Monday, July 29, 2013

whooah. wait. what?

The universe just gave me money! WOOT! And I wasn't even trying.


Thank you, Lem.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Big Papi has been 5 for his last 5 since the phone got it.

Maybe the whole team should have phone batting sessions.

Thank you, Chip.

bagoh20 said...

Whooah, wait, WTF?

So is that Amazon portal thing on the right helping this blog or is it just there like any other ad? I would be enticed to use it if it helps keep this lifeboat inflated.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Amazon Purchases Report. up to date since the Amazon thingy went up.

Apparel & Accessories
Wigwam Men's Ironman Thunder Pro Low-Cut, White.

Elfie: Reasoning About Thinking
The Moscow Puzzles: 359 Mathematical Recreations (Dover Recreational Math)

Kindle eBooks
Taken for Granted: A Novel
The Long Ships (New York Review Books Classics)
The Poacher's Son (Mike Bowditch Mysteries)

Valet Tray Leather, Desk or Dresser Organizer by Tech Swiss

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A big thank you to all of you that have supported this blog with your Posts, Comments, donations and Amazon purchases.

bagoh20 said...

OK, finally I can get my $8 box of candy cigarettes. I've been seriously jonesing. I need that 5000 calorie day of sugar bliss again.

Basta! said...


I tried to buy something thru here from Amazon, but all I'm seeing is the word "Amazon", ocated right under the donate button but not looking like a button itself, just black ink on white background. When I try to click on it, it does nothing. Am I looking in the wrong place?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I just tried it. It seems fine.

Type in the search box.

Meade said...

Lem said...
"A big thank you to all of you that have supported this blog with your Posts, Comments, donations and Amazon purchases."

You're welcome from me for one. Keep up the good work, Lem et al. And thanks for doing it.

edutcher said...

Lem said...

Amazon Purchases Report. up to date since the Amazon thingy went up.


This is how it started at TOP.

The love of Mammon!

Basta! said...

I hate being a blogging illiterate, but I'm not seeing a search box either. At least, not on the blog page itself, just above, beside the address bar.

I'm using a MAC (they suck; just HAD to throw that in there) with Firefox.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I am glad it is starting to work out for you Lem!

Dust Bunny Queen said...

I see the word Amazon, but there is not any link or button to click onto.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Meade is a regular contributor. Thank you Meade.

Thanks EB

and thanks Ed for telling me what TOP means. I had not caught on.

Aridog said...

Fascinating...drag a ratty $2 dollar bill on a string through the trailer park and you get "congrats".

Lem ...please, just f'ing periodic summary is necessary. Those who use the portal know how it works. Some of us prefer ordinary donation, and do NOT want to see any of the info posted. One soul demands to tell everyone what it is, others not so much.

Let Bago have his cigarettes in peace. We needn't know the extent of his addiction. :D

Lem Vibe Banditory said...


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

no periodic summary is necessary

I used to use it as an alternative Café.

deborah said...

DBQ, is that a Tropicana rose?

Basta! said...

DBQ, I'm seeing the same as you. Are you on a Mac and/or Firefox?

Lem, I like to see the books, music and films people buy, though I'm indifferent to the medium, that is, I don't care if it's a "real" book or Kindle, etc.

Aridog said...

Lem said...

Meade is a regular contributor.

Well good for him. In my early young PFC and Spec-4 days, in Asia, I regularly contributed to whores, too....didn't mean I loved any of them.

However, some were more virtuous than a lot of people I knew then and know now back in "the world."

Caution: Anecdotal story....

One whore I was especially fond of as a person, went by the nickname of "PT" {anyone stationed near me then will know that name)...short for "Physical Training" for anyone who dared to sleep with her...vigorous in the extreme. *Man up* or else!

