Saturday, August 29, 2015

"It was an early Sunday morning in April 2008 when I received a text message from my friend Ryan. “So sorry about what happened,” it read."
“What are you talking about?” was my response.
“Just Google Spike’s real name,” was all Ryan would say.
So I booted up my computer and typed in the name of my boyfriend of three years. I froze as I read the chilling words — it said he was “being held for the murder of his girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend.”
It didn’t make any sense. I was Spike’s girlfriend. I didn’t even have any ex-boyfriends. The reporter must have made a mistake.
But it turned out that the news story was correct. Spike had allegedly killed his girlfriend’s former lover. Except the girlfriend wasn’t me. Of all the ways to find out that your boyfriend is cheating on you, this one took the cake. (read more)
Don't you just hate when that happens.


AllenS said...

Is that a chainsaw in your pocket, or are you just glad to see me?

Trooper York said...

Very true Lem. I hope no one will ever kill your ex-boyfriend.

What is Manny Rameriz doing these days anyway.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Slept till late... forgot to ad a title to this post.

Christy said...

I found out over his morphine-addled dying self in the ICU after unsuccessful cancer surgery. Came face to face with the other woman over his bed.