Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Chinese President Xi Jinping announced he would aim to significantly lower auto import tariffs.

He said this in a speech Tuesday. Without mentioning Trump's threat of tariffs, Jinping promised to open Chinese markets and improve trade conditions abroad soon as possible.

Associated Press.

There was some antagonistic back and forth that preceded this.

Trump recently announced he intended to impose tariffs on about $50 billion in Chinese imports, citing the massive trade deficit with China.

China responded by imposing a 25% tariff on 106 American products.

Trump shot back, saying he would be open to think about considering to ponder cogitating about musing and imagining the visualization of figuring  through meditation envisaging another $100 billion additional tariffs on Chinese goods.

The stock market flittered.

Then Trump steeled wobbly stock market investors.
We may take a hit and, you know what, ultimately we’re going to be much stronger for it. But it’s something we had to do. Now it’s $500 billion in deficits and a theft of $300 billion in intellectual property. So you can’t have this.
Then Xi Jinping was all, "Whoa. We're not used to American presidents talking like this. It's going to take some getting used to."

I like Trump starting with $50 B, creating disruption, then when challenged upping his game by doubling it.


edutcher said...

Gutsy, but this is what winning is.

I love it when a plan comes together.

Can't wait to see how the Lefties spin it.

AllenS said...

When Trump needs to play offense, he plays offense, when he needs to play defense, he plays defense.

Trump is a good fighter. Good fighters usually win.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Can we send the Chinese Mueller, his prosecution style should fit in quite well there...

m9777 said...

“What keeps me awake at night? How to create 25 million new jobs every year.” ...Chairman Xi in a 2016 BBC interview (I think it was BBC)
If Xi and company can’t create jobs he cannot remain in power. MAGA is screwing-up his nights.

ampersand said...

Rather dubious concession. Some Buicks and Cadillacs are built in China and exported to the US. Ford Focus is shifting from Mexico to China next year, and will be imported also. Chrysler builds in China for the Chinese market. I don't see that the Chinese need to import any American cars as the US manufacturers will gladly accomodate them by shifting production there and importing them back here.

edutcher said...

The Reds want to crack the US market. That's the hook.

PS T, the Reds can't maintain 7% growth, even if they carpet Africa with Potemkin cities. Trump knew he had them from the start.

Market's up 440.

Rabel said...

"If Xi and company can’t create jobs he cannot remain in power."

Yes. He can.

Rabel said...

The seldom acknowledged fact that China imposes a 25% tariff on imported vehicles shoots a Buick sized hole in the "free trader's" arguments.