Friday, July 26, 2013

Batemax3000 - dont look down

Forgiveness Is Just Another Word For Nothing Left To Lose.

Because Dylan Has All of the Thematic Bases Covered (see 1992's "Froggie Went a Courtin"), But Kristofferson Could Hit a Ground-Rule Double.

Already Derailed: in the Streisand 1976 Version of "A Star Is Born" the Hard-Drinkin' Hard-Rockin' Song Kristofferson Sings to Set His Hard-Drinkin' Hard-Rockin' Bona Fides -- Watch Closely Now -- was Not Written By Him, But Rather By Paul Williams.

Paul Williams:

Co-Writer of the Muppets Song "Rainbow Connection"

Played "Little Enos" in the Film "Smokey and the Bear." Called "Little" Most Likely Because He Was Short: Five-Foot-Two Short. The Seventies Were a Different Time.

That Said: 'Watch Closely Now; is a Darn Fine Song:

"You're comin' with me girl, I'm gonna show you how
When it's scary, don't look down"

Note: This is Not Directed at Darcy or Synova or Freeman Hunt. Mostly.

But Back to Forgiveness:

We All Like To Believe We Can Forgive, if the Circumstances are Right and the Stars Align, But the Topic Here is:

Is There Someone (or Something) That You Have Previously Forgiven That You Now Believe Was an Error of Judgment or Generosity? What Forgiveness Would You Take Back?



Mumpsimus said...


If you fix it fast, maybe he won't notice and cop a snit.

Anonymous said...

My First Post and There are No Comments: Flop Sweat Coats Me Like Vaseline in a Movie I Once Saw That I Wish I Could Un-See.

rcocean said...

I forgave George Lucas for "Howard the Duck" but it only encouraged him to create Jar Jar.

So, I blame myself in a way.

Aridog said...

What Forgiveness Would You Take Back?

What would be the point. Part of the act of forgiveness is moving on. Why would you go back. If it subsequently appears that you forgave a recidivist, the problem is not yours, it is theirs.

PS: This only applies to normal humans of course, not government executives, who A.) never forgive, and B.) make sure no good deed goes unpunished...e.g, unless they get their cut.

Anonymous said...

I Do Not Know How to Cop a Snit. Does it Involve Setting a Trap with Undercover Agents and A Snitch Wearing a Wire? I Have No Personal Experience of That Within the Statute of Limitations.

Freeman Hunt said...

No need to take back. Plus, then you'd be one less to the requirement of forgiving 490 times.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aridog said...

betamax3000 said...

I Do Not Know How to Cop a Snit

There have been at least two great examples, repeatedly, on recent threads right here in River City.

Anonymous said...

Re: "What would be the point. Part of the act of forgiveness is moving on"

I Agree With That Statement. I Am Circling Around the Idea That One can Forgive for the Good Feeling, which is a Hollow Sense of the Act. The Realization That We Now Have to Accept Moving On is Where the Rubber Meets the Prostitute.

Anonymous said...

Re: "There have been at least two great examples, repeatedly, on recent threads right here in River City."

I Would Like to Know what Those Were, Sincerely. Maybe Poor Wording on My Part Perhaps (i.e. Bad Schtik?), But I Also Fully Accept an Exposure to My Blind Spot(s).

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Why can't I be the chivo expiatorio. it's from the old testament.

I stayed up very late last night. and i'm trying to avoid writing and but and is a quick way I know of wrapping it up.

Karen of Texas said...

7 Times 70 times...

Darn Freeman is making us do math again... *whines the non-math semi-lurker*

Anonymous said...

Re: "Plus, then you'd be one less to the requirement of forgiving 490 times."

490? I Don't have That Many Toes and Fingers, Even if I Was Appalachian.

rcocean said...

One can regret forgiveness when its based on the expectation of repentance. However, if its followed by even more insult and injury, your original forgiveness may be regretted.

Karen of Texas said...

Should you expect anything from the recipient of your forgiveness? Forgiveness should be freely and wholly given with no expectation of anything in return. Shouldn't it?

deborah said...

rc, the forgiveness is for your peace of mind, not the other's.

Freeman Hunt said...

There's a difference between forgiving and trusting. I can't imagine someone regretting forgiving, but I would guess there are innumerous stories of people who regret re-trusting.

ad hoc said...

