras said...

I guess I'm still waiting for Obama to denounce Rev. Wright.