Sunday, July 28, 2013

Open Thread

X-Files Bloopers


Karen of Texas said...

Season 8ish? I could probably throw 9 in there depending on my mood...

Loved the show, though. X-phile here, although I haven't revisited it in awhile.

You were talking about the show, right? And movies?

Karen of Texas said...


Just ask the NSA...

Karen of Texas said...

Although, I want to believe that they are not collecting metadata for nefarious government experiments...

Cody Jarrett said...

Necessity is the mother of taking chances--Mark Twain

Words to live by.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Gillian Anderson is better looking than Elisabeth Moss.

She's also the better actor but I have no idea which one makes more money or which one is better at sex.

Or is better at pretending to be better at sex, now that I think about it.

Karen of Texas said...

David Duchovny used to be hot. Then Californication happened... and perhaps his sex addiction. Are they the same?

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

I'm sorry if this is a bit nitpicky. But could the posters at this fine site consider standardizing the fonts across posts and make the text larger? It's a bit hard to read at the moment.

rhhardin said...


Cody Jarrett said...

Gillian Anderson-Klotz is (or,was I guess) a hugely attractive woman.

Duchovny is married to Tea Leoni, isn't he? She was hot, back when.
She had a funny show for a minute one season.

And I agree with pants. Fonts and I'd go further and ask for a standardization of style.

Thanks Gus.

AllenS said...

If you click on the comments instead of the heading, the font size is bigger and easier to read.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Gillian Anderson is better looking than Elisabeth Moss.

That is true.

pm317 said...

Ha ha, la la la...

Althouse has this on a thread: If there's a "café" or "semi-café," you can talk about anything, and this is the best way to communicate with me. This will — at least for now — become the equivalent of emailing me. I can't handle email right now.

This is exactly what I told her via Meade in an email when all the brouhaha erupted -- to open up her Cafe posts to comments which I said will keep her good commenters happy and she need not monitor it because it is an open thread. I knew the email model was not sustainable then and she is coming to the same realization now. Some of us are smarter than she is in some aspects.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

We are discussing standardizing.

The problem with standardization is that, as I see it, it implies the making of impositions.

I welcome your suggestions.

Karen of Texas said...

As far as I know, Duchovny's checking in for sex addiction treatment didn't send Tea running for the hills. I believe they have a child or two.

Tea's X-files appearance was one of my favorite episodes. Although, her Skully wasn't nearly as hot as Gillian's Skully. What? Just saying. Women can recognize these things, too.

Karen of Texas said...

Lem, perhaps there is standardization as far as the "look" of the site... as opposed to the content? Different bloggers have different styles and I don't think anyone wants to impose, or curtail, their styles. Too bad blogger doesn't let you have threads within threads... or something like that.

rhhardin said...

Standardize means to change.

It's power-crazed busybodies at work.

Cody Jarrett said...

Karen, love the avatar picture. Much stronger as a black and white than the color picture (but don't take offense...I don't usually even like my own color pictures, LOL).

Is the b/w version there in the folder? I only see the color version.

Cody Jarrett said...

Lem, perhaps there is standardization as far as the "look" of the site... as opposed to the content? Different bloggers have different styles and I don't think anyone wants to impose, or curtail, their styles.

That's actually a good point. I wasn't thinking--but should've--that a Chips post would be laid out the way it is as part of the Chips experience.

I was too busy thinking of myself.

rhhardin said...

Turn words

ad, a, con, di, in, ob, per, re, trans, tra, and uni verse.

Cody Jarrett said...


one verse.

one. line.




Karen of Texas said...

CEO - thanks! No offense at all, lol. The b/w version is just in the 'Gallery' ... I've been lazy and haven't organized.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I cant find an ASCII blog generator... yet.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

There is an ASCII middle finger.

I thought I mention it, before I got it facing me.

edutcher said...

Never got into the X-Files, although my sister never missed it.

Something to do with paranoia, I suppose.

pm317 said...

I mentioned my previous comment for the record to show that I gave her a suggestion with good intentions that was workable -- many of us I am sure wanted to save Ann the embarrassment, the recent incarnation of Meade notwithstanding. Anyway, that is my last comment on it. Have a good blog life.

edutcher said...

In the Lefties Define Insanity As Doing the Same Thing Over And Over And Expecting A Different Result Dept:

The Peacock has picked Diane Lane (poor girl) to star as Hillary! just in time for the '16 primaries.

Yeah, that first woman POTUS series with Geena Davis was such a help to her in '08, right?

ndspinelli said...

Duchovny and Anderson had superb chemistry and this blooper reel shows that quite well. That's what made the show a success as much as anything else.

Trooper York said...