Forgiveness, whether deserved or not, allows you let go of your anger and be less bitter. It is a gift for yourself more than the person you are forgiving.

If the good feeling seems hollow, maybe the injury is still too painful.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

regret re-trusting.

once bitten twice shy.

Anonymous said...

Re: Blogger deborah said...

rc, the forgiveness is for your peace of mind, not the other's.

I Am Getting Over My Head Here, But Wouldn't This Mean that Christ's Forgiveness is For His Peace of Mind, Not For Us?

Not Trying to be Obtuse: I Was Hoping -- in my half-Assed Way (One-Quarter Assed?) For a Conversation Such as This.

As an Aside: This is What This Community Does So Well.

rcocean said...

"the forgiveness is for your peace of mind, not the other's."

You'll have to explain that further. Someone does me wrong, they apologize, "Won't happen again, Man" Fine. Forgiveness.

Next week, they do me wrong again. Result: I regret my forgiveness.

Maybe I'm an unforgiving bastard. Or maybe I don't understand "forgiveness".

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Christ's Forgiveness is For His Peace of Mind

I like to give you a piece of my mind, for crist sake.

deborah said...

rc, see Freeman at 12:14. Forgiveness does not grant trust to the forgivee.

rcocean said...

I don't know about anyone else, but I find it impossible to "re-trust". I can forgive and even forget, but re-trust..


Anonymous said...

RE: "I can't imagine someone regretting forgiving, but I would guess there are innumerous stories of people who regret re-trusting."

As Spinal Tap so Eloquently Said (I Loosely Paraphrase): There is a Fine Line Between Sexy and Sexist.

Lydia said...

Don't think there can be any real "re-trusting." After betrayal, it would always instead be a "trust, but verify" thing.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

As an Aside... her will not mine.

rcocean said...

So forgiveness is: I'm not bearing a grudge, I'm not going to stay angry, I'm not going to continue the feud.

Is that it?

So its your internal state of mind.

Freeman Hunt said...

It's a gift to the other person, not only oneself. It's a tearing down of hatred and evil in the world. It's a form of self discipline. And, for Jesus people, it's a non-negotiable requirement set by God.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"trust, but verify" thing.

My bed calls.

deborah said...

Beta, from when I used to be a Christian, I would say that, yes Christ crucified to atone for sins would have been a load off God's mind. But Freems is a better one to ask.

'Night all!

Freeman Hunt said...

So forgiveness is: I'm not bearing a grudge, I'm not going to stay angry, I'm not going to continue the feud.

I would add, "I'm going to love this person as myself." Or, if one can't quite get there, "I'm going to try to see this person as God might see him," is a good place to start, I think.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Freeman explains it all.

I was going to say nails it but that would be calling her a hammer. I rather be a hammer.

Anonymous said...


"Christ's Forgiveness is For His Peace of Mind

I like to give you a piece of my mind, for crist sake."

I Was Following the Fulcrum that Deborah Presented to See How Far it Stretches.

When I have Asked For Forgiveness I Would Like to Think They Actually Were forgiving me With the Hope That I Would Learn, Rather than Forgiving Me Just For Their Own Piece of Mind. If That Was The Case I'd Rather Not be Forgiven Under Those terms -- the Sort of Conversation I Was Attempting to Provoke.

Also: I Believe Everyone Here Wants More of Your Mind (Pieces, Sections, However Served)-- Your Comments Are What Makes This a New Home...

Freeman Hunt said...

How about drinks it because then I could be a person who is drinking hot chocolate, and that is my aspiration at the moment.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

The Fulcrum?

That's not fair. its far from fair.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

With the Hope That I Would Learn,

School is closed for the summer.

ad hoc said...

There are others who can probably explains this much better than I.

Christ's forgiveness comes from love for us. We should be forgiving from the same generosity of spirit. This does not mean that you should be trusting.

Anonymous said...

Re: "The Fulcrum?

That's not fair. its far from fair."

Fulcrum meaning: is Forgiveness for the Forgiver or the Forgiven? Both? What is the Balance? I Have seen many Comments Above Land On Different Parts of the See-Saw.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm not drinking freeman. no opposite meaning. Gods honest truth.

Anonymous said...

Re: With the Hope That I Would Learn,

School is closed for the summer.