"PT" had infectious Tuberculosis ion a terminal stage, very sad for someone her young age. I "took her home" many nights, paid her twice the going rate, and endured her wrath for not being intimate. She knew the issue was TB and never once failed to greet me with a smile and a hug, usually demanding I dance with her, every time I saw her. She was very bright, athletic, and charming...may she RIP forevermore.

Moral? A Whore is usually better than a slut. Even man sluts on blogs.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

All books are real exept for the cover.

Cody Jarrett said...

Meade is a regular contributor. Hurray for him.

Does PayPal have a 30 pieces of silver currency exchange?

Seriously. What Ari said. And ed.

Aridog said...

In terms of missing in action, where is Poppa occasional but worthy commenter from TOP?

By the way, this is my third time using "TOP" as a designation...originally it referred to LGF, and then an off shoot of same. Now here we are....

For the record, I bear Althouse no malice. Why should I? She moved on, I moved on, that's it. This whole *contribution* thing persistently yammered about by an agent of TOP is amusing...and sad. If he'd shut the fuck up I'd still be reading Althouse.

Maybe he's done me a favor? After his punk assed attack on a couple of people, I don't care...I am who I am, period. I was never an important addition there and have no intention of being one here. Just a putz who will drop in now and then :D

Aridog said...

Oh, and since my Irish anger is starting to boil up and I need to cease for a last thing, potentially a violation of confidence with someone I like a lot, BUT....

Palladian, make a post, any subject, art or how many bugs can fuck on a pin head, anything. Do it. NOW! Ignore any one who detracts...apply the fuckem' where they eat principle.

Cody Jarrett said...

See what happens? Now you got Ari's Irish up.

Meade said...

Yeah, Palladian, do you hear A-dog? You owe him, as you and everyone knows. You are now his bitch. Do what he says. Or else. When A-dog says squat, you say, how high.

Lem, I just bought: 'Levi's Men's 505 Straight (Regular) Fit Jean' Levi's through your Amazon portal. I had exactly no problem using it. Thanks.

Meade said...

"If he'd shut the fuck up I'd still be reading Althouse. "

Wah wah wah...

Meade said...

Who is John Galt? Maybe John Galt is A-dog!

Aridog said... really are one punk tiny bitch mother fucker. One illiterate bitch too.

When A-dog says squat, you say, how high.

How high does anyone "squat?"

And for the record, no one ever owes me anything for anything I ever do. Free will and all that shit you have no clue about. You chicken shit little weasel ass brain thinks everything is tied to debt by extension of a hand?

BTW you little trwat faced maggot, I've helped others, here and elsewhere, with zero comment and will never make one. You, you dick licking ass muncher keep note on everything in your pennies and dimes world. ESAD.

There. Is. No. Debt. Fuck. Face.

I know...beyond your sniveling comprehension.

As said earlier, if not for your retarded antics I'd still be reading you wife's blog and contributing as well. You ran you big fucking mouth recently about want to match my contributions to Althouse to yours to Lem? Bitch Boy.

Yeah, Freeman and Lem, go ahead and delete me. Like I give a shit. You let this prick get what you get.

bagoh20 said...

If you don't see the amazon portal it's probably because you have some form of ad blocking on. I know that on Firefox if you have AdBlock plus turned on, it only shows the word "Amazon", but with it off it shows the whole thing. You can turn it off just for this blog site if you want, and still have the protection elsewhere.

Basta! said...

Thanks bagoh20, I'll try that.

Meade said...

Ah... ha. Ha ha ha ha ha. What a dipstick.

A-dog, your contributions to Althouse didn't amount to even half of what I've contributed to Lem's so far. So scrunch up that little cry baby face of yours just a tiny bit more if you can. And cry cry cry while you sputter your drunken inane boring obscenities.

No one cares.

Anonymous said...

Good lord, what a jerk. Some people think they have the upper hand here. Not surprising.

Anonymous said...

Not you Meade.

Aridog said...

Ah...yes, when all else fails, assert that the enemy is drunk. Or high.

