Wednesday, July 24, 2013

CNN will be objective but not boring

Linked on Drudge, Brian Steinberg for Variety

Jeff Zucker, he's a topper, said  the idea that CNN

“didn’t have enough conservative points of view was probably a valid criticism,”
But that was before they hired Gingrich for Firing line. There will be changes, oh yeah, due to mobile aps and a revamped primetime lineup. But he does want to avoid being so objective that it's boring. 
They're not having Jeff Zucker's  anodyne in the comments, a real joy to behold. 


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

No tampon wearing leftwing harpies? That would spice thing up.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

We don't want objective news. The pro-lib/ pro-democrat bias must remain somehow.

Chip Ahoy said...

And that was the producer who made those tampon earrings.

So, to the Korean names being switched to names amusing to English speakers, that joke was not the just presenter's fault. It had to get past a whole lot of people, not just one other person, a whole slew before it is aired. They are all culpable, everysingleone is.

And then, that entire van of of 5 other people I was with, went from laughing at that to swearing at Zimmerman in an instant. Like the syndrome noted, there is a name for it now, read an article in the paper where you are expert and note its many errors that convince you the author is an idiot, turn the page and endow the next authors with omniscience.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

A man who makes that much money should be able to afford a necktie.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The pro-democrat hack media will attempt to showcase a more balanced style, but don't be fooled, it will always tilt the way of the power hungry.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

The joke network producer made the tampon ear-rings for the on air "talent" (laughs) at MSDNC? But of course...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Evil REthuglicans want to stop late term abortions and... your monthly flow!


Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

(Not stop your monthly flow) - but instead strip all wimins of their access to tampons! I heard it on the newz!

edutcher said...

They figured out even Lefty Democrats watch Fox.

Joe Schmoe said...

So not enough conservative voices is a valid criticism. Let's fix that with a World Wrestling Entertainment-style approach by bringing in Newt Gingrich as the bad guy/heel. He'll even enter the stage to angry white-people-heavy-metal music and as much pyrotechnics as the local fire station will let us get away with. We'll have a studio audience to rain down boos and cheer way too hard when Paul Begala seemingly refutes one of Newt's attacks with his progressive rapier wit not grounded in facts.

Then, we'll have Ron Paul on and only ask him questions about abolishing the federal reserve. In post-production we can splice in a clip of the interviewer making the international symbol for insanity by tracing circles with their finger next to their head.

Jesus God, it might be better to let the imbalance continue than to let lefty networks dictate these caricatured personas of conservatives commentators.

rhhardin said...

I have bike helmet maxipads (regular, no wings), why not tampon earrings.

I assume for an ear wax condition.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I've been told that if one says I'm bored, two is a power point.