I Thought Forgiveness Would Have a Summer Session. Forgive My Misunderstanding, This Being July.

(Now THAT is Copping a Snit)

Anonymous said...

Uncoppin The Snit (Sounds Like Dr. Seuss) This Comment Series reminds Me of What I Liked about TOP.

Freeman Hunt said...

No, Lem. I just really want some hot chocolate right now.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I'm not looking up no urban dictionary freeman. I like you very much but I don't like urban dictionary.

Karen of Texas said...

Freeman, if you say you want marshmallows in the hot chocolate you're really going to force Lem to refer to that urban dictionary...

Freeman Hunt said...

Oh, bah! Bad park you! Cocoa, milk, sugar, hot chocolate!

Anonymous said...

From the Urban Dictionary for "Fulcrum"

1. being so incredicbly totally amazingly magnificent (supa cool)
2. replaces the word "fuck."
3. to partake in sexual activities.
4. to splooge; ejaculate

Just to Note: I Did Not Mean Any of These Interpretations.

Anonymous said...

Maybe That is the Misunderstanding Between me and Lem. Darn You, Urban Youth and Your Twisting of Words.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

sometimes a hot chocolate is just a hot chocolate.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Re: "sometimes a hot chocolate is just a hot chocolate."

When it Costs Fifty Dollars it is More than Cocoa, milk, sugar, hot chocolate: Bad Park Me!

Meade said...

I once forgave an Appalachian fella I knew. I forgave him 491 times.

When I realized my error, I took one back. To be square.Nnot with him but with God. I didn't care about being square with the Appalachian. After everything he'd done to me.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Urban Dictionary is an arranged marriage. I haven't thought this trough. it just occurs to me.

Anonymous said...

Re: "dooly noted."

Met her on the mountain there
I took her life
Met her on the mountain
and stabbed her with my knife
Hang down your head Tom Dooley...

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I deleted it, just now. ruined that.

Meade said...

To tell you the truth, I can't even remember all the times I've forgiven. Forgot.

Anonymous said...

Re: "I haven't thought this trough."

I Like This Better With the Mis-spelling: Comments Trough.

Bring the Horses.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

UD is a form of duplicity license, a separate but equal bs.

maybe I'm full of bs. I don't see the upside of UD.

Anonymous said...

Forgive (?) my Lack of Knowledge on making a Link Work, But:

I Really Do Think It Rocks.

Anonymous said...

Don't Know What "UD" Refers to.

Anonymous said...

Ahh: Urban Dictionary. Slow on the Uptake.

Meade said...

I have forgotten to forgive a time or two though.

And I've aftakenback maybe once. Almost. It was a halfaftakenback. But then I gave the other half to a poor boy on the street. His story was seldom told. Except in Appalachia. Where it had become legend.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Ok, can you hear me know?
are you watching me now?


I'm playing my self up to something ? I'm pimping myself.

Anonymous said...

Also, the IUD: Intrauterine Urban Dictionary. Has Intrauterine and 'Dick' in the same Phrase. Cool Kids, etc etc.

Meade said...

b3k: paste this code somewhere safe:


Now you're dangerous.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I can see that.

Anonymous said...

Re: "I'm pimping myself."

Better to be Pimped By Yourself Than Pimped By Another: at least You Can Set the Price and No One Takes a Cut. Unless You Declare it on Taxes.

Meade said...

Wait. That wasn't right. Forgive me. Or forget me.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Meade!

Meade said...

HERE you go. That should work.

Meade said...

You're welcome.

Forgive me. The game is over. My team lost. But tomorrow is another day. In fact, today is another tomorrow. Now I must wish you all a good night and may you have the finest of robot dreams.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Better to be Pimped By Yourself Than Pimped By Another: at least You Can Set the Price and No One Takes a Cut. Unless You Declare it on Taxes.

Maybe I don't know something or everybody is under the impression that I do. but what i'm doing is a bad idea.

Anonymous said...

Re: "I'm playing my self up to something ? I'm pimping myself."

I Have to Admit That I Don't Get The Meaning.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I have to get off this ride.

Anonymous said...

Re: "but what i'm doing is a bad idea."

Now I Am Really Lost. What is the Bad Idea That You Are Doing?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I Have to Admit That I Don't Get The Meaning.