So your contributions here are near middle 3 figures, eh? Good for you.

But I think you are bullshitting.

You seem to not get it...I don't care either. You rely on denigration of others for your ego. Have at it. You say what you want little man, your opinion is worth its cost.

Meade said...

That's okay, Inga. I know I'm a jerk. I'm an out and proud jerk.

Meade said...

"You rely on denigration of others for your ego."

-Aridog, explaining his life's philosophy

Anonymous said...

Naw Meade you are not a jerk.

bagoh20 said...

Meade, you have a lot of balls coming here and hawking your support for this blog when you can't even deliver the comments I paid you for already at TOP.

Meade said...

We had some kind of contract, bags? This for that? Educate me.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Did you buy this espresso maker on Amazon?

bagoh20 said...

OK, I couldn't resist that, but seriously, I love the monetization. It gives me a way of doing something about shoring up something that I enjoy and want to survive. I just hope nobody comes home here and kills the whole family in a suicide rampage. I hate when that happens.

JAL said...

If anyone's counting, I'd prefer not to have the Amazon purchases tracked in the blogs on any regular basis.

Reminding us from time to time might work better - sort of like Instanpundit?

Maybe if some interesting things show up ... that could make a fun post?

(Note how this has brought out the banshees.)

My thoughts.

bagoh20 said...

Me and everyone was asked on multiple occasion to support a blog if we enjoyed it. I did, and then what I enjoyed was taken away.

I don't have a contract with my gardener. He still does what we both know I want done. He doesn't just walk around the yard making lawn mower noises.

Meade said...

I like seeing the Amazon Purchase Reports. They let me know my purchase went through and Lem earned a percentage at no additional cost to me without my having to email him and take up Lem's valuable time asking "hey, Lem didja get paid for those stupid pants I bought?"

Aridog said...

We're done Meade ...unless you tongue wants more.

Anonymous said...

This is Lems blog. Lem is Meade's friend. Former Althouse commenters stiil insulting Lem's guest. How rude.

Meade said...

Aridog said...
"We're done Meade ...unless you tongue wants more."

What a mature human being Aridog is.

chickelit said...

There once was a farmer who sowed his corn,
That kept a cock that crowed in the morn,
That waked a priest all shaven and shorn,
That married a man all tattered and torn,
That kissed a maiden all forlorn,
That milked a cow with the crumpled horn,
That tossed a dog,
That worried a cat,
That killed a rat,
That ate the galt
That poisoned the house that Jack built.

bagoh20 said...

I am one vote for showing the purchases, or I should say not against it. I do read them, and find some interest in it. I have also bought some things only because I saw someone else did, and looked it up on Amazon and found it something I wanted.

I say do it occasionally, it will get ignored by most after a few times, but I'm fine with it all the time too. We aren't running out of internet room yet.

test said...

Inga said...
Former Althouse commenters stiil insulting Lem's guest. How rude.

July 29, 2013 at 9:26 PM

Inga said...

July 25, 2013 at 9:28 PM

edutcher said...

Some people are still piling on.

deborah said...

DBQ, is that a Tropicana rose?

Looks like one, The Blonde's favorite.

bagoh20 said...

"Your gardener is either a fool, incompetent, illegal, or all three. And so are you."

I just thought we respected and trusted each other all these years. I had no idea how some people see such things. Glad I'm not in that world anymore. Yuck.

edutcher said...

PS For those not seeing the Amazon box, make sure Javascript is turned on in your browser.

deborah said...

Yes, Ed, I recall you saying that once, and me telling you it's one of my faves. So intense!

Anonymous said...

Yes Marshal. I stopped though. Did you folks?

chickelit said...

Meade said...
When A-dog says squat, you say, how high.

Meade, that's not even close to the version my dad told me he heard in the army.

Oh and your own wife would cringe at your metaphor.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...


Competitive conservative sales contributions. I'm impressed either way!

test said...

