Sunday, August 30, 2015

Biden's window

This is a meme running for months with seeming endless possibilities, the more ridiculous the better. Something coming down the road, something happening in the distance, something resented, musings on some current event from a uniquely Biden point of view, the frustrated hopes of a political operative, any thought a writer would have Biden think is added as text to this photo. I just now read another one a moment ago, they're usually not this self-referential, usually nothing about the picture itself or the window or room, but this time it is, the entry is text on picture "This would be a glass ceiling if the building were sideways."


rcommal said...

One of the funniest accusations I ever saw leveled against the gaffe-generator Biden was the one in which he was adjudged as being a shit person, a racist, and utterly uninformed, on account of what he had to say about 7-11 franchises and Dunkin' Donuts franchises. My husband and I laughed our asses off at the ignorance and dishonesty of those who were so sure that they knew what they were talking about, but, in fact, had no fucking clue as to the facts of the matter.

Here's the thing: He was referencing a thing that was (and is) factually true. So sorry if you guys don't like that.

rcommal said...

It's true, though, you know. It was true then, and even more is it true now specifically with reference to Dunkin' Donuts franchises.

rcommal said...

In Delaware.

rcommal said...

Tell you what. Any of you willing to visit me in Delaware? If you are, I might very well put you up in a guest room of ours--and, also, take you with me to any one of a number of Dunkin' Donuts franchises.

rcommal said...

Hey, just to be clear:

I'm no more likely to vote for Joe Biden (whom I do not hate, btw, I confess) than I am likely to vote for Ted Cruz (whom I do not hate, but also do not respect).

Let's just start getting stuff straight.

rcommal said...


When what all of it all will come down to the nub of it.


makes me sad, as I was sad too often before

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


Trooper York said...

Joe Biden is a plagerist.

He stole his whole rap from Homer Simpson.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I don't hate Biden. I laugh at him, but there's no hatred there.

Hillary - I hate her with the heat of a thousand... you know the drill. My hatred of Hillary is pure animal instinct. She's an evil woman. I cannot be alone in this. If you don't hate Hillary, or at least distrust her completely, there is something missing in the moral core.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

doing it right.

rcocean said...

Brilliant. Ha.

Amartel said...

The humor/outrage about the Biden commentary on Indian 7-11 owners had to do with the lefty-media double-standards rather than Biden's actual comment which, in true Biden form, was stupid, unworthy, unfunny, muddled, and otherwise devoid of merit.

Actual comment: “You CANNOT go to a 7-11 or a Dunkin Donuts unless you have a slight Indian accent. I’m not joking.”

This somehow levered itself onto the top rungs of the Elite Political Class.

It's not hate. It's contempt.

rcommal said...

I don't HATE Hillary Clinton, with or without the heat of thousands (or millions) (or hundred) or whatever. But I do have contempt for her, as I have for 20ish years, and for her husband, for whom I have had visceral contempt since the latter 80s. Never voted for a Clinton, won't be voting for one now.

rcommal said...

I didn't vote for Biden continuing in office, either, the last time that I was eligible to vote either way on that as a resident of Delaware before moving to Iowa for many, many years. I have no problem with owning votes that I cast for him prior to that. Neither of the two previous sentences should be news to anyone here.

More to the point, I never voted for Obama as president. Ironically (and I use that intro "ironically," because it's apt), it's because I saw what he did and what he was like especially and specifically in the 4-5 years before he became the "change" presidential candidate, just as I never voted for Bill Clinton for almost exactly the same reasons.

rcommal said...

Are you guys wondering, after these ^ comments, if, or even that, I'm a Biden supporter? I wonder about that, just as I wonder if my old friend Trooper was implying that I'm a Hillary supporter--only, you know, as a subversive, torpedoing people-&-the sort, humorously, & etc.


Well, if that's the case, Troop's funny, but he's not right,--I mean, not correct--I mean, not dead-on--I mean, wtf? What's the word it's OK to use, these days?

I am at a loss, in terms of simple disagreement.

rcommal said...

As (also) I've stated before, I did vote for John Anderson in 1980. Regardless of whether he was a spoiler or not, I just can't regret that one (specifically because I was so young, and that was subversive and weird enough, really, looking back). Sweet whatever, although I did not vote for Reagan when I was 19, I at least had the sound sense not to vote for a repeat of Carter. I surely do know, and make no mistake about it, that I must also put this is another way: Sweet whatever, although I did not vote for Carter when I was 19, I at least did not vote for Reagan.

I can only hope that all good people, at least, get the joke. I sure as hell heard enough about jokes back then ; ).

rcommal said...

I also voted, for a second (and last) time, a third-party spoiler-type guy, who, in fact did turn out to be a spoiler. That would be Ross Perot. Yes, I voted for Ross Perot. I did, and I own that vote. It's also the only vote, at that level, or, really, any vote even close to it, that I regret. Given the chance to go back in time, I absolutely would change that choice of mine and vote to re-elect G.H.W.B. It was a big mistake, and I learned from that mistake made so many years ago, especially because so quickly did I realize my mistake.

rcommal said...

Given all of that, there's never been a presidential election day since in which I've finally succumbed to my true default position. So far, I've resisted my true default position, which is this (see #3), laid out plain, and if it comes down to it, this is what I will do:

1.) Go the polls, no matter what.

2.) Cast votes in all of the categories that have to do with your local (including hyper-local) elected officials, which also includes local officials that will be sent to your state's/commonwealth's capital as well as to Washington, D.C. In the states in which judges are elected, or at least subject to so-called no-support pro-support referendums, make sure to do that as well.

3.) Leave the place for your vote for POTUS blank. Refuse to choose among bad choices. Resist spoiler[s]-choosing.

Note: #3 means not a thing if you don't do #1 and #2.

Above all, DO NOT STAY AT HOME ON ELECTION DAYS entirely just because you're pissed off by the choices of your fellow or even not-fellow voters with regard to presidential politics, or even national-local political nominees****, such as U.S. Senators and U.S. Reps. You have work to do, even if you can't or won't vote for any presidential nominee on offer at the time.

Go, without fail, to your local polling places and make sure in particular to pay attention to the most local of offices, first. It's the one way--really, the one, the best, the at-the-end-of-the-day only way--to demonstrate your commitment to the great experiment laid out by the visionaries (however flawed, deeply in more than a few cases, in so many ways) who managed to do the best that could be done at the time, even though that required compromise, but who still who worked creatively in a pretty fantastic and yet admirable way to set up a scaffold for a future nation quite different from every other at that time--

without, when it comes right down to it, even knowing for sure how big, farther and further that nation might grow.

Go, U.S.A., say I!!!!


****[Personal note: See, I have learned from all of you, that there's a different way to look at from-state offices!! Seriously, you have taught me something and I have learned it.]

rcommal said...
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rcommal said...


LOL at myself. I give up. I understand why y'all give up on me.

Please don't give up on everyone, though, in general.

November 8, 2016.

And I stand by what I said in my just previous comments ^ [a.k.a. up there], anyway.

(Amartel: By the way, I entirely disagree with you in terms of what was going on at the time. I entirely DO get the re-framing now, however.)