Monday, July 29, 2013

Open Thread

Volver - Penélope Cruz


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I know that ChipA is a smart guy.

Now, I suspect, I'm positive, he has a big heart too.

ChipA made it happen. he managed what none of us could.

If anybody should get a thank you here, it is Chip.

The Russian in this scene is hilarious. That's a [present] to you Chip.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

ChipA Jericho.

yashu said...

I love this song, and this movie.

Another beautiful song performed in an Almodovar film: Cucurrucucu Paloma sung by Caetano Veloso.

Thank you, Chip.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

For the Writing Experiment Please See: For Stupid Comments, Check Here Occasionally.


Revenant said...

Looks like the civil war in the Republican Party between the "Forever War" and "Isolationist" factions is heating up. It'll be interesting to see how it affects the 2014 elections.

Chip Ahoy said...

I divine the flicker of the lights in the distance will mark my return. They are the same that illuminated with its pale reflection some hours of pain. And even though I did not return it always comes back to first love. The old street where the echo said, "Your life is yours, his wants are his." Return with face withered, the snow of time plated my temple. Feeling, that is a breath of life and twenty years is nothing, that feverish look, wandering in the shadows, seek you and call you. Living with the soul clinging to a sweet memory of another time. I fear of meeting a past that returns to face up with my life. I have fear of the nights filled with memories that chain up my dreams. But the traveler who flees sooner or later ceases his wandering. And while the forgetfulness that destroys everything has killed my old illusion, I keep a hidden humble hope that is all the treasure of my heart. To return with a withered brow the snows of time silvered my temples. To feel that is a breath of life, that twenty years are nothing. That the feverish look wandering in the shadows seek you and call you. To live with a soul bound with a sweet memory, I cry again.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

It's a wonderful movie.

edutcher said...

Too bad no subtitles.

Revenant said...

Looks like the civil war in the Republican Party between the "Forever War" and "Isolationist" factions is heating up. It'll be interesting to see how it affects the 2014 elections.

No, the war is between Republicans and Whigs.

The "War" stuff is a side issue.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I would very much like to give Penélope Cruz an orgasm and then have her thank me for it afterwards.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Thank you Chip!

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

Mitchell the Bat, thank you for sharing that thought. Maybe you can get Ms. Cruz together with that girl from the library you met the other day.

Trooper York said...

Today is National Lasagna Day.

May the noodles and sauce be with you!