Friday, February 12, 2016

It feels good to be a Clinton


ricpic said...

Okay, that's it, I just switched from Trump to Cruz.

Just kidding. But, damn, that was good!

bagoh20 said...

You gotta love it when she throws the bat aside and goes at it bare-handed. I bet Slick Willie has seen that before.

Calypso Facto said...

Best ad of the campaign season so far ...

bagoh20 said...

If Hillary gets the nomination, God will smite her. I mean he has to do something, right? I know he kind of dropped the ball during that Bubonic plague thing, but this is serious.

ricpic said...

C'mon God, get out of bed!

chickelit said...

Cf. the original from Office Space.

chickelit said...
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chickelit said...

I have to say that in previous threads I have expressed remorse at seeing washing machines trashed for no good reason. But these videos raise no such sympathy from me.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Was i dreaming or did Cruz, if elected, promise to hire Trump to build "the wall"?

If so, doesn't that make Cruz the perfect candidate?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I mean - no Trump-Hillary garbage - just the Trump stuff we want. That dang wall.

Amartel said...

What's also funny is that data could still be recovered off that hard drive. It's so Clinton (wipe, like with a cloth?) to assume that hitting the computer really hard with a stick would suffice. (Well, it worked on those bimbos and Secret Service personnel. Precedent!)

Amartel said...

If Hillary gets the nomination, it's gonna be Watergate all over again.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Trump will never fight the she-fascist. They used to be pals.

bagoh20 said...

"They used to be pals."

I missed the break up. When did that happen?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Oh it happened. It wasn't real. but it happened. They will re-unite as pals at some point.

The rule of Lemnity said...

I have expressed remorse at seeing washing machines trashed for no good reason. But these videos raise no such sympathy from me.

I believe the reputation of the machines may have something to do with it.

The service a washing machine provides us is closer to that of a human, at least in memory , than the service of a printer, which we blame for helping kill the planet with it's appetite for paper.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Chuck Todd(D) and Adrea Mitchell(D), Hillary's lapdogs, are not happy about his ad. boo hoo.

Methadras said...

bagoh20 said...

If Hillary gets the nomination, God will smite her. I mean he has to do something, right? I know he kind of dropped the ball during that Bubonic plague thing, but this is serious

Well, he's fucking late to the game because the only smiting he should be doing right about now is a news alert that shows that she dropped dead or died in her sleep. Get to work God, you've got some catching up to do. Sometimes there is no justice in the world and I get that, but I'd like to think that she will get hers before she ever gets to real power. Bah, what the fuck would I know, that shit stain with two legs of a traitor we have now was allowed to fuck everyone over at his whim.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Chuck Todd(D) and Adrea Mitchell(D), Hillary's lapdogs, are not happy about his ad. boo hoo.

Don't worry. Triumph the Insult Comic Dog's got him covered, too.

AllenS said...

That was the best ad so far this year.

bagoh20 said...

@ R&B's link: Triumph with Wasserman-Schultz was Hillaryous!