Wednesday, August 26, 2015

two journalists shot and killed during a live interview.

A reporter and her photographer were killed Wednesday morning during a live television report at Smith Mountain Lake in Moneta, Virginia. The interview they were doing was about tourism.

They were out there doing their jobs and somehow became targets. Authorities are still looking for the shooter. The video is hosted on Facebook that shows the whole thing happening, a snuff film I guess, with the camera dropping as photographer is shot too. Link for the vide at, all news outlets all pretty much running the same story.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I heard that on Glenn Beck radio also.

I always had an uneasy feeling for those people in war zones, riot zones.

I wander how much of the attraction to covering those has to do with the chance of danger. A danger dance.

But this was no war/riot zone.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The last words said by whoever was speaking just before the shooting started where contradicted by the shooting in some kind of macabre synchronicity.

Rabel said...

Disgruntled employee or spurned lover would be my bet.

Disgruntled might not be exactly the right word.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Sad and absolutely frightening.

I wonder how the media will treat this if the facts reveal a certain type of crime that goes against the collective media narrative?

If they cannot blame the tea party or the NRA - will the story vanish?

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Vester Flanagan

Christy said...

On air reporter from '12 to '13, fired, but stayed in town.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Does Jorge Ramos have an alibi ;)

What... Too soon?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

By process of elimination I believe we can discount an anchor baby did this?

Just saying.

What Troops would say if he where awake.

AllenS said...

Turns out that the shooter was black and the two killed were white, so this story will burn out by tomorrow, if not sooner.

ampersand said...

Oh Oh. Appears shooter is a member of a minority that shall not be named. But on the bright side,RACISM. The B!tch deserved it. Sigh of relief in newsrooms across America.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

that was fast. Gunman is dead. Shot himself.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Rush says there are conflicting reports on that. The shooter has an online manifesto?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

In the news, the shooter is alive at a local hospital.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Journalist goes Postal.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Got a NYT email saying the shooter committed suicide

Chip Ahoy said...

The best part is how journalism is such a dangerous profession because they always put themselves in danger out there among the reported upon in Crazylandia where undisciplined people (from Newsrooms) have guns.

Liberals never miss a beat. Immediately, before the bodies are warm, "This daily horror brought to you by the NRA."

He wasn't a member, not that it matters. It's still the NRA's fault. They control everything. In their minds In their view guns wouldn't even be possible were it not for the powerful lobby, guns would be conquered by now were it not for the NRA, because that's how they know things work. That's how they get things to work with guilds, unions, lobbyists, special interests, and politicians and through government fixing and taxation. It cannot possibly be the reverse of or contrary to what they imagine, that the NRA exists because individual gun owners feel threatened and individuals created the lobby for their protection, from the likes of aggressive and predictable liberals everlastingly busting their moves like this, not the other way around as imagined; the NRA behaving as guild or union or corporate lobby that determines activity and supports gun-rights legislation and legislators for favors in a gigantic kickback scheme as they understand things are done, and one that will inevitably involve taxation.

They're being roundly mocked repeatedly. ANd it becomes wearisome seeing the same things mocked the same ways all day long. Over and over, end over, Andover, and of her, en dover. I think Twitter is therapy for a lot of people. It puts them in direct touch with their uninhibited uncensored id.

Amartel said...

"Workplace Violence," y'all.
Previously known as first degree/malicious murder. He knew what he was doing. He planned it out. Ironically, evidence of this is demonstrated by pre-blaming the murder on White People.
On his Facebook Page.
what a douche.

I had an early morning hearing way the hell and gone up north so I heard this story develop live on the radio. Absolutely fascinating listening to the media machine grind its gears waiting to determine what Narrative this fits. Basically, they wheeze on about how it's horrible and awful ('cuz that's news) and "CAN YOU IMAGINE" and what about [other, previous gun violence], I wonder if it's like that. Until they get sufficient facts to know how to frame the story.

Media Murder Checklist:
-Journalists are involved so this is unlike regular murders and deserves publicity; Elite Lives Matter!
-Also, it's on videotape and there's death
-Uh oh; everyone involved is a journalist, the shooter and the victims!
-What to do
-What. To. Do.
-Are we blaming the shooter or are we blaming the victims?
-Which one's the wing-nut?
-Blame society!
-What aspect of society do we blame?
-All of it!
-Especially Guns? Check. Shyaaahduh! Goes without saying, even in knife and poison crimes. Guns are to blame for everything unless global warming is to blame and then they are both equally contributing causes.
-Waitaminit, is anyone involved in the crime running for President or connected?
-Are the victims black? Murder most foul.
-Are the victims white? Oh, well. Whatever.
-But you GUYZ, they're journalists? Murder most foul.
-The shooter was black? Was he driven to madness by justifiable racial anger?
-and gay? OMG, double victim of society.
-And he was canned by the Man? *whispers* no wonder he snapped
-And deeply affected by the Charleston murders? He said he was so it must be true.
-Is there a manifesto? Is it leftish? Has anyone set it on fire yet?
-The yooge quadrillion dollar 94 no 95 story question: What's the TRUMP angle?

Trooper York said...

Too bad this guy offed himself.

I was going to give him Megyn Kelly's address.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

That dude in Paris managed to get an AK there with all their vaunted gun control (he found it under a magic bush). Proper gun control is hitting the target you are aiming at.

Shouting Thomas said...

Where is little Larry, the perfesser's pet?

Why isn't he here crying desperate crocodile tears over dear friends he never met like he did over the Charleston massacre?

What does this atrocity say about blacks and gays? Huh? The killer was black and gay.

Where are you Meade? Why aren't you sobbing over these poor strangers you've never met?

KCFleming said...

Gay black killer?