That I'm doing a blog stunt to get notoriety.

Anonymous said...

What Blog Stunt? I Would Like to Understand.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Lem, you are a good egg. You are a damn good blogger too.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What is the Bad Idea That You Are Doing?

Im afraid that we don't have the freedom to express ideas.

not anymore.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Everything is suspect.

Anonymous said...

Re: "Im afraid that we don't have the freedom to express ideas.

not anymore."

What is Holding Back Your Freedom To Express Ideas? I See Only Support for You, and I See Ideas Flourishing Here.

Anonymous said...

Re: "Everything is suspect."

Is there Something Specific That has Happened That makes You Say This?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I registered at Insta to comment there.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I want to turn this over to somebody else.

Anonymous said...

Lem, I Don't Want to Ask You Questions You Don't Wish to Answer.

My Last Question for the Evening: Is there Something Specific That Happened?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Is there Something Specific That has Happened That makes You Say This?

Nothing specific. the back and forth between the sites has been hard to follow. It is an agile Olympian text in multi allusions

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Its a play I have no bossiness being a part of.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


Lem Vibe Banditory said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lem Vibe Banditory said...


Anonymous said...

Lem, I Would Suggest Looking at This Fresh in the Morning. You Have a Lot of Support From Many Good People, But I Think -- I Would Hope -- Everyone Understands the Weight You Have Taken on Your Shoulders.

To Answer the Question of Would I Want to Take the Site Over: I Sincerely Say I Could Never Do What You Do, or Your Compatriots. You Have a Grace Very Few Have.

If I Have Caused You Any Grief I Deeply Apologize.

Please Find Peace in the Evening. I Wish I Could Say Something as To The Heart as Freeman, but Know That You are Appreciated, by Me Among Many Many Many.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

If I Have Caused You Any Grief I Deeply Apologize.

You haven't, you have allowed me a certain something I cant explain to laugh. Chip does that too. Everybody here does in certain ways.

Thanks, don't forget us.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Many Many Many

you snake. lol.

Anonymous said...

Re: "you snake. lol."

A Snake is Too Ambitious For Me. I'm Probably Best as a Fly in the Ointment. Or peanut Butter. Flies Like Peanut Butter.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Ok. I'm messing with you.

Anonymous said...

Lem, try This: Link to the Silliest Song That You can Think of That You Still Can't help But Love.

I'll Watch.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I do need your email.. if you want to post once in a while

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

See that?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

ok lets see.

Anonymous said...

Just sent you an email - let me know if you received it....

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Joan Manuel Serrat - Vagabundear

Anonymous said...

His bedroom Eyes make Me a Bit nervous, especially Since I am Not Wearing Pants.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


Anonymous said...

Is it Just Me or Does he have a Bit of a Jim Morrison Vibe?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That must have been the look at that time.

Anonymous said...

My Favorite Comment There:

"Disculpa si parezco algo confundido, pero no logro comprender por que la frase seria un tema de discusion sobre los machistas, ya que el esta hablando sobre algo completamente distinto a dejar a una mujer por sus infulas."

I Have No Idea What It Means But It Seems Passionate.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

the studio recording is much better. the poetry of the lyrics is simple but captured something I felt. and will probably never feel again.

Anonymous said...

Re: "captured something I felt. and will probably never feel again."

You May Be Surprised By How Things Have a Way of Coming Back Around.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

that was a comment on youtube. right?

they are grabbing at straws shooting straws something straws.

I cant recall words anymore, let me go to bed. thanks for staying.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
bagoh20 said...


Anonymous said...

Have a Good Night, Lem. Thank You For What You Do.

Chip Ahoy said...

Robots do not compute forgiveness. Not programmable.

Here Robot, allow me to assist. There is a flash file lost to time. I must describe it. A cartoon Robot drawn in red line, is lost, somewhat imposing at first it quickly becomes clear it is a child robot, in the rain, apparently abandoned, abused by larger indifferent passing human forms, it wants its mommy. So badly. It is sad.

Mummy, actually, it's a British robot.

At some length, the flash file flashes by too fast, you want it to last, the child robot does encounter its mum who lifts it high into her arms whereupon the child robot squirts presents her a wrapped gift of a squirt-type oil can. The perfect gift. He became separated attaining it. Mother's Day. It is an advertisement for a gifts shop ,a few guys in my gang made the flash. They're awfully good musicians.