Inga said...
Yes Marshal. I stopped though. Did you folks?

I can't decide which is funnier, that you might believe this or you think we might.

chickelit said...

Inga said...
Good lord, what a jerk. Some people think they have the upper hand here. Not surprising.

July 29, 2013 at 9:10 PM

Inga said...
Not you Meade.

July 29, 2013 at 9:11 PM


Anybody else catch that? Inga had to reassure Meade that she didn't mean him because she knew his words could be construed as jerky too.

Trooper York said...

Bag some people can do business with a handshake. Some not so much.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I'm getting the portal on a Mac (full disclosure, initially reluctant Mac User until Steve Ballmer's software gave me a blue screen. That'll do it).

But it's working pretty well for me. Yes, locating and accessing files can be bizarre, but it works. At least for now. And Adobe's Flash one of the first thing's you've got to download, and keep updating. But I thought that was the case for any device. Not sure if that's what allows Java to run but either way the portal's showing up fine here.

Trooper York said...

Lem I promise to use your Amazon portal for all of my Yankee memorabilia purchases.

Right now I am in an auction for Mickey Mantles liver.

Anonymous said...

Marshal, whatever. What you believe is of no consequence to me.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Apropos of nothing, other than the festive mood the post (and a hardy reference to BuzzFeed in the last post), I thought I'd link 20 Ridiculous Texts from Perfect Strangers!

Or maybe, it's apropos of a propensity of some of us to miss the point every now and then. And the fact that hilarity is never inappropriate. Enjoy, BlogPeople!

Freeman Hunt said...

Lem should probably assign math homework.

Freeman Hunt said...

Speaking of, I particularly liked those posts by Dante and bagoh. I know we have a lot of math, science, and engineering types. If you are one such and come across something particularly interesting that you would like to write up and have appear here, let me know via email. It is my pleasure to post that sort of thing.

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

I was going to send my plans for the flux capacitor but I wasn't sure that anyone would believe it. It came to me one night when I fell of a chair while fixing a light in the bathroom...

But if the Libyans don't come for me in the meantime, maybe I'll send them again.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

That was a good catch pollo.

Math, math, math world... I'm going to join in the math posts.

As soon as I say that, I realize I probably wont. Not that I'm a manic depressive rap star or anything like that. Saying I'm something one minute and the opposite the next.

(Althouse post, clicker beware)

ndspinelli said...

Circle "jerk."

Ritmo Re-Animated said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Just in case anyone's interested, my flux capacitor is now available on Amazon. Sale proceeds both to this blog (if using portal) and to ME, THE DESIGNER!!! HAHAHA. Doc Brown's assistant. What an awesome deal.

Comes with certificate of authenticity.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

For those having problems--if you use Ghostery or Adblock, as I do, turn it off for this site. Then the Amazon thing will turn into a search box, which will do its thing for Lem.

And The Long Ships was me! : ) It's wonderful so far-very droll.

I bought some printer ink today and I think I forgot to go through the portal : (

Dust Bunny Queen said...


I don't know what kind of rose it is. A photo that I found on the internet that looked pretty to me

I am using Firefox with adblock plus on a non MAC pc. I do see the Amazon widget elsewhere.

PLEASE PLEASE do not start with detailing what people are buying. We don't care. It is crass and distasteful to do this. Everyone knows that if you buy something through the Amazon portal that the blog earns some money. We buy thousands of dollars of items from Amazon and I would be glad to do so through THIS portal unless you go on hawking the goods as Meade did over at Althouse like some sort of cheezy carnival barker. I would have used THEIR portal if not for that chortling over pennies. I have my standards and allowing myself to be a grifter's mark is not one of them

Meade said...

Whatever Dust Bunny Queen says, do the opposite.

Basta! said...

Bagoh2, thanks, that was exactly the problem.

So I shut off adblocker for this site alone, reloaded the site, and voilà, I now see a button for Amazon, plus the site search box.