Wednesday, August 19, 2015

"UN to let Iran inspect alleged nuke work site"

"Iran will be allowed to use its own inspectors to investigate a site it has been accused of using to develop nuclear arms, operating under a secret agreement with the U.N. agency that normally carries out such work, according to a document seen by The Associated Press."
The newly disclosed side agreement, for an investigation of the Parchin nuclear site by the U.N.'s International Atomic Energy Agency, is linked to persistent allegations that Iran has worked on atomic weapons. That investigation is part of the overarching nuclear-limits deal.
Evidence of the inspections concession is sure to increase pressure from U.S. congressional opponents before a Senate vote of disapproval on the overall agreement in early September. If the resolution passes and President Barack Obama vetoes it, opponents would need a two-thirds majority to override it. Even Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, a Republican, has suggested opponents will likely lose a veto fight, though that was before Wednesday's disclosure.
McConnell was ready cave before he had all the information. And people wonder how is Trump doing so well.


chickelit said...

And people wonder how is Trump doing so well.

Are they wondering? Seriously? Following a Freudian cue from Althouse, Trump is the id to the DNC (and RNC's) super-ego. People are fed up with being told how they should think, talk and act. People have egos which mediate both extrema. And at least with Trump, the mainstream media is trying to do their job. I see a little journalistic work in questioning Hillary.

chickelit said...

The media going after Trump and Hillary--as hypocritical as it is-- is a better thing than eight years of fellating Obama.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Well put.

edutcher said...

Hey, sure, and Adolf promised Nev he had no more territorial ambitions.

Conquestatorial, maybe.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Trump knows everything.

Including the little known fact that the 14 amendment is unconstitutional. It won't stand up in court, he tells us.

It must take an awful lot of anger to be let down by something so obvious.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

The media going after Trump and Hillary--as hypocritical as it is-- is a better thing than eight years of fellating Obama.

I find the idea of the media driving coverage to be inanely naive. What hatred of the president that you harbor were they supposed to direct at Obama that would have made you felt they "did their job"? Trump says stupid things; the media is prompted to follow-up. Hillary does shady things; the media is prompted to follow-up. You seem disappointed with the fact that you simply cannot generate enough anger toward Obama that would prompt any kind of journalistic follow-up. What are they supposed to do, say, "A lot of crazy right-wingers hate you." FIrst, that's not a question and second, that's not news. Crazy right-wingers hate every successful Democratic politician.

Methadras said...

Geez, I wish I could have graded my own finals.

edutcher said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

What hatred of the president that you harbor were they supposed to direct at Obama that would have made you felt they "did their job"?

Oh, gee, maybe the attitude that led your Messiah (and spare us the racist tirade) to tell one reporter, "I don't want you to waste your question", as if they're doled out by special dispensation.

Maybe it's how Little Zero gets all wee-wee when Ed Henry actually dares to ask him a substantive question and the other "reporters" are actually shocked.

And, no, it didn't start with His Poutiness. Go back to Dan blather telling Willie, "If we could just be as one-tenth as great as you and Hillary have been, we would walk away now and come away winners!"

Makes you want to barf, don't it?

john said...

Montana - are you serious? Here's a couple off the top of my head:

1 Obama's private war-for-oil in Libya
2 Obama's clusterfuck in Syria

Well, there's the Iran deal too. And his China trade deal. And his greater flexibility with Putin deal. Coming up with more foreign policy idiocies would be easy but I have to put a roast in the oven.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

My health insurance costs more than ever + higher deductible. Success.

bagoh20 said...

Now wait just a minute! Think about it. As Ritmo will soon point out, who better to know if they are cheating and where they are hiding stuff than the Iranians themselves? Like with Hillary, she knows better than anyone whether or not she had secrets on her server, so why do we need to see it? . She ain't no ways tyarrd, and don't even know what "wiping a server" means. How long before Hillary simply screams out "Death to America", and the mullahs shrug and ask "What difference now does it make"?

We need some of that special white bread personnel so common among the Democrats. If you can claim any gender you want, or call yourself a Cherokee, or a Black, or a hero, or a brave helicopter journalist, and still get people to just suck it up like Koolaid, then don't they have someone who can claim to be an Iranian Mullah and take over that mutha?

