Sunday, July 28, 2013

"Rose...posted multiple angles of a video that showed him picking up the animal and throwing it...

Tech mogul Kevin Rose is again generating huge traffic on the Internet, after he posted a video of himself confronting a raccoon on the steps of his San Francisco home.
I iz here to eat your dog.
 In all seriousness -- he picked up a live raccoon.  With his hands.  I think I would have used a shoed foot, or a shovel, or a 0.22.  They can be rabid.

Apparently, the Digg founder has contributed to animal rights organizations in the past:
A spokesperson from People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) told KPIX 5 in a written statement, “It was a crazy move that could have gone very wrong for man, dog, and raccoon, but you can’t fault a man for reacting to save his dog.
But to me, this was the most interesting bit:
When asked about the video going viral, Rose said, “I had no idea it was going to explode this big. More than anything else, I am really worried about the neighborhood.”
Just like George Zimmerman.

Now, before you get yourself all worked into a self-righteous lather, no, that's not what I meant; I actually didn't even think of that antiquated racial slur until just now.  Some contributors might have avoided my ham-handed parallel just to avoid the appearance of impropriety, but I've been called a racist more times in the last few weeks than in my entire life combined, and I've become numb to the sting of it.


rhhardin said...

What if your dog is attacked by dwarfs.

Cody Jarrett said...

What if your dog is a dwarf?

Cody Jarrett said...

Dwarf tossing can be fun. So can cow tipping. Sorry Evi L.

edutcher said...

Pasta's right about raccoons and rabies.

Also skunks.

Meade said...

My old shepherd collie, Mollie, would've protected that guy's dog. She would've killed that raccoon in about 12 seconds. With no remorse.

Cody Jarrett said...

Everyone always says their dog would've could've killed a raccoon, until the dog actually latches on to a coon and gets shredded.

Meade said...

Mollie pioneered stand your ground. Around children she was gentle as a lab.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Much of the road kill around here is raccoon so I'm hoping that men's hats come back into fashion.

Cody Jarrett said...

Coons are rough on dogs. Couple of my friends are big into competitive coon hunting (which is mostly dog trialing at that point, I suppose).

I'm sure Mollie was a tough girl, but I've seen other tough dogs bred for it not fare well with coons.

Meade said...

"Everyone always says"

Some people sometimes indulge in hyperbole.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Did that raccoon owe you money?

Chip Ahoy said...

Those raccoon hats with the tails hanging down made think the beaver hats should have beaver tails hanging down, with added benefit of keeping the sun off the neck. So, top hats with beaver tails.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Like Abe Lincoln in the French Foreign Legion.

Meade said...

Mollie was a tough girl. Smart too, although you will just have to take my word for it. Or not. I don't really care.

I saw her kill two raccoons in her 16 years. Too many groundhogs to count. Several of my clients hired her to dig up moles in their lawns. She didn't kill them though. She'd watch and wait like a cat, then pounce, dig, and flip the mole up in the air. I'd grab it, put it in a bucket, and relocate it to my own yard. I love moles.

Chip Ahoy said...

The comments over there are surprisingly delightfully reassuringly antiraccoonite.

Karen of Texas said...

"I love moles."

I'm trying to figure out if this is a straight-up statement only about love of yard moles... or something else.

Because - people have moles, some say sexy moles. And people are moles, some say spies.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I linked it over at BSC News...

ndspinelli said...

Toaster need to man up. This is the case of a human messing w/ the natural order.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

CEO-MMP, don't worry about cow tipping. Cows like chasing those hooligans when they try to sneak in for some tipping.

Cody Jarrett said...

You're right, I will have to take your word for it, or not.

I choose not. No offense.

Moles? Moles are cute. They help aerate the soil. And sometimes, just sometimes, you can walk out onto your lawn and find one laying there dead, nary a mark on them. Just dead.

I wonder if that's somehow related to "snitches get stitches"?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

He should have called a llama.

Basta! said...

I had a raccoon hat when I was 3. Refused to take it off. It's July, 90-something degrees, sweat rolling down my face, I'd scream if anyone tried to snatch it off me. The tail, of course, was always worn in front, right down the middle of my face. I mean, what good was it if you couldn't see it.

ndspinelli said...

"Daveyyy, Daveyyy Crockett, king of the wild frontier."

Cody Jarrett said...


I had a flintlock cap rifle (and pistol), a powderhorn (that doubled as a trumpet) and a handmade leather possibles bag to go with my coonskin.

I wore/carried that shit everywhere for a while. I mean literally everywhere.

They never let me have the Bowie knife though. But I did have a tommyhawk with a hard rubber blade.

And that hard rubber was hard too. Like a hockey puck. You could draw blood with it.

ndspinelli said...

CEO had the full Alamo package. Must be Richy Rich!!!

Cody Jarrett said...

Come to think of it, I did have a Bowie knife, also with a hard rubber blade.

