Monday, November 26, 2018


This photo was uploaded to Flickr Aug. 5, 2013. I didn't realize I've had that cast-iron grill pan that long. I was just now notified that somebody favorited the photo. The photograph has been viewed 6,559 times. Is that awesome or what? I ate one steak and thousands of people looked at it. Five people favorited it. I'm not bragging, I'm sharing my awe about Flickr.

Do you know what I concluded recently about steaks?

They sure are expensive.

And you don't get anymore the type steaks that I bought from the grocery when I first started cooking them on my own way back forty-three years ago. You don't get what my parents bought. 

Consumers brought about this change by demanding lean beef. Now you don't even hear USDA Prime or USDA Choice or Select. 

What a bunch of ultra mooo-roons. 

What a bunch of nincom-cowpies.

What a bunch of im-bull-ciles. 

What a bunch of dumbulls.

Because fat makes the steak. Fat makes the flavor, fat makes meat tender. Without ultra-marbled fatted up super streaky steak you wound't have Wagyu beef that veritably melts in your mouth and leaves it coated with supreme beef flavor.

Fat-ass consumers on continuous diets, and failing, demanded USDA prime become excluded from grocery options and that's why you never see it anymore. And that's a major bummer!

You never see it at common places but you do see it elsewhere. You have to go out and get it separately. And since it's already expensive you might as well pay the incremental difference and get the real thing. Get the thing that steak is about in the first place, and don't be controlled by the masses who almost aways choose poorly.

Their values are f'k'd up. 

The Thanksgiving care package given to me this year proves that again. I'm not criticizing the gift. I'm blown away by the generosity. Truly blown away. And grateful. My jaws hurt when I think about it. It's emotionally extreme. But it does show what people choose for themselves and for others. 

You have to go to a butchers, bite the bullet, and pay the extra for really good beef. Prime and aged. The real deal. Or don't even bother. There is a world of difference that resides in that increment in cost and effort. 

I think this is a photo of a grocery store steak. I'm not sure. I wasn't in the habit of seeking out USDA Prime back in 2013. I did on occasion but not as practice. It doesn't look very marbled.


Tank said...

Tank likes a nice thick slice of beef tenderloin. Really get a nice strong steak taste in a smooth package. Usually, I don't use anything on it but salt and pepper.

Chip Ahoy said...

I got some really really really good ones. The whole section. No messing around.

Then when I ate them I sliced it thin as possible and had them with fresh fruit or vegetables in season and it was heaven for a full week. The cost was outrageous. But they lasted a whole week. And I break it down that's not bad at all, and I had the best beef possible.

Here. Whole Foods small.

And here. Oliver's ridiculously large.

Twice this summer, and twice more with pork tenderloins.

Tank said...

Chip, I once spent $175 for a beef tenderloin for Christmas dinner.

It was the BEST steak I ever had.

Just thinking about it makes my mouth water.

Again, nothing but salt and pepper. Ironically, that Christmas we made several dipping sauces. I didn't use them. Why spoil a perfect thing?