Sunday, February 14, 2016

Everybody knows you never go full retard.

Donald Trump let his hatred of the Bush family get the best of him last night. He has enjoyed giving Jeb wedgies and swirlies all primary season. So much so that Jeb’s Mommy had to get involved. Jeb’s Mom is the most involved Presidential mom in history. He mentions her in every speech. In every appearance. I mean the other candidates mention their parents. Ted Cruz’s Dad is a hero for his escape from Castro’s Cuba. John Kasich’s father is a hero because he had a vasectomy so that he didn’t knock up all of the housewives he banged when he was a mailman. Who needs more John Kasich’s running around for crying out loud? Marco Rubio is proud of his Dad for his orchestra and his hit recording of "Babalu.” I am sure that Ben Carson would be proud of his Dad but he is black so he probably doesn’t know who he is. And Donald Trump loved his Dad Fred because he was the first person to lend him money that he didn’t pay back. Memories.

Now we are upping the ante. George W Bush is becoming an issue in the campaign. Another member of the Bush family we can argue about who has nothing to do with Jeb’s qualifications for the job. Trump’s hatred of the Bush’s is so deep that he went full retard. He claimed that Bush lied about the WMD’s to get us into Iraq. He also said that 911 happened under his watch. Both questionable approaches in a Republican Primary but possibly a big positive in the general election. You could see that if Trump was running against Hillary who the millennials really despise that being against the endless wars in the Middle East might be a positive.

I have complicated feelings about George W. Bush. I supported him when he was President and scoff at the liberals who still blame everything on him. I loved him for the enemies that he made. With that said I am not blind to his mistakes. I think his biggest mistake was after 911. He jumped to a politically correct position that Islam was not to blame for the attacks. He started the meme that we can’t blame the Muslims and that we need to worry about the “feelings” of the Muslims while the bodies were still smoking in the streets. Did Franklin Roosevelt worry about the Jap’s feelings after Pearl Harbor? Bush started us off on the road that brought Barrack Hussien Obama to the White House and the destruction and misery that has engulfed so many areas in the world.

I have to ultimately blame Ronald Reagan. It was his biggest mistake. Making Papa Bush his Vice President. Bush did not continue Reagan’s legacy. The reaction and revulsion to Papa Bush gave us the Clintons and all of their corruption that continues to plague us to this very day. The reaction to W brought us Obama. If only Reagan had picked Laxalt or some other reliable conservative we might have been spared the Bush’s and the Clintons.

Trumps venting on W is an unforced error. His view is not my view. But to answer Bags this is not enough for me to drop him. We have enough of the Bush’s and the Clintons. They need to be placed in the dustbin of history. Trump is right on the three biggest questions in my view. Immigration.  Trade policy. Destroying ISIS and keeping our nose out of other people’s business. Trump is the natural heir of Pat Buchanan’s voters. He is an isolationist/populist with an “America First” attitude. With the ability to draw on many other segments of the electorate that Cruz or Carson or Rubio could never touch. We do not agree on the social issues like abortion and religious rights. I am willing to ignore that to make a seismic change. It is time to bust it open. No more politicians. No more lawyers. No more Washington insiders. No more minions of the Duopoly. For good or ill Donald Trump will do that.

He might be bad but he can’t be worse.


Third Coast said...

If this is part of a strategy to go after the TRUTHER vote, I don't think I can go down that road.

Trooper York said...

I don't think it had anything to do with strategy. I think Trump has a visceral hatred for the Bushes that he unfortunately vented in this debate. It is obvious in his interaction with Jeb that he really is contemptuous of the whole "Bush" thing.

Trooper York said...

It is amazing how the Republican primary tracks the interactions in the schoolyard.

Trump is bullying Jeb. Jeb called his mommy for help. Now his big brother is going to put his two cents into the fight.

Rubio and Cruz are going at it like Bernardo and Chino over who is more Spanish.

It is pretty funny actually.

Trooper York said...

It all goes back to that weekend in Atlantic City with Don King.

Dad Bones said...