Not Richy Rich. Was the only grandchild plus had a old maid aunt.

Icepick said...

I've been called a racist more times in the last few weeks than in my entire life combined, and I've become numb to the sting of it.

Whenever I hear anyone state that something or someone is racist these days, I just assume the person making the claim is a complete scumbag who's probably lying when they say the sun will come up in the East tomorrow morning. I just don't care anymore.

ndspinelli said...

CEO, That's like hitting the daily double.

Meade said...

Karen, the moles I love are the moles that tunnel through the yard, eating insect grubs. I don't hate the people who poison them or otherwise try to exterminate them but I do pity them in their ignorance and ignorant mole hatred. Moles are territorial and practice population control.

ken in tx said...

Meade is right. Most of the damage attributed to moles in yards is done by voles. Both dig tunnels but moles eat grubs and insects, whereas voles eat plant roots.

ndspinelli said...

Dr. Gosnell and the Chinese government also practice population control.

Meade said...

Maybe so, Bad Analogy Guy, but moles control their population without using abortion and murder.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Mole Men

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

I am sure the liquor/wine store in the background is not a coincidence.

Karen of Texas said...

Thanks for the clarification, Meade. :)

Anyone who likes a natural source of pest control has to be a pretty decent sort. I'm a beneficial nematode person myself, but if ever a mole makes his home in my yard, I'll welcome it gladly. Will drive my dog crazy, but if she keeps greeting me up at 4am to go outside, she deserves it...

Bleach Drinkers Curing Coronavirus Together said...

Moles work best underground, where they infiltrate networks that larger, more popular, more psychologically transparent lifeforms and living communities use to communicate in ways that don't just involve ego-praising.

Cody Jarrett said...

Meade said...

Maybe so, Bad Analogy Guy, but moles control their population without using abortion and murder

You're right. They do it without having sex. Which is understandably easy for you--but for some of the rest of us, perhaps not so.

Trooper York said...

David Ortiz missed a big opportunity when he signed with the Red Sox instead of the Yankees in 2003. George really wanted to sign him but he went to the Sox instead.

Black and Hispanic players are always mistreated and dissed in Boston. From Jim Rice to Tommy Harper to George Scott to Trot Nixon to Nomar to Manny they always get the short end of the stick.

Boston was the last team to get a black guy and black/Hispanics get smacked around the most.

David Ortiz would have been much better off with a Yankee. He might even have made the Hall of Fame.

Cody Jarrett said...

Trooper York said...

David Ortiz missed a big opportunity when he signed with the Red Sox instead of the Yankees in 2003. George really wanted to sign him but he went to the Sox instead.

Yeah...he missed the chance to not win 2 championships.

BTW--you sure you're in the right thread?

Trooper York said...

He would have won more with the Yankees just as the Yankees would have won more with him instead of Jason Giambi or A-Rod.

I think Big Papi is a great player but as a country we always discriminate against Fat Hispanics since we arrest them when they didn't even do anything wrong.

Cody Jarrett said...

Of course, if he had signed with the Yankees he'd have been able to enjoy the greatest choke job in the history of sports in 04.

I mean, enjoy being part of the collapsing team instead of the indomitable team.

ndspinelli said...

The Yankees were the second to last team to get a black player, a year before the BoSox. Hardly noble.

Trooper York said...

Hey every once in a while it doesn't work out.

The Red Sox have collapsed more times than the Althouse comments section. Just sayn'

Trooper York said...

Yeah but we still are ahead of the Sox.

Plus our black guys are popular.

Elston Howard. Horace Clarke. Reggie. Bernie Williams. Willie Randolph. And of course the ultimate Yankee Derek Jeter.

Where's Nomar these days?

Trooper York said...

Now Pete Rose. There was a great American. Who did he throw games for again?

The Cincinnati Reds I think?

Known Unknown said...

As an Indians fan, I can safely steer clear of the 'when did they get a minority' fracas.

Larry Doby ... first player in the AL.
Satchel Paige ... first starting pitcher in the AL.
Frank Robinson ... first manager.

Michael Haz said...

How much do you tip a cow? Fifteen percent, or is it more these days.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Hey for good service, 20%+!

Cody Jarrett said...

Everybody's a comedian.

ndspinelli said...

EMD, The Indians are indeed righteous, but they suck as a franchise. They had a few teams in the 90's, w/ sold out ballpark nightly. Just couldn't grab the brass ring.

Trooper York said...

Jeter is back.

You can surrender now.

Meade said...

Surrender by everyone else is the only way NYY will make playoffs. Better luck next season.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

The saga of Old House

Cody Jarrett said...

Sure, Jeter's back. And he'll be back on the DL by September first.

He's old and crackety.

Which is too bad, he used to be a great player, and he's really a good guy.

By that I mean a good guy period, not just a good guy for a Yankee.

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