Thursday, July 23, 2020

We need to post our own messages!

The idiocy of Democratic mayors is hard to countenance anymore. That black lesbian in Chicago, the beta douche in Portland, the incompetent bint in Atlanta and the supreme douchenozzle in New York.

All of them are promoting and abetting the animals and rioters of Black Lives Matter and Antifa. Any rioter arrested is released without charges and the cops are arrested for trying to stop the rioters. Homeowners who stand off the Mob at their homes are arrested and the evidence tampered with to convict them.

Now President Trump is sending federal officers to protect federal property and take proactive measures to arrest rioters. Some of the Mayors are losing their shit. DeBlasio says he is going to sue to keep the Feds out. What a tool.

I honestly don't think New York can recover. Or most of the major cities that have ceded their streets to the animals. You see companies are realizing that they can get the same production from some people working at home. You don't need to pay rent. You don't need to risk sexual harassment or racism suits. You can eliminate the need for the city. It is estimated that New York City real estate has lost 35% of its value. People are leaving in droves.

I hate to say it but Billy Joel was a fucking prophet.


edutcher said...

Not sure, but I think there's something called the Insurrection Act.

We may see it used 11/4/20.

Between then and now, I think the Demos are alienating all those core constituencies they think they own. We have 4 months, but I think the Demos are facing a blowout and even they know it.

ampersand said...

The dimwit Chicago Mare Beetlejuice claimed she was gonna save the citizens from Trump. The next day 14 were shot attending the funeral of a gang banger shot dead by another gang banger.
14 x $50000 (estimated medical bills paid by taxpayers) = $700,000. The coroner only charges $800 a head. Better gun control could have saved the city $688800.

ndspinelli said...

This reminds me of 1968, and the law and order candidate won.