Tuesday, July 28, 2020

We never think about the person on the other side of the meme

It was very unfair to Fredo.

They wrote several additions to the Godfather saga to continue and flesh out the story. They go into the murder of Tessio and Michaels activities in the period between Godfather 1 and 2.

One of these books really goes into Fredo's backstory. They make him gay. Of course. I am surprised that it hasn't been filmed. Since everyone has to be gay or in an interracial relationship in the movies these days.

Still even being accused of being a cocksucker is not as bad as be compared to Chris Cuomo.

Poor bastard.


edutcher said...

everyone has to be gay or in an interracial relationship in the movies

Think about what could happen with She Done Him Wrong.

And I mean just the pronouns.

Amartel said...

Jeez, I don't need to know the backstory on this guy. He's more than enough character without the gayness. Actually, having a gay backstory just detracts from the interest in this character. Nothing can be implied anymore. Everyone has to get in their box.

The Dude said...

He's so gay he was banging cocktail waitresses two at a time. Somehow those story lines cannot be reconciled.

ampersand said...

Copolla should have skipped III and sent his daughter to a nunnery. He should have incorporated the Apalachin meeting into the 3rd sequel.

ndspinelli said...

This guy had a huge career ahead, cut short by cancer.