Friday, November 16, 2018

Voice of the Mummy


This game is awesome.

I never even heard of such a wonderous game. To me this game is brand new.

And I'm right in the age group if you go by mental age.

This same guy has another video that shows how he plays the mummy voice on his cellphone. And another guy has a video that shows all the working parts. 

And some of the hieroglyphs are real! You can read them. Lookit, lookit, lookit.

That's King Tut's prenomen right there. Ha ha ha, spell check doesn't even know the word "prenomen," it underlines it in red.

The sun is "re" written first but vocalized last on account of gods coming first. The bug is "kheper." It means "become" also "happening" or "occurrence." In their mythology th dung beetle pushes the sun across the sky like the bug pushes poo, and its burrow is the model of Egyptian tombs while its life cycle is the model of their concept of resurrection. That kind of becoming and that kind of happening. The three dots mean plural "U," and the semicircle is a basket meaning lord "neb" so then, Kheperunebre. Becomings, lord, Re.

While Wikipedia reverses the signs to Nebkheperure. Lord of the becomings (happenings) of Re. I read some interpreters insist, "Lord of the images of Re." Or "in the images of the lord Re" 

I don't know which one is right. Egyptians were weird. And interpreters more so. All I know is what I see, and I see the designers of this game tried to copy real things without understanding them. The other writings make less sense.

1 comment:

chickelit said...

I guess I’d better get crackin’ looking for a shipping box to send this to you.