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

edutcher said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

What hatred of the president that you harbor were they supposed to direct at Obama that would have made you felt they "did their job"?

Lol. IOW "none". No actual questions for the president that you believe could have been posed by the press in order to show their ability to criticize him.

I rest my case.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

1 Obama's private war-for-oil in Libya
2 Obama's clusterfuck in Syria

Well, there's the Iran deal too. And his China trade deal. And his greater flexibility with Putin deal. Coming up with more foreign policy idiocies would be easy but I have to put a roast in the oven.

These have all been explored. Do you even read the New York Times? Heck. The WSJ even? Just calling something by its FOX PROPAGANDA name doesn't mean there's anything substantive in it with which to criticize what they somehow miss.

Let's take the present case in point - one that's getting a fair amount of discussion. I understand the reservations about the Iran issue. The problem is, the reservations generally all check out to be bunk. Almost all of the criticism I've heard is from people either too stubbornly irrational or ignorant to realize that:

1. Indefinite sanctions won't be agreed to by our necessary partners.
2. Nuclear material can be traced and tracked a lot better than the lay "peanut gallery press" (i.e. internet commenters and FOX) seem to understand.

So once again, it goes back, as half the population that's actually critical of the right understands, to faulty presumptions. Faulty presumptions made of American "exceptionalism" (i.e. that we can make the world move by saying so), excessive bellicosity (war w/Iran should NOT be a first resort, whereas legally binding agreements w/them create important LEVERAGE), a lack of technical know-how (when it comes to nuclear enrichment), and a childish belief that we simultaneously don't need any allies and that we can get every other nation to do what we want (i.e. agree to partner in on sanctions that are destined to expire once we show how unserious other administrations would be in setting binding contracts on Iran).

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

My tweet on this is burning

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Although, I agree with you that letting Iran do its own inspections would be a huge BONER. And so, the press calls the administration out. It worked. Is AP (the linked source) letting Obama off the hook for that? Doesn't look like it to me.

edutcher said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

What hatred of the president that you harbor were they supposed to direct at Obama that would have made you felt they "did their job"?

Lol. IOW "none". No actual questions for the president that you believe could have been posed by the press in order to show their ability to criticize him.

I rest my case.

No, his case is only flat beer, but his brain is at perpetual rest.

OK, how's 'bout Fast & Furious, Benghazi, why is the Middle East such a mess, why, if he's such a genius, was 75% of the casualties in A-stan on his watch?

Just a few.

Why doesn't O-care work, why do we have 37% unemployment, why did the stimulus fail, why does he want a race war in this country?

C'mon, Rit, open your head and let the moths out.

PS Anytime you are lolled, it's like the Chinese proverb about who's losing the argument.

Trooper York said...

I think the total degradation of race relations can be laid at his feet.

He had the opportunity to do so much good and did so much bad that we might never recover.

It was never this bad under Clinton or Bush.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I think the total degradation of race relations can be laid at his feet.

That's easy for white guys like us to say. Way back when, we didn't have cell phones catching cops shooting people just cause they lost their cool and whatnot. Sure they've got a tough job. But that doesn't excuse the barbarity that they're known to inflict, expecially on them blacks.

Don't take the bait. There are Southerners who said blacks had it better during segregation also, or even during slavery. What they meant is that whites had it better. A lot of things are coming to the surface now, and to blame Obama for the way those things are handled doesn't sound like the fair course of action. There are things America doesn't want to deal with. That doesn't mean that all blacks are perfect, or even that a fair number of them aren't outright pains in the ass. But neither are white folks. Everyone has a right to complain.

edutcher said...

Trooper York said...

I think the total degradation of race relations can be laid at his feet.

He had the opportunity to do so much good and did so much bad that we might never recover.

Agreed, but I do think we will recover.

What may be happening is that blacks are starting to see how they've gone under the bus, particularly in favor of the illegals and how the Demos have been using them (Planned Barrenhood vids, anyone?). Suddenly, you're seeing real Black Lives Matter movements in Chi-town and elsewhere, Demo politicians, black and white, are getting booed by black audiences.

I guess sometimes you have to have your face rubbed in it.

Rhythm and Balls said...

Don't take the bait. That doesn't mean that all blacks are perfect.

