Oh? Why?
Because he feels that it undermines his credibility.
Hold my beer, please, while I fall about the place laughing.
Seen on Lucianne, original reporting at Daily Mail with a lot more words, photos, and review about hand size discussion all the way back to Republican primary.
No mention of Trump's hair or clown shoes.
Isn't it nice all these people have a way of talking about someone's color without thinking themselves racist? You cannot mention color, Racist. You cannot mention color, Racist. You cannot mention color, Racist. You cannot mention color, Racist. Orange. Orange. Orange. Orange. Orange. Orange. Orange. Orange.
Have you noticed that men have dysmorphia about their own height? A few days ago I met a young man no taller than myself who insists he's 6'4". Just days before that I met a man who said, "You're almost tall as I am." I'm actually taller. Then just today an older man stopped me in the hallway to ask where I bought my canes. He decided mine are too short for him. (They're the same length as his) Then he said, "I'm a bit taller than you." My eyeballs could see that his eyeballs are lower and I'm looking at the top of his head. Is it me with dysmorphia? I've been weighed and measured repeatedly.
"They're made for right and left hand. Here try."
"Oh, I can tell they wont' work. Not enough room for my hand."
"What? Your big ol' gorilla hands won't fit?"
Side sidebar.
Speaking of stature.
Coming in from the garage I encountered a petite woman going into the garage with a tiny dog. I greeted them both. The dog had no interest in me. Its mind was on getting out.
An hour and a half later I encountered her again right after the tall older man going up in the elevator. But now she has her dog and a small boy. We exchanged greetings again.
I looked back to the boy way down there near the floor and spoke to him as an adult, "Oh! I'm sorry. I forgot to ask you if you'd like to push the button." An important matter to children that age. It means they know their numbers.
The woman said, "That's okay. He pushes the button all the time."
Looking back at the boy, "I promise, I'll remember to ask you next time."
Standing there like a little man, looking me right in the eyes, the boy calmly replied as an adult, "Okay."
Little kids and little animals, you can always tell when they're talked to.
What the eminent Mr Surber describes as the Trump Effect.
That's quite a list.
"The former FBI director whom Trump fired 11 months ago claimed on ´The View´ that he wasn´t trying to take a cheap shot at the president when he wrote that when he shook Trump´s hand for the first time, ´it was smaller than mine´ but not ´unusually so.´"
Considering Comey is 6'8" tall, it was an especially inane thing to mention. A giant nothingburger, playing to the cheap seats.
It's clear the FBI and likely all the other alphabet government agencies are no longer meritocracies. If the FBI was a meritocracy Comey would have been weeded out, no matter how "correct" his positions. The opposite was the case: his "correctness" shielded him from the consequences of both his weirdness and incompetence all the way to the top.
Where the fuck is my Comey with a Dunce cap on meme jpg?
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