If you want to see a great detective series from Ireland, rent "The Fall" starring Gillian Anderson who is superb as Dec Superintendent Stella Gibson. Set in Belfast Northern Island in the present day it is an engrossing psychological police procedural mixing sex, crime, murder, social issues and a dash of the troubles.

1000% better than some of the schlock on TV today.

deborah said...

The sitcom Tea Leoni had was good.

She was superb, as was Cloris Leachman, in Spanglish. Adam Sandler, not so much.

Karen of Texas said...

Ooo. I'll have to check that series out. Thanks, Trooper.

Trooper York said...

It's on Netflicks and you will love it Karen. Anderson plays a tough sexy woman who is in charge of her life.

The juxtaposition of normal life for the old soldiers of the IRA and the coppers is very interesting and combine to help a psycho run free.

I think it is a six episode series and they are filming the sequel which will air this fall.

Known Unknown said...

Hey, I got bored and wrote a poem.


We climbed hills in search of mountains

We swam rivers in search of the sea.

We tore flesh from the heart of youth

And traded it for dull-edged swords.

We devoured the forest.

But came away with nothing but the silvery taste of hardship thick on our tongues.

We barked at lights grown dim and watched stars fade.

We dismantled our rose-colored glass-blowing machine.

We drank the saccharine blood of over-promise

And lay amongst the fallen leaves of long-lost accolades.

We clothed ourselves in second-hand souls
Sang dirges for Cadillacs, and dreamt every dream we knew.

And then we let go.

We were once.

We were fleeting.

We were gone.

Cody Jarrett said...

The saccharine blood of over promise?


Icepick said...

My mother-in-law lives about a mile from the truth. I've been there. Not as impressive as you'd think, and certainly not all that revealing. Mostly these days it's just a bunch of dirt since they took down the playground.

Icepick said...

Gillian Anderson-Klotz is (or,was I guess) a hugely attractive woman.

She still is, at least on TV. She was on Hannibal this last season as Hannibal Lecter's psychiatrist, and still looked really good. Also? She may be playing a cannibal psychiatrist on the show, too! Woohoo! I love me some (fictional) cannibal action!

Cody Jarrett said...

There's only one glaring problem with attractive female cannibals.

Yup. That.

Icepick said...

I cant find an ASCII blog generator... yet.


ndspinelli said...

"The Fall" sounds like a shanty Irish ripoff of The Wire. We are watching The Wire on HBO Go. Missed it back when it aired. Finished season 3 last night w/ the demise of B&B. This is certainly in the top 3 of all time. Hell, Dennis Lehane wrote one of the episodes. Of course it's the one w/ the Irish wake of a detective. So many great characters, but Bubbles and Omar are my favorites so far. McNulty is too shanty Irish for me and I don't give a fuck about his soap opera life, it's just a distraction. There are many actors from Homicide[best series on network tv IMO] and OZ.

ndspinelli said...

AllenS, You need to upgrade from dial-up.

Icepick said...

There's only one glaring problem with attractive female cannibals.

Yup. That.

I did say that I like them fictional!

Anonymous said...

The X-Files was fun while it lasted, but the episodes are all a blur to me now.

The only one I remember was that black-and-white Cher episode with the disfigured kid. And the boffo "Walking in Memphis" concert bit.

Anonymous said...

Bubbles and Omar are my favorites so far.

They were great! The character that hit me the hardest was Snoop, that dead-cold female killer for one of the gangs. I couldn't figure how she gave such a unique chilling performance.

I looked her up -- she was played by Felicia Pearson, whose real nickname is Snoop. She was a premature crack baby. At the age of 14 she was convicted of second-degree murder and served six and a half years.

ndspinelli said...

creeley, Is she the tomboy w/ corn rows. Because she just came onto the scene as a Marlow underling @ the end of season 3, where we just left off. If she is, THANKS A LOT MOFO!!! How does Sixth Sense end? I'm just bustin' balls in case you don't know me.

Trooper York said...

As I have often said, "The Wire" is the best show ever made for television. You should know Spinelli that it was written by several great mystery novelists including Dennis Lehane. The great George Pelecanos who is one of the best mystery writers you could find today with his tales about Washington DC. Also the great Richard Price the author of "Clockers" and "The Wanderers" and a bunch of great movies.

However the reason why I enjoyed "The Fall" so much is it showed how a modern bureaucratic system has been thinly overlaid the murderous state of Northern Island due to the troubles.

One of the characters is an IRA bomber who was in an English prison but gets caught with the cops because he beats his wife and is a common criminal. It is very, very interesting.

Karen of Texas said...


Scully. Scully. Scully.

Now you're in my phone - frigger...

ndspinelli said...

Trooper, I trust you on tv shows, and I lust for Anderson, so I'm sold.