Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Who Is Jorge Ramos....

...and why is he so important?

I watched the Trump presser clip and that Ramos dude clearly jumped the queue. What's up with that? Is it symbolic of something larger?


Rabel said...

Most cynical view would be that he sees Trump's immigration policy as an opportunity to increase his mainstream exposure in the US for fun and profit.

Less cynical would be that he's a biased, racist, entitled asshole.

Chip Ahoy said...

Ramos hasn't made clear why US should be the only nation on earth with wide open borders. Ramos fails to explain why US policy shouldn't mirror Mexico's, nor why Mexico's shouldn't mirror the US. What's so special about the US, Ramos? Where in the US Constitution and its amendments do you read the US must commit suicide? Where does it say Americans are beholden to opinion of foreign invaders? Huh? Where?

The man does what every fierce liberal does, talk over everybody else. Talk a mile a minute. Get it all out five times in three minutes and never stop. Never listen. Never. He's all mouth and no ears, so until Ramos grows a pair

of ears

he can just go uckfay imselfhay if you owkany utway I eanmay.

I tried listening to him, he's impossible. You have to fix every sentence, but you'd have to tie him down and gag him first. Then fix every sentence of his. And who's up for that poopoogerts? Nobody.

edutcher said...

Ramos wants to be the Wally Concrete of the illegals.

Nice to see The Donald put him in his place.

Rabel said...

Most cynical view would be that he sees Trump's immigration policy as an opportunity to increase his mainstream exposure in the US for fun and profit.

Less cynical would be that he's a biased, racist, entitled asshole.

You say that as if they were mutually exclusive.

rcommal said...

The United States absolutely should not be the only nation on earth with wide-open borders.

To repeat: The United States absolutely should not be the only nation on earth with wide-open borders.



Yeah, yet, it is sorta important for so-called "true conservatives" to pay attention to their own selves in terms of what they're saying about others, not to mention their degraded notions of purity (a.k.a. "[not] true"--far from it).

Not to mention that it is sorta important for so-called "progressives" to stop being so damnably, hellishly regressive in their demands of others (a.k.a. "[not] live-and-let-live"--far from it).


just saying

rcommal said...

I remember, back in the day, questioning the notion of small-government, federalist-minded folks getting involved in the politics of other, individual states that were not their own states and, in consequence, my being harshly rebuked for having so questioned that notion.

There was excellent reason as to why I questioned it.

rcommal said...

It's...interesting...to see how so much *stuff* is...playing out... .

rcommal said...

As to this actual, fundamental L's L post and the question it posed: Of course I know who Jorge Ramos is, and of course I have known for many years who he is.

Why is that even a question?

Chip Ahoy said...

Ramos, making clear he's going to crash your political meeting, crash your party, the exact same way he intends to crash your entire country. Cause Ramos is honeybadger, Ramos don't give a shit.

And Trump is all, "get the fuck out."

Then you notice, Ramos is invited back in if he can behave and Trump does answer all of his questions, his attacks, actually, his premises that Ramos takes as conclusions, "you cannot deport people, you cannot change 14th amendment, you cannot reinterpret US immigration policy, you cannot build a wall, etc." These are all conclusions in Ramos' mind that that he MUST have Trump answer just as that actress person MUST burst into Ted Cruz and impose their liberal argument. They must. Or they will burst.

They're actually motivated to book a plane, make arrangements, actually travel to force an argument. As you plan to, say, assassinate somebody. That's the degree of planning that went into these two basically, attacks. Neither one intends to vote Republican. It's not their caucus. They're bursting in on other people's caucus to have their god damnable liberal say.

That is the degree of fierceness that conservatives can never match and will never match, by their nature of being conservative. Notice Ben Carson rising in conservative polls. He'd never do any such thing so aggressive and fierce as that. Conservatives are pathetic.

So when pundits keep saying as they do every minute on Twitter that Trump is not conservative so his supporters are irrational dunces being taken for a ride, they're failing to internalize, yes, they're goddamn right Trump isn't conservative and that's why he has their support. They're sick of your sorry-ass party so un-fierce it cannot burst into other's caucuses with your arguments all lined up ready to fire non-stop staccato, in the manner of having all mouth and no ears.