I think Trump's looking down the road to campaigning against the Democrat nominee, so whoever it is won't be able to use their anti-Bush ammo which served Obama so well. He often gives the impression that his mouth is a loose cannon that might spew anything out but I think he usually knows what he's saying, why he's saying it and who he's saying it to. That in itself isn't enough to put my mind at ease as far as what he might do if elected because he's a scary guy, scary enough that our enemies will never take him for granted and scary enough that we won't either. It's a good show and so far he's the one the world is talking about.

Trooper York said...

He is pure id. For good or ill.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

When you love the Clinton$.... it's bound to happen.

bagoh20 said...

"No more politicians. No more lawyers. No more Washington insiders. No more minions of the Duopoly. For good or ill Donald Trump will do that."

Riiiiight. You left out stopping the rise of the oceans.

Trooper York said...

Bags you just don't get it.

Trump is the only one who can possibly do something different. Do you really think Rubio or Cruz or Kasich will do something different? Not likely.

We need to shake it up. Big Time. Trump will do that.

I like that he is an American first and foremost. That he puts Americans first. Not immigrants or his Spanish speaking buddies or those who honor the prophet of Islam.

I have no illusions. I don't think he is a conservative. I don't think he is a social conservative. I think he is a means to an end.

Third Coast said...

Trump also made this observation about Planned Parenthood:
“It does do wonderful things but not as it relates to abortion,” Trump asserted. “Excuse me. Excuse me, there are wonderful things having to do with women’s health…But not when it comes to abortion.”
which on its face sounds offensive to anyone who's pro-life. But having been through similar stuff before with Trump, I think he's just trying to sound a little less rigid than Cruz and maybe attract a few pro-choice voters. Breitbart documented that Trump has already said PP should be defunded.

Dad Bones said...

@ April 4:49 I'm guessing he loves himself more than he loves Hillary, and that he'd have no problem running over her like a flat cat on a highway. And if she should win the election he'd probably welcome the challenge of figuring out a way to work with her again. That's not a reason to vote for him but it isn't a reason to not vote for him either.

Trooper York said...

It all goes back to money. That is what Trump is all about and how he measures his dick.

You see he kept mentioning how much the Iraq war cost. That is what drives him nuts.

Besides the fact that he hates Jeb.

bagoh20 said...

"I like that he is an American first and foremost."

I don't know where you get that? He doesn't seem to have any special respect for the values I consider "American": Limited government, The Constitution, respect for different opinions, freedom, property rights, limited taxation, rule of law, etc. He never even talks about those things. He's first and foremost a Trumpian. Everything, and everyone is secondary to that. He has a long history proving it. All he has to do is run a few populist slogans up the pole and you start saluting. I'm just amazed at how easy that has been. Put his face on the poster, and you'd be signing up to be drafted.

Trooper York said...

I know that he is not afraid to tell the uncomfortable truths that all of the other Republicans run from. He was the only one to address immigration in real terms. Not the bullshit that Rubio pulls out of his ass. He was the only one to address the jobs that just moved to Mexico this week.

Listen I know you hate him as much as he hates Jeb. Some people just have a chemical reaction.

Trump has been described as a disruptor. I think that is right. He is here to disrupt. To break the log jam. One way or another. To destroy the duopoly's and it's tentacles that reach into both parties. We can't go on the way we have been. Bush. Clinton. Bush. No way.

That is why he has so much support. He might not win. Fair enough. But I can't sign on to the same old same old.

Trump will do what is best for him. For his id. For his ego. For his company. You know what? When his company is the United States of America I think he is going to do what he needs to do. It is as simple as that.

Trooper York said...

I know you like Cruz. Well why didn't he go right at Trump. Why is Cruz wasting his time attacking Rubio. South Carolina is there for the taking for Cruz. Is he afraid of Trump? Or his afraid of Trump's voters? I just don't understand why Cruz and Rubio don't go after Trump hammer and tongs. Explain that one Kemosabe.

chickelit said...

All he has to do is run a few populist slogans up the pole and you start saluting. I'm just amazed at how easy that has been. Put his face on the poster, and you'd be signing up to be drafted.