Yeah, more and more are taking a good look around and thinking for themselves and realizing guys like Ritmo only care about blacks on election day.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Although I gotta hand it to you for calling out the New York mayor when you did. At least when Giuliani cleaned up Times Square he made a difference.

This de Blasio trouser stain sounds like he's just more afraid of ta-tas than actual vice and pretend-hobos making legitimate trouble.

Trooper York said...

It's not bait Ritmo. He made every situation worse. He could have stepped up in Ferguson or Baltimore to mitigate the situation. He didn't. He made it worse. Every single time.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

"Don't take the bait. That doesn't mean that all blacks are perfect."

Yeah, more and more are taking a good look around and thinking for themselves and realizing guys like Ritmo only care about blacks on election day.

So what are you saying here? That you're perfect? That your political allies are perfect?

That could be a liability for Republicans. I didn't know unlimited ego was the way to run a society. Unless you ask Trump.

Everyone wishes they could be him, don't they? All the mouth, none of the responsibility.

Don't worry Ed. He's got a cabinet position for you, I'm sure.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

You've got a good point on those riots, but it's clearer to me that he could have done more to call out the Baltimore mayor. That was a mayoral office and police chief rife with corruption and incompetence... which they waited months later to quietly dismiss after all had blown over. Mind you though, what if he started going all Cosby on black youths and rioting just got worse? Maybe it wouldn't have but you're right that even the left agrees he can be too scared of his own shadow at times. Which is ironic given how arrogant the right seems to think he is.

chickelit said...

Ritmo has in the past noted that The Iraq war for his daddy. Isn't it about time to admit that Obama's embrace of Iran is Valerie Jarrett's personal project? There can be no other driver behind Obama' quixotic Iranian odyssey which threatens political suicide.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Whatever hate you have of Obama (and you should consider that it may be blinding you), I highly doubt that some short lady was all behind his Iranian "mission". Presidents want to get involved in major diplomatic clusterfucks all the time, just on their own - for the sake of their own legacy. Clinton wanted to in the Middle East. Ditto Carter. Obama can be given enough credit to have the smarts for knowing that Iran is a major problem, and ego to know that resolving it would (if it could be done) accrue greatly to his legacy. It's all him. And if it all gets sunk or turns out to be rife with fuck-ups waiting to fuck things up worse, the blame will be his, too.

No. He didn't leave that to the short nerdy lady. It was all his.

Trooper York said...

Iran is about a lady. His Mom.

She brought to a Muslim country at his most impressionable stage of development. I think he is Muslim in his heart and only pretends to be Christian for political purposes.

I think in ten years he is going to come out of the closet as a Muslim.

I bet he wins another Nobel prize for that.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I actually don't think he cares about religion.

Why must people presume he should be thinking of himself as one thing or the other?

I think this is where most of the misunderstandings of him begin.

Trooper York said...

Because your religion or lack of one influences every single thing you do n you life. At the very least subconsciously.

His messed up childhood has a lot to do with how he acts today. Just as it does with all of us.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

How was his childhood messed up?

No dad? He shares that with some pretty decent presidents.

OTOH, I'm sure GHWB was a great dad, but we're not sure how W. turned out. Other than for the wanting to have a drink with him part.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

And I'm not sure the traveling around was bad for him either. Is it really a good thing for a president to only know about what goes on in his own particular community? It might make for a happy, albeit sheltered childhood. But I'd think the president of a country wanting to influence all the others would probably benefit from personally knowing about very different cultures around the world.

edutcher said...

Rhythm and Balls said...

I didn't know unlimited ego was the way to run a society.

Then he hasn't been paying attention the last 8 years.It must be sad to be so dense that, not only does light bend around him, but to think no one could object to the Choom Gang's policies because they were bad ideas.

As I said, it's the old Chinese proverb about who's losing the argument.

Or Godwin's Law.

How was his childhood messed up?

No dad? He shares that with some pretty decent presidents

Like whom?

Serial rapist Willie Whitewater?

OTOH, I'm sure GHWB was a great dad, but we're not sure how W. turned out

I dunno, he seems to have turned out OK. He stood up for America, which is more than Ritmo will ever be able to say.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

He stood up for America...

's right to invade a country without much reason and to waste trillions of dollars and many dead doing it.

