Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Trump Tweets

Last night I read Trump's tweets and couldn't make sense of them. He is being uplifting and gracious and generous.

He's thinking how bad it would have been if he had not stumped so massively. He considers his wins in the Senate more important than his losses in the House.

Before that I had read Joseph Curl's piece on the Daily Wire, "Here Come The Crazies," linked by Lucianne and today linked by Ace of Spades, that says basically, since the Democrats who will rise to power are so old, worn out, busted and straight up insane the American people will see them for who they are to their own disadvantage. I do not find the article heartening. The American people already know who they are and they voted to give them power.

Curl ends his article:
For Trump, though, losing the House — but getting Pelosi back as a target for 2020 — is a dream come true. And he knows it.
Oh? That's not what Trump said across 43 MAGA rallies in 2018.

So there's that. Why is Trump cheerful?

But here's the thing that makes me so cross and causes me to hate people. The responses to Trump's communication are disgusting. They're vile and hateful and outrageous. The people who respond so quickly to every Trump tweet are mental.

The people who write them are insane for having Twitter open to Trump, checking every minute to be first to write something violently hostile. Over and over and over with every single Trump tweet. And I wondered why Trump doesn't block them. They contribute nothing to the discussion except raw vengeful hatred.

My tendency is have these compulsive Trump stalkers represent all Democrats.

While my face-to-face interaction with Democrats is a different picture. Democrats that I meet do not match what I read online. The Democrats that I meet are just shallow and malevolently informed. They still think network news is still valid. Some even still read newspapers and imagine themselves well-informed.

A decade ago I asked a friend about his family. I was curious what kind of people they are. He said, "My mother pronounces the word 'potato' as butada, and I ask her, 'Ma, how many "Bs" does the word potato have? And she just looks at me miffed. And my father reads the newspaper everyday but doesn't know what's happening in the world." And now his dad is dead and my friend is doing the same thing by relying on network news for his source of information about what's happening in the world.

Another cannot even talk about Trump. I ask him, "Where are you getting your information?" He watches cable news and he reads the Denver Post. He still subscribes to cable. He still subscribes to Denver Post.

These people must know they are absorbing and internalizing Democrat party propaganda yet they still accept it as valid. So much that is important is omitted and everything given is distorted. I imagine a USSR-era Russian accepting Pravda as valid. And the really weird thing is, now Pravada and TASS are less biased about reporting American political events than American media. Russians joked about their party instruments. American Democrats do not. They still think it's all valid. They accept it spoon-fed. So at any gathering, any at all, that's what you get; the Gerber baby food mush version of all they've absorbed and grown by steady diet of pureed boiled vegetables substituting for genuine nutritious wholesome information.

The Democrats surrounding me are still lovely people but poorly and malevolently informed. The Democrats online responding neurotically to Trump broadcasting his views are all extremely vile.

Why doesn't Trump block them? They're having a wee and making doo doo all over his Twitter feed. And I mean ALL over his Twitter feed.


He wants us to see them.

He wants us to see what he puts up with. He wants us to see how stupid they are.

He wants us to see how compulsive, how immediate, how non-thinking, how automatic, how basic, how vile, how disgusting they are. He wants us to see the contrast between his good-natured japes and jabs, his humor, and his optimism, his accomplishments that go unreported elsewhere set against  all the insane responses they provoke.

Whereas I was so angry at reading them, I'm suddenly calmed. I can actually laugh at how dopey they are. Read any Trump tweet and then click on it to open responses that don't show on the front, and have yourself a good laugh. Trump is trolling these people and he's showing how well it works.

Check it out. Correct me where I'm wrong. I won't argue.

[trump twitter]

Trump Twitter:


edutcher said...

The Donald is no dummy. Start out nice, let them make the first mean move, and then crucify them.

The Demos' "majority" is razor-thin, so a couple of years of gridlock, of Kerosene Maxine trying to wreck the economy, of Pelosi Galore demanding taxes be raised, of pompous jerks like Nadler, of psychos like Schiff, and of Lefty airheads like Occasional Cortex will make the House eminently flippable.

Trump had to flip 4 or 5 Senate seats and save a couple more. He can nail 10 or so House seats easy.

Meantime, the Eminent Mr Surber is right to a point; there will be constant harassment, investigations, screams for impeachment (red state Demo Congressmen will be fun to watch), and all manner of dumb stunts.

Little will get done beyond Senate confirmations, but that may be more significant for the long pull.


ricpic said...

Yes, the American People have already had a full meal of Democrat and MSM insanity and yet the American People has handed the vicious knaves and incompetent nincompoops the House. Is that disheartening? You bet it is.

ricpic said...

Yikes. Has not have.

edutcher said...

ric, Thomas P O'Neill told us all politics is local. The Demos threw a lot of money at those races and did their best to find non-threatening types to con the locals (the Demos do this every time they have a shot at the House) while Paul Ryan and friends starved those races of support, so it's not as bad as it looks.

Ryan is gone and about 100 of his close personal friends with him, so it's almost worth it.