Thursday, November 22, 2018

American wrote 'God, I don't want to die' before being killed by remote tribe

Fox has the story with video about the island.
Chau, 26, of Vancouver, Wash., chronicled his last days while traveling to the Andaman Islands. He was intent on making contact with the Sentinelese tribe on North Sentinel Island, according to his journals shared by his mother with the Washington Post.

Obviously they were threatened by his good looks and physical dominance. The tribesmen are short. five feet, five inches.

Related video.

Did I say "related" just now? I meant unrelated.


edutcher said...

Another head in the clouds Lefty.

You don't just walk in and say, "Hi. I'm going to teach you how Trump is the new Hitler".

Better than 50 years ago, one of Nelson Rockefeller's sons, Michael, tried the same thing in New Guinea and was never seen again.

You don't go into Injun country without a good scout.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

When people want to be left alone, maybe you should leave them alone.

Amartel said...

I think the kid was a Christian missionary. Either way, this is a story because it allows people to criticize a person who died horribly for lack of common sense. Maybe just say a prayer for him if you’re so inclined and leave it at that. It is interesting that the fishermen who gave him a lift are being prosecuted.

MamaM said...

Who supported him? Where did the funding to live and travel as he did come from? Was he without any mentors or older adults in his life to provide guidance or direction when he decided to set out on this mission?

Rabel said...

"When people want to be left alone, maybe you should leave them alone."

It's not that they want to be left alone. It's that they kill any other humans they come into contact with. If they had the means to get to your house, they'd try to kill you too.

The media tries to present them as noble savages defending their way of life. They are simply bloodthirsty killers.