If only he was lesbian!

Methadras said...

Was this person a transgender perhaps and got all kinds of confused. It's the in thing now I hear.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

"the best part of the Obama era is all the racial healing."

Aridog said...

Nothing amuses me more than the blaming of the NRA for all things gun related. Somehow the NRA with membership of about 1+% or so of the population manages to dictate laws for everyone. I'd only hope my Congress persons were so influential. Yep, I am a an NRA member and I often disagree with some positions...and have yet to get mugged for it. All that "power" and yet I am allowed my own opinion! How can we tolerate that?!

Trooper York said...

It isn't the NRA that is the problem.

It is the NWA that is where we are going wrong. Just sayn'

Amartel said...

Evi - quite the coincidence how so many terrorists/murderers just happen to come upon a gun(s) while they were out delivering alms to the poor/sleeping in a park/on their way to school/tripped over it by accident/etc. Like the gun was lying in wait for them. GUN BAD!

Amartel said...

Can't blame the shooter nor the victims and the press can't bring themselves to ignore a story in which two of their own died so ... blame the gun. Plus, that's what the pols like. McAuliffethathackosaurus blamed the gun immediately. Knee jerk politician reaction regardless of the facts. A gun was involved ergo gun violence. Gun violence can only be curbed by rounding up those bad bad bad guns.

Meade said...

Perhaps this will trigger the "nice riot stew" Trooper York had expressed hope of being "entertained" by. Just sayn'

Question: Is "race war" the same thing as a "nice riot stew"? If so, Dylan Roof, Trooper York, and Vester Flanagan appear to be a coterie of kindred spirits.

Shouting Thomas said...

The putrid Meade shows up again.

When will you denounce this black gay racist who murdered two whites in a cold blooded hate crime, stooge?

If you won't denounce it, the blood is on your hands.

The names of the victims were... shit I forget! But, I'm crying. You know, just like your dear friends whose names you can't remember in Charleston?

What a fucking fag hag ass kisser and stooge you are, Larry. Go home and suck on fag hag tit.

Amartel said...

There's some violent and insensitive commentary in the wanker baby post.
Get over there and denounce it immediately. The future of the nation hangs in the balance.

Aridog said...

Amartel ... I'll skip over to the wanker baby post just as soon as I quit laughing hysterically at the guy from possibly the whitest town in the mid-west lecturing us on race issues. I always feel enlightened when advised by people who live far from any real race issues. Well, maybe not.... :-))

Aridog said...

Oh, dang it...did I just "allude"?

Aridog said...

Dang...just checked the wanker baby TOP Toad there. Yet. Guess he's not listening to Amartel's sound advice...the world weeps.

Meade said...

Shouting Thomas said...
"The putrid Meade shows up again. When will you denounce this[...]"

I have and will denounce them all, Steve -- Dylan Roof, Trooper York, Vester Flanagan... you. Mentally ill haters. Get help before your words and/or actions lead to more misery and suffering.

Amartel said...

Fifty bucks says the Smails kid picks his nose.
Fifty bucks more says he eats it.

From the Annals of Safe Bets on Highly Predictable Outcomes

Your personal feud with people who post here is not interesting. Please take it outside. The only aspect of the feud that the rest of us see is that YOU fight dirty and stupid (the above comment being a perfect example) which leads to the conclusion that YOU are the one at fault.

Trooper York said...

This is the only place he can get an audience these days. At least for his usual bullshit.

Mommy keeps a very tight reign on him at home. She is out getting her hobbit feet waxed so he can sneak on to the computer before she gets home and puts the kibosh on that.

Shouting Thomas said...

I haven't been over to Crack's abode recently, so I don't know if he's continuing to denounce Meade daily.

How can a black guy like that not be grateful to Meade for saving him?

Aridog said...

Strange that once upon a time I had a cordial relationship with the "Crack MC" by phone and email. I doubt we could re-establish that today. However, I do not know that for sure...just a guess. The TOP Toad did more to harm him than anything else. But he's be around now and then to denounce all of us...from his bastion in one of the whitest towns in the USA...which makes him the expert. Of course.

Aridog said...

It's not the whiteness of Madison really, its the Toad's purview from the distorted position of TOP. Had I not lived in Madison for a while long ago, when liberalism was rife, I'd still not have a clue. Any view from a tiny porthole can distort your thinking. Took me a while to figure it out, and I say again that I appreciate Trooper for giving me a break and letting, even encouraging, me speak once I did.

Meade said...

For what it's worth, Aridog, the last time I spoke with Crack, he had only good things to say about you.

Aridog said...

Meade .. good to hear that. I have nothing to say negative about him either. We shared troubles and helped each other. However I do think you've been disingenuous on the topic of the "Crack MC" from the perch of TOP ... he's not a bad guy, but he has had his problems & issues. I doubt you were much help except to serve your own purposes. I served no purposes other than what I felt was necessary and humane. Can you say the same?

I don't expect an answer...I'm just saying what I think. You are not required to agree. Your periodic presence here is all I need to notice. You comparing Trooper to Dylan Roof is all I need to hear to ignore your bile. How do you gather such a comparison?

Again no answer required, I know the answer.

Aridog said...

Screw this place..."moderation" can kiss my shinny heiny. Lem, adios.

Aridog said...

Lem you r have become a block what is not personal, but not that which is personal from others....welcome to the punk club. You've earned it.

Aridog said...


Meade said...

I served no purposes other than what I felt was necessary and humane. Can you say the same?

No, I can't. You are a more humane person than I am.

You comparing Trooper to Dylan Roof is all I need to hear to ignore your bile. How do you gather such a comparison?

Both Trooper York and Dylan Roof belong to a set of people who have expressed, in writing, a desire to see racial violence.