I just now realized what the program Jsesh stands for. Sesh is the Egyptian word for "scribe" transliterated sš.
The groups are arranged by importance, first living things starting with man then animals, plants, things on the Earth, important objects, abstractions, geometric shapes, then unclassified items. People and animals are grouped first whole then grouped by body parts, the body parts are listed top to bottom. So the next group then will be B parts of human body.
This figure of a man is a bit of a drag to draw. It is an important figure so it gets drawn a lot and because it's so involved they end up looking like a pile of scribbled K's. Due to its importance the sign is assigned A1.
I drew this first guy and c/p, assembled and stacked, labeled, positioned, worked magic upon the rest of them just for you, you, because you are so very special.
Where is the ancient Egyptian porn?
Asking for a friend.
Thanks for all that work, very nice. I found this random pic and could pick some of the forms out:
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