The video is gone now, but the audio is uploaded to YouTube. The video was priceless, I'm sorry they took it down, or failed to pay, or died, or whatever, I'm sorry about that because it was great. The music is in the style of Kraftwerk.


rrrrrobots love their mummies too

How does this help? I do not know. I just thought you would like it.

JAL said...

b3m As an Aside: This is What This Community Does So Well.

Yes it does. Good to see it happening.

Makes me smile.

I'm with Freeman -- the forgiveness is a done deed, and genuine forgiveness isn't undone.

Trust on the other hand -- one has to earn that and therefore must be (and stay) trustworthy. Those are the people to trust.

Proverbs has something to say about that, I think.

JAL said...

When one forgives, one is able to wish the offender well.

That doesn't absolve him/her of responsibility for the offense (we are not talking about "Excuse me I stepped on your toes" things).

For instance, I think (borrowing an illustration) that one can forgive an offender and yet still testify against him/her in a trial.

Also forgiveness involves not needing to collect "payment" from the offender.

JAL said...

I have crossed 6 time zones in the last 72 hours so I might be a bit foggy. Sorry.

Been missing you guys.

deborah said...

Welcome back, JAL :)

Darcy said...

I forgive you all. =)

Darcy said...

And hello, betamax!

Darcy said...

I love the topic of forgiveness. I liked something I heard on the radio about grace that I think applies, which is that if it feels good, you're doing it wrong.

Grace and forgiveness are hard.

rhhardin said...

Darn You, Urban Youth and Your Twisting of Words.

With all due respect for words, given the habits they have contracted in so many foul mouths, it actually takes courage not only to write but even to speak ...

There is only one way out: to speak against words. Drag them along in shame to where they lead us, and there, they will be disfigured. There is no other reason for writing ...

- Francis Ponge, Some Reasons for Writing

[Long ago, when words flew, they rarely came to rest except in marble.]

Today, texts fly like barnyard birds and only nest in toilets

- Nouveau Recueil

rhhardin said...

Divine and conquer.

rhhardin said...

Thylias Moss somewhere...

I don't believe in [God]; he's just a comfortable acquaintance, a close
associate with whom I can be myself. To believe in him would place
him in the center of the universe when he's more secure in the
fringes, the farthest corner so that he doesn't have to look over his
shoulder to nab the backstabbers who want promotions but are tired
of waiting for him to die and set in motion the natural evolution.
God doesn't want to evolve. Has been against evolution from its
creation. He doesn't figure many possibilities are open to him. I
think he's just wise to bide his time although he pales in the moonlight
to just a glow, just the warmth of hot chocolate spreading through
the body like a subcutaneous halo. But to trust him implicitly would
be a mistake for he then would not have to maintain his worthiness
to be God. Even the thinnest, flyweight modicum of doubt gives
God the necessity to prove he's worthy of the implicit trust I can
never give because I protect him from corruption, from the compla-
cence that rises within him sometimes, a shadowy ever-descending

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


Rh talk different this morning.

quenosabe is much impressed.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Is a quote from the link.

"Everybody" is reading the same things or something.

thanks rh. its a good read. the chocolate has a source.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Everybody pays so much attention to the subcutaneous sacatash I go trying to find out what is it that is so alluring about it and don't find much of substance.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

At the park yesterday my nephew is playing with the dirt. I asked him what color is it, he says brown. we where waiting for his brother who was using the private portable. ejecting brown

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

was playing with dirt. past tense.

Meade said...

The video b3k linked to is good. I never saw that movie and I doubt I ever will. But KK was great and that video led me to this video which brought me to tears. I love the best of country of music and no one was better at country music than Mr. Cash.

Meade said...


Cody Jarrett said...

Best part of Sunday Morning Coming down as performed by KK on the old Johnny Cash show is that the network peeps told JC not to allow KK to say "I'm wishing Lord that I was stoned"...and JC never even bothered to tell KK.

Good taste in music, Meade-san.

William said...

I envy those who can forgive the injuries that were done to them. They've never suffered an unforgivable injury.

Anonymous said...

God as comforting as hot chocolate is heavenly.

ndspinelli said...