I don't think you understand today's youth, bags. Maybe you're just projecting your aged feelings downward in age.

chickelit said...

He was the only one to address the jobs that just moved to Mexico this week.

But bags just told us elsewhere that that was inevitable. He might as well being saying get used to suckers -- it's like death -- inevitable.

chickelit said...

I'll say it again -- anyone who accepts globalization in theory must by definition accept open borders.

Trooper York said...

I think it is a class thing with bags. Just as it is with a certain private dick we know. They think a reality TV star is just too low rent.

It is the Charlie Rose gambit.

bagoh20 said...

You guys are expecting "No more politicians. No more lawyers. No more Washington insiders. No more minions of the Duopoly", and an end to global competition, illegal immigrants, and male pattern baldness. You will give your vote to man because you think he will bring that.

Yep, I'm the crazy one.

If I'm forced to vote for him, I sure as hell won't tell you that's why. There are all kinds of reasons to vote for a candidate, but if that's yours, ... well, all I can say is: Have you lost weight? You look awesome.

chickelit said...

It's easy to imagine that that is the Bush family's problem with Trump -- that he's too arriviste. The Bush's are real blue bloods after all. I'm not sure about bags and Nick. I think there's something else afoot. I think with Nick it's an overly narrow definition of the common man. A "common man" can only be like him. This is why he instinctively goes after the Wisconsin "common man" or "cheesehead"as he's fond of saying.

But, people do love to append shit on Trump.

Titus said...

I like Trump and thought he did fine.

The audience in SC were obviously professional republicans concerned about not having a teet to suck off.

tits and abs that cum gets in.

bagoh20 said...

"They think a reality TV star is just too low rent."
That's one of the things that doesn't bother me at all.

If your explanation for my heresy against Trump requires making me out as an elitist, then I think you have pretty much jumped the shark. You keep looking for alternative explanations, but my points are pretty simple stuff, I mean exactly what I say. He's not a good fit for this very important job if you have my values.

You like him for exactly the same reason I don't. I want some change, but no, I don't want everything blown up. I'm not part of the Unabomber wing of conservatives. Obama promised to "transform America". I wasn't on board with that either for the same reason. I like America: the one that's royalty and dictator averse, and ruled by law and reason, not personality, emotion, and butt-hurt.

Trooper York said...

I don't give my vote to him because expect to accomplish all of those things bags. If he does one and a half of them I would be really happy. In fact if he is tough on Immigration I would be happy enough. That is the seminal issue facing the country. If we can fix that we can fix most of what is wrong.

I just don't think that there is a snowballs chance in Hell that Cruz or Rubio or Kasich will ever do anything different than what has gone on before. If you want the same shit then vote for one of them.

Trooper York said...

You know bags I think you are right. I don't want to impugn your motives in any way shape or form. You don't want to blow things up. I do. It is as simple as that.

Let's agree to disagree and see how it turns out.

Trooper York said...

And to think that Trump will be a dictator is just stupid. He is a businessman. He is about money. And power. But mostly money.

When FDR wanted to tame the rapacious robbers on Wall St he appointed old Joe Kennedy to run the SEC. Set a thief to catch a thief.

I think that is smart.

chickelit said...

Were I a Republican business owner in need of ever-cheaper labor units, I'd probably be gung-ho for Rubio or Bush as well. What's the downside?

Trooper York said...

I don't want to impugn bag's motives. He just doesn't like Trumps everyman vulgarity. Like a lot of people he will not recognize class bias because he feels he doesn't have any. But a whole segment of the population looks down on Trump because he is so low rent in his tastes. You see the elite can't understand why the plebes don't hate a rich guy who spends like crazy, puts his name on all his stuff and has tons of women. The thing is most of the plebes don't hate him. They want to be him. That is why Trump was always so popular with the rappers. He can win a significant slice of the black vote that no other Republican can approximate.

I know I am low class so Trump the vulgarian appeals to me. He's my peeps.

bagoh20 said...

