Thursday, July 25, 2013

Manic, the movie

From Ace's sidebar, bbc uk. This is maddening. 

Incidentally, [define: madding]

1. Acting madly; frenzied.
2 Maddening.

This is maddening but not madding. 

The film Manic is restricted to festival screenings and academic viewing. Not available for mainstream viewing. 

by government officials. So lets have a name then . How else to hurl insults?  Here are all the names in the piece

* director Frank Khalfoun  (says ban is an insult to intelligence of N.Z. adults)
*star Elijah Wood as serial killer Frank
*distributor Neil Foley
*programmer for festival Ant Timpson
***ding ding ding ***Office of Film and Literature Classification (OFLC) [It] says potentially dangerous
*original version director William Lustig
*Observer's Philipp French  calls film unwelcome
*Hollywood Reporter Megan Lehmann  says sadistic art-house bloodbath
*Monster pIctures

All those individuals named but the reporter could not dig up the name on the bottom of document that issued the ban, there must be a person.  OFLC. That's what I hate about this. It is New Zealand, they have their own Madame Mao and she's ruthless and probably right and undoubtedly has good taste  but she has no name. Laaaaaa lala la la 

(I had to look up censoring to see which one to use in the label, I almost gave up and put control freaks) 

It's undoubtedly a terrible movie.


Chennaul said...

*star Elijah Wood as serial killer Frank



the eyes--maybe they do say--

Psycho Killer
Qu'est-ce que c'est
fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa fa far better
Run run run run run run run away

edutcher said...

Undoubtedly, it's all for our own good.

Chennaul said...

What's the alt. title for this piece of crap?

Frodo Goes Foaming.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

"It's saying that the POV [point of view] nature of the film mixed with the psychopathic behaviour of actor Elijah Wood is more than disturbing, that it's potentially dangerous in the hands of the wrong person,"

Haven't they heard of a 7 day waiting period, a background check, post office money order?


Chennaul said...

Frodo Bags'em...

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

*Monster pIctures

They let kids watch anything these days.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


1. certainly or definitely; unquestionably he is undoubtedly talented

2. (sentence modifier) without doubt; certainly or indisputably undoubtedly there will be changes

YoungHegelian said...

The province of Ontario has a provincial film review board (see its web site here). Back in the early 80's, when asked what was the reason for their continued existence, the reply was I Spit on Your Grave".

Chennaul said...


Some of the guys are on your thread below saying something has happened to the formatting--sometime around yesterday--and that change is making it really hard for them to read the text.

I'm not sure what browser they are using.

Chennaul said...

So it's probably making it really hard for them to comment as well.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I disabled the mobile phone application.
and I limited the number of posts, showing on the main page, to all the post posted on that day.

Can someone tell me which of those should I undo.

Cody Jarrett said...

I read it fine but I don't like only having a few posts on the front page.

The original Maniac was a great film (edit the title of the post please).

Joe Spinell was an entertaining, interesting guy.