Trust and forgiveness really have little in common. Forgiveness should be given as much as possible because it is rewarding @ a core level for both the forgiver and forgiven. However, for many people forgiving is difficult. It can be for me. Generosity is akin to forgiveness. That comes easily to me and like forgiveness, it is fulfilling for both the giver and receiver.

Trust, well that's a different ballgame. The first requirement of trust is honesty, followed closely by respect. Put those together over a period of time, combined w/ successful challenges to both, and you BUILD trust. However, trust is as delicate as an orchid. It can be destroyed in one act of betrayal. Then forgiveness comes into play.

Meade said...

I completely trust Spinelli to be insipid and banal. And I trust Jesus to forgive him for it.

ndspinelli said...

Jesus Alou? I realize you know a little about baseball, or @ least the Reds. But, your true colors have been shown and it is obvious to anyone w/ open eyes, you know nothing about our Lord. This comment, on the souls of my dead parents, I swear to God, had nothing to do w/ you or your wife. I made a GOOD FAITH comment on issues being discussed w/o either of you entering my mind. People w/ a heart and soul enjoy topics like this and can speak intelligently and w/o vitriol. This is not Althouse, Larry. It's not all about you and your wife.

virgil xenophon said...

That Meade, of all people, should inject himself into a commentary about trust and forgiveness takes a Lake Superior-sized vessel full of unmitigated gall..

Cody Jarrett said...

virgil xenophon said...

That Meade, of all people, should inject himself into a commentary about trust and forgiveness takes a Lake Superior-sized vessel full of unmitigated gall..

Now...why do I hear the opening strains of "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" in my head?

Cody Jarrett said...

Hey, spinelli...maybe it's just your turn?

ndspinelli said...

virgil and CEO, I'm a big boy and I wear big boy pants and shorts. My wife doesn't dress me. However, if folks don't see Larry for what he is from a comment like that, well then they be blind.

When I started my biz in 1983 I did all types of work. I had a family to feed. I served subpoenas, summons, did criminal defense cases and domestic cases. Here is a brief synopsis of the last domestic case I worked.

A wife hired me to watch her husband. Based on the info she gave me it sounded almost certainly the shitbird was fucking a co-worker. I said that to the woman and told her she should spend her money on a counselor instead of me. She wanted surveillance. Well, I followed the husband to a motel where he met the coworker. He was grabbing her ass as they walked into the room, all on video. She had gotten the room. They were inside the room 48 minutes and exited w/ him still grabbing ass. They got into their respective vehicles, kissing each other first, and returned from their "lunch.". I showed the video to my client. This is straight up, She asked me w/ a pained look on her face, " you know what they were doing in there?" Denial can be stronger than carbon steel @ times.

Aridog said...

CEO-MMP sez ...

Hey, spinelli...maybe it's just your turn?

Heh. Bad Park You @ndspinelli! Park on his Privates Again? NO!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Meade said...
I completely trust Spinelli to be insipid and banal. And I trust Jesus to forgive him for it.

July 27, 2013 at 11:19 AM

When ever anyone starts mentioning Jesus, I check to make sure I still have my wallet.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

nd, that level of denial does not surprise me in the least. But that is because they know the answer but want to avoid the pain of acknowledging that.

ndspinelli said...

Evi, Bingo on both your comments. That denial cost her ~2k!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Sometimes spending the money is part of the therapy. Why do you think therapists bill by the hour? If the patient is going to take their time, they might as well get paid for it.

Cody Jarrett said...

I don't care if Mead's invoking Jesus or not--when he's around I always move my wallet to my front pocket. He may be a lot of things, but I'm pretty sure he won't go in where he might grab the snake.

Or the eel, or the salamander, or whatever it is.

Heh. An electric eel in your pants. Guaranteed fun for those hard to please gals.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

CEO-MMP, don't kid yourself. If Meade wants something, he would reach right in there too.

Meade said...

Why do you call yourself "Evi L Bloggerlady"? Seems weird. Like you have a fixation or something.

Cody Jarrett said...

Why do you call yourself "Evi L Bloggerlady"? Seems weird. Like you have a fixation or something.

You mean she's not one of the Rhode Island Bloggerladys?

At one time they owned half of Newport you know.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Meade, who am I named after?

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

What, am I going to change the name of the blog?

Did you break into the box wine and AA's computer again?

I am just glad I do not owe you any money!