My motives could be horrible, but it really makes no difference. I've never argued that he was unfit because he was vulgar, or low class, or any of that. that just makes him an ass. I've made real arguments against him that I think are valid and fact-based. A lot of people in the country agree with me, and they have made those arguments even better than I could. If we are all wrong then that should be easy to explain without calling names, or attacking motives, or any of those avoidance tactics.

Trooper is clear. He wants it all blown up, and trusts that will all come out better than what we have now. He trusts Trump. I have no such faith. I don't believe he will blow it up. I think he'll just make it worse, but if he does "blow things up", I think we will lose more than we gain. We have a lot to lose. My hope if he wins is that he is sufficiently humbled by that so that he comes to respect what really makes this country great, and exceptional, and that was never a single powerful man - thank God.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

BLITZER: [What do you think of] Nancy Pelosi, the speaker?

TRUMP: Well, you know, when she first got in and was named speaker, I met her. And I'm very impressed by her. I think she's a very impressive person. I like her a lot.

But I was surprised that she didn't do more in terms of Bush and going after Bush. It was almost - it just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing.

BLITZER: Impeaching him?

TRUMP: Absolutely, for the war, for the war.
-- Donald Trump in a 2008 interview with Wolf Blitzer

via ACE.

deborah said...

Will he lose more Republicans with his anti-Bush Iraq War opinion than he gains Dems?

This is the next big thing he will pound into the ground.

Amartel said...

Trump would nominate his sister, a lefty federal judge, to the Supreme Court. She would be "phenomenal" in Trump's opinion. He said so. On the record. Without prompting.

Nevermind that, though. Only an "elite" "pantywaist" who doesn't appreciate "everyman vulgarity" would take a man at his word. I'm sure he didn't really mean it, or just purposefully threw that out for tactical reasons, to pander to the lefties, and will now say something different that is in accord with my beliefs so I can continue to believe.

(Honestly, you are only fooling yourself with that "elite don't appreciate" argument.)

Trooper York said...

Trump did say that. Although I doubt he would do that. He is a pragmatist and he would not be able to get her approved by the Senate. So that doesn't worry me.

I know that if Rubio or Bush or Kasich nominates someone it will be another liberal in sheeps clothing. So I doubt Trump would do worse. Or if he does that it will matter.

You see the time of massive resistance to the Duopoly is at hand. Trump and Sanders are just the first symptoms of the fever dream. It is quite possible that both will win the most delegates and the popular vote of their respective parties and still be denied the nomination. What if that happens and the choice is Bush and Clinton? How do you think that will play out.

Trooper York said...

Trump says a lot of stupid things. He is brash and loud and a bully. But he puts America first. He is not going to worry about being able to speak Spanish on Univision. He is not going to allow massive illegal immigration to fill up jobs with foreigners at the expense of average Americans. He is not going to worry about waterboarding terrorist because it puts the liberals panties in a bunch. He is not going to sweat collateral damage when he bombs the shit out of ISIS.

Trooper York said...

Some say that Trump will be death of the Second Amendment. That he would put someone on the Court who would vote to restrict gun rights. That is of course possible. Regardless of who makes the appointment. Even Cruz could pick a Souter or a Roberts or some other lawyer who has no problem abrogating the rights of the people.

If there is a change in the law there is only real answer. Massive resistance by the people.
A revolt against the government. A serious movement to change things from the way they are. You see these changes in the air.

The elites are not listening. They are not comprehending. It is outside of their experience so they can't credit it.

There is something happening here. What it is ain't exactly clear.

Trooper York said...

Trump and Sanders are the opposite side of the same coin.

Not exactly as Trump is not a hard right conservative like Cruz or frankly me.

But I remember how all of the establishment types sold McCain and Romney as being "electable."
As being able to reach out beyond the base. Well Trump can do that. Much more so than any of the other candidates. He brings negatives. But then every candidate does. But he is not afraid to attack the elephant in the room. I think he has a better chance in the general than any of the other Republican candidates.

Amartel said...

Such fervent belief, hoping for change.

Amartel said...

No indication that he'll be any different from the establishment types that we placed our hopes in previously. Well, other than the lengthy record of stupid progressive blitherings on various topics. No clear indication that he'll be a strong candidate in the general.