Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Bless you


WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

Funny. and a bit cruel.
Cats love to fixate on prey and they are so jumpy and nervous. makes for hilarity.

ricpic said...

I may not be an animal lover but neither am I an animal botherer.

Why can't folks leave the critters alone? Well, they can't.

Chip Ahoy said...

I intended to write turn the sound on.

The guy sneezes. He didn't intend to scare the cat.

My German and Belgian shepherds all responded to laughter.

One time I pulled over from I-25 just before Castle Rock because my last Belgian was showing signs of car sickness. We walked down a slope into a copse and the dog thought that was the point of the trip.

She ran ahead into an area that beavers had cleared into black muck caused by their dam.

She slid on back through the muck looking ridiculous with her legs upward struggling to get hold but unable, and man, she slid a long way getting totally covered in stinking beaver shit mud.

I laughed like a loon. I'd have to coax her into the pond and she'd have to go back to the car wet. She looked hilarious. That was one of the most fun spontaneous things that ever happened. We had a great time together.

She responded to my laughing happily, jumping around dog-laughing herself. I swear, she thought my laughing was funny. She ran back up the hill and did another slip and slide, but now she knows what to expect and she didn't slip on her back. But her trying to keep me laughing was hilarious itself. She ran back up the hill and took a third shot at it. She had discovered a great game.

Filthy wet smelly dog. I kept towels in the trunk for such things. So back at the car she gets a rubdown. S-o-o-o-o-o-o much better than throwing up in the car.

ndspinelli said...

Like Chip, I see the scare as serendipitous.

WWIII Joe Biden, Husk-Puppet + America's Putin said...

LOL - OK that was funny with the sound on. The guy made himself crack up... It's like he wanted to apologize to the cat, but he was too busy laughing his ass off.

Poor kitty.

Rabel said...

That's a stout-looking cat. What is that?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Cats enjoy a good joke too, but NEVER at their own expense.

That's why they are cats.

Amartel said...

Badass Cat