Sunday, July 28, 2013

At the Cheshire Coffeehouse

Smiles optional.


rcocean said...

That cat made me smile. But his color scheme is spooky.

deborah said...

Yes, she's a tortoisehell, a variant of calico.

Pastafarian said...

Boy, she really likes to wedge herself into tight spots from which to pounce.

Looks like a pretty cat. Does she murder everything in the neighborhood like my asshole cat?

deborah said...

That's not a pouncing position but an observation point.

She's strictly indoor. In fact, she's terrified to go outside. But she likes to sit at open windows, and has been known to catch lizards if the screen door is left slightly cracked.

deborah said...

That's a somewhat deceptive picture. She's on the small side, as cats go.

ndspinelli said...

Deborah, Please tell me you're not a spooky old cat lady.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I like that picture Deb.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...



edutcher said...

Reminiscent of some Yorkies.

But would a cat save its owner from a bear?

Anonymous said...

Looking at Althouse Sitemeter reading for patterns and trends...

The 30-day moving average is trending steadily downward with a sawtooth that could be a weekly rhythm of strong weekdays and slow weekends.

However the upward spike this past week also correlates with the Meade/Palladian brouhaha, which validates Bagoh's prediction that Meade's mischief generates hits over there as well as here.

There is a psychological term on the tip of my tongue for a benefit that reinforces bad behavior -- payoff?

edutcher said...

Unfortunately, I thought the term was "trending down".

deborah said...

More like crazy dog lady, Nick. Down to three dogs, and my daughter said, 'finally a normal number of dogs,' and I told her most people would think that was a lot of dogs.

deborah said...

LOL Mitchell.

Thanks, Lem.

Edwaaard, listen again, that Yorkie was protecting its food :)

Anonymous said...

edutcher: Google "trending downward." It's used quite often.


The term for payoff I was thinking of is "secondary gain." It's more often used for medical situations, but could apply to psychological ones.

For Meade the primary gain would be the direct psychological validation he feels in blog combat over here, but the secondary gain could be the traffic generated thereby at TOP.

rcocean said...

We have a calico. I don't see her much, but she's always friendly.

Like most cats, its always on her terms. We're just lucky to hang with her.

rcocean said...

3 Dogs. That's a big dog Food bill.

deborah said...

It's not so bad, it averages out to about six cups a day.

Yeah, cats are cool in their own way, equally good compared to a dog.

Meade said...

creeley, the psychological term you might be looking for is "wishful thinking" or maybe even "delusions of grandeur". "Hostility" might also apply.

Obviously, all those terms apply... to you.

Also, "acting out" along with "anal retentive" and, of course,"exibitionism". Here's a psychological term you might also find useful: "get help".

Anonymous said...

Meade: Maybe TOP numbers will pop a little earlier this week.

Fingers crossed.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Larry! The post is about an adorable cat, not yipping dogs!

Meade said...

"Maybe TOP numbers will pop a little earlier this week. "

We would barely notice. If you're really interested in one blogger, let me suggest you follow the longer 9-year trend line. Of course, if what you want to do is fixate on one 30 day period and invent delusional theories of how you are at the center of everything as a means of explaining to yourself your narcissistic injury, go right ahead. It's a free internet. But you seem young. Why not pursue freedom and happiness.

Anonymous said...

Meade: I don't feel injured. I'm curious. I find you and Ann very odd people.

As to Sitemeter numbers -- when you want to understand something, you watch it. I know that a 30 day period isn't enough to draw firm conclusions, so I'm watching. It's not the only index I'm watching either.

I'll probably give this report every Sunday until TOP numbers stabilize. But for now, they are declining, despite your earlier protestation to the contrary.

It makes sense. I don't know how many hits your frequent commenters contributed to TOP, but definitely some and now those hits are gone. That's got to affect the numbers and it has.

The question is how low can you go.

Everybody limbo!

Meade said...

"I don't feel injured."


"I'm curious."


"I find you and Ann very odd people."


Anonymous said...

Meade: Well, it's been fun.

I'll see you next week with the new numbers.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

If you're really interested in one blogger, let me suggest you follow the longer 9-year trend line.

So ridding Narcissism Central of comments was a long, slow 9-year process, apparently.

No need to look at an immediate 20% drop in traffic corresponding to acute and significant events. Nothing to see here. Move along.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Balls Out!

Liked the picture of the cat, Deborah. Hope you enjoyed your Sunday and here's to a fine next week.

Anonymous said...

During that pantomime with Meade I was playing over Karpov v. Quinteros (Buenos Aires 1980).

Yow! That was Karpov in his prime, four years after Bobby Fischer forfeited the World Chess Championship to Karpov.

I've played over some great games and this one goes into that scrapbook. Karpov is not a flashy player -- he just pushed Quinteros off the board. It was like watching a top of the line tractor at work.

Karpov did exactly what Kramnik said in his magnificent interview about world champions:

When having an edge, Karpov often marked time and still gained the advantage! I don't know anyone else who could do that, it's incredible. I was always impressed and delighted by this skill. When it looked like it was high time to start a decisive attack, Karpov played a3, h3, and his opponent's position collapsed.

"a3, h3" are rook pawn moves. They are the smallest pawn moves one can make on a chess board. Karpov played them both against Quinteros and sure enough, Quinteros collapsed!

Anonymous said...

Everybody limbo!

deborah said...

Thanks, Rits, I hope you have the same :)