Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Celebrity Snackdown: Turkey

Jamie Oliver vs. Snoop Dog

Jamie Oliver is a very good cook. So long as his thick tongue doesn't get in the way and spit all over everything. 

But Brits are at a disadvantage here, for they have no Thanksgiving. And Snoop Dog's recipe looks a lot like Martha Steward's approach. Compound butter under the skin is definitely not ghetto or soul food.

I am so over turkey. I'd rather bake three chickens than one turkey.

It's like baking a pterodactyl. 

Or an ostrich.

The most moist turkey that that rolled away when sliced and stayed wet by its own juices throughout, even the white meat, was marinated in buttermilk overnight. That's a Martha Stewart idea too.  It didn't brown very well because I failed to clean off the buttermilk and apply oil before baking but it tasted great. 

I used a buttermilk soaked cloth for a cover and kept it soaked and wicking up from the bowl.

For some reason people rate the word "moist" a highly unpleasant word. Where does disgust for the word "moist" come from, porn?

My new Ninja serrated bread knife shown by Sixty Grit would cut this a lot better.


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