Yep. That's a statement.

That's standing up. For a country that's kicking your ass off the stage and out of the shadow you're casting over them.

Ed - intelligent things aren't that hard to say. Really, they aren't.

If you try it, you might be liked. Even more than when you tried out for the Special Olympics.

Between you and jr, I wouldn't know which one would win. It would be like the Special Olympics of Internet Commentary.

Remember when you talked about the Puritan ways of the ancient Greeks? That was fun.

chickelit said...

Here's a link giving data about US Presidents who grew up w/o their biological fathers: link. That's an august list.

But note that in all but Obama's case, the biological father died when the child was young. In Clinton's case, an abusive stepfather stepped in. In Obama's case, a bigamous loser-figure stepped away, and a defiant, America-hating mother stepped in. That was just not the case for the other US POTI.

chickelit said...

Oh and Obama care was definitely a mommy-thing for Obama: how to take away from a majority to give to an ungrateful minority.

chickelit said...

In both Clinton and Obama's cases, a size able chunk of female voters chose those men precisely because they felt that he could feel their pain and sympathize with their plight. Who can forget the NYT's first profile of Stan Dunham and the glowing praise heaped for such a brave, brave woman, She did all the "right" things first: interracial marriage and childbearing; single motherhood while despising the patriarchy and racist America; rejection of capitalism and personal responsibility.

Chip Ahoy said...

"I said, 'Hay,' Bartender! " <--- drunk cow sitting at bar.

Did you cool dudes read Victor Davis Hanson's piece on


Oh Man, what a bummer.
I'm telling ya.
It's tough.
It's real tough.
It's real, real tough out there.
I guy can't get any respect.
R-E-S-P-E-C-T find out what it means to me
socket toome socket toome socket toome socket toome socket toome socket toome socket toome socket toome socket toome

Not home, not abroad, nowhere. You treat people with kid gloves, you wipe their messy butts, you give concessions, you acknowledge their equality, you abide with them in a post modern existence hovering above dust and turmoil of the physical world together, you hold hands, kiss rings, bow low on their carpets, honor their dietary restrictions, restrain from poking fun at their ridiculous idols and backward customs, stifle laughter at their backward retrograde beliefs, demure from commenting on their deplorable footwear, deign to invite them to your B-i-i-i-i-i-g house in the swamp, and whatdaya get?

Abroad. That's a funny word.
One time I read a book in an hour.
It was written by Bette Midler titled, A View From A Broad

It starts out her walking around Paris in her mermaid suit. Eventually somebody noticed.

edutcher said...

You know who's losing when Ritmo pulls out his book of insults, most of which he would castigate you for using because of PC.

BTW, funny how all the Lefties voted to go into Iraq before they voted against it.

Methadras said...

Trooper York said...

I think the total degradation of race relations can be laid at his feet.

He had the opportunity to do so much good and did so much bad that we might never recover.

It was never this bad under Clinton or Bush.

The political opportunities to exploit such things wasn't missed on Obama at all. It's easier to exploit race relations as a function of highlighting how 'racist' america has been all along rather than the more difficult task of actually trying to alleviate race relations by actually doing the hard work required to get you there and laying the foundation to make it happen. As the first half-black/half-white president, he had the perfect platform to bridge that divide. He chose poorly and in that choosing, he has shown where his bread is buttered and he's been choosing poorly ever since on nearly everything. Because it's easy and that's the case I've always made for leftists, they are shallow thinkers who take the easy way to show how they are the paragons of whatever vs. the contrast of those evil meany GOP'ers who are meanies. Obama, the candy man president, with shuck and jive included.

Methadras said...

edutcher said...

You know who's losing when Ritmo pulls out his book of insults, most of which he would castigate you for using because of PC.

BTW, funny how all the Lefties voted to go into Iraq before they voted against it.

I think Obama and Sanders at the time voted against the war in Iraq if memory serves me correctly. But that decision would come back to haunt us all considering that Obama took the easy way out by letting Joe Biden be in charge of retreating from Iraq and create a vacuum, while allowing Maliki to create agreements with his Shiite brethren in Iran. So in that vacuum Iran comes getting sucked right in and happily. You know what the giant sucking sound is right? Iran getting the nukes Obama promised would never happen.