Caravaggio, "Adorazione dei Pastori"(1609) |
Renowned for its artistic realism, Caravaggio's nativity depicts a humble birth, lit as if by a single candle. Caravaggio was revolutionary because he depicted with simplicity what others had glorified with glamour.
Continuing that theme and MamaM's Messiah link the other day: Handel's For Unto Us a Child is Born.
A great many of the other artists wanted to express the significance of that birth, I would think.
Lovely, chick.
Fun Hallelujah Chorus flash mob:
A Joyful and Uplifting selection befitting the Caravaggio, Sixty Grit. Thank you!
I sang in the Messiah with the Oratorio Society choir during college, and that's one of my favorites. I especially love the way the violins respond to "and his name shall be called..."
Wishing all who read and comment here the Christmas blessing of Light and Love!
Klavan's monologue podcast covers the wise men, who were looking for a deal on power tools.
chick is our Renaissance Man.
Wow, Caravaggio was an insanely great painter.
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