Yet political calculations are it's impossible to pull off without X % of Latino vote, and it's acknowledged the jackass Ramos, all mouth and no ears has a substantial significant audience of dumbasses who vote for Ramos' kind of extra constitutional bullshit. Those of mixed loyalties or no loyalties at all.

All they have to be asked, as we find with Canadian conversations, is: should Canada or Mexico have the same policy as the U.S.? It gets them. It does. The simple dumbasses honestly never thought about that. Never occurred to them. It occurs to you because you're Brillopads but it does not occur to them.

Ramos knows his arguments don't hold water and that's why he cannot allow a word edgeways in opposition. Trump can because he has the stage and microphone and security. Others never get a word in.

Leland said...

Can't wait to watch all the other press folks defend Ramos, thus signaling that no one but privileged victim classes are allowed to ask questions.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

One of the journalism rules is not to become the story you are supposed to be covering. Ramos broke that.

Which come to think of it doesn't mean much when Trump is breaking rules too. It's just that I and a lot of other people don't like the rules Trump is Breaking. Trump is a punishment card against the GOP establishment. I know it sounds bitter but they failed the country big time imp. They gave Obama carte blanch.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The press gave Obama carte-blanch. So now we're giving Trump carte blanch to punish them. Like I said its a bitter thing. It feels good, eventually I hope it doesn't go beyond that otherwise we could be in big doodoo. All the signals point to a lousy Trump presidency.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Trump feels good in the way a riot probably feels good. It just that it leaves a lot of destruction and hurt behind. The punishment is not surgical. I don't know that any punishment can be really.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Internet still down here. Coming to you via my phone which I learned I can comment from using data instead of wifi. But I don't have enough to make posts with it. Not to mention how ungainly it is.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Ramos is a huge Hillary supporter. (Doesn't his daughter "work" for Hillary's campaign?)

Ramos wants illegals voting so that corrupt democrats can hold power and they can all enjoy their insider-circle-jerk-money-grubbing party.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Not enough juice to tweet either. Gotta have wifi to tweet. I'm thinking maybe by Friday we should have internet back. Thanks Troops Chip and Chick for filling in.

Methadras said...

Trumps problem right now is that he is effectively running unabated. He doesn't have a congress or a SCOTUS to deal with at this time so he can run free saying all kinds of shit, but if this guy ever becomes president, building a wall spanning the southern border will be the least of his problems because he's going to run headlong into the wall called congress. And that wall is thick, wide, and made of 100% pure political bullshit. Once it gets on you, it doesn't come off. Enjoy.

ampersand said...

Whore Hay? Really. This Nuevo Conquistador has been here over 30 years. Trump should have kept referring to him as George.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Trump deports Ramos.

I love it. I love it.

rcommal said...

Never voted for a Clinton. Didn't vote for Gore. Didn't vote for Kerry. Never voted for Obama.

Just sayin', right before checking the box below that's supposed to prove that I'm not a robot.


rcommal said...

One of the journalism rules is not to become the story you are supposed to be covering.

Yeah, right, OK, if you say so. But, yet, OF COURSE, I don't believe that you believe so.

rcommal said...

I don't even believe that you actually believe that should be so.

No one believes that sort of shit anymore. Why the hell are you implying that you do?


Just askin'

rcommal said...


Consider that there is a pool of blood and a dead animal, and those two things are not in separate places. You have observed all of those things.

To be clear, neither the pool of blood nor the dead animal are symbols. [Seriously, I am posing a scenario seriously. Thus, to repeat:]

You've come across a pool of blood and a dead animal--and they are not in separate places.

How would you write up your observations as a news report?

rcommal said...

To me, this is an important question.

rcommal said...
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rcommal said...
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rcommal said...

This scenario isn't asking when, where, how and sometimes why, by the way. It's barely asking who and what.

Write it up. I want to read what you write.