Conservative Treehouse.
Tell us something we don't already know. Challenge: Let's look for something we don't already know. I'll go through point by point.
* Reality of migrants attempt to overwhelm border by force, and weeks of denying hoard were a threat, media narrative engineers need to respond quickly with manufactured victim optics.
* 95% military-aged males, media photojournalists desperately seek out pictures of the few woen and children to accompany their propaganda [See Reuters.]
* Open border leftists use identical methods used for false image of Palestinians known as Pallywood".
* Trump tweet: Migrants at the border will not be allowed into the US
* Trump tweet: Will close the border if no other option.
* Trump tweet: Fake news is not my enemy, it is the enemy of American people
* Trump tweet: Fake news blames Republicans and conservatives but it is their dishonest reporting that causes problems far greater than they understand.
* Trump tweet: There is great anger caused by inaccurate and fraudulent reporting. Fake news must stop.
* Trump tweet: We can bring sides together but fake news must end.
See anything new? Yes. This déjà vu thing that's happening is a fresh repeat of the last déjà vu. And now I can get those accent marks right without checking by knowing them as a little hat. An umbrella. And that's new. It's only taken fifty f'k'n years.
With Sunday's rerun of the Alamo, I wish them tons of luck.
No kidding. I did a fly by on the remote control and stopped on ABC news. They actually brought out a guy on two crutches and head bandages that made him look like a hastily wrapped mummy. I laughed and flew off. That photo of the woman with the two kids dodging tear gas shows various people in the background posing for the cameras while dodging tear gas as well.
The one kid looks awfully big to be wearing diapers, but maybe that's the Montezuma's Revenge working. The propaganda is blatant but very inept.
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