Tuesday, April 10, 2018

The Herdsman's Tale, The Second Encounter With the Temptress

This is the last segment of the remnant piece that an ancient scribe glued onto another papyrus with writing more significant to Egyptian literature. It's a one-of-a-kind piece of junk. The scribe thought so. But we like looking at their junk. I drew it this time and included the transliteration that works out the sounds.

This is taken from Middle Egyptian Literature by James Allen who notes these peculiarities.

*the first part is darkened and considered an emphatic sentence.
* dw3 zp2 for dw3 dw3, "early early.
* iw ir passive for sdm.f with omitted subject. The line means that the catttle were taken to the other side of the river.
* iw d.f h3t n si literally, "he was giving front to the basin"
* h3.s m hbsw.s literall, "getting naked from her clothes."
* thth.s snw.s compare with English "letting her hair down"


edutcher said...

I expected something a little more Elizabeth Taylor.

Or at least Joan Collins.

deborah said...

Sounds like a cock and bull story to me.

deborah said...

Is there any notion how these are pronounced?