Thursday, July 25, 2013

2016 isn't that far off.

Unless Hillary Clinton can lease the Obama Election Theft Machine for a few weeks in October 2016, the Republicans have a decent chance this time.  Too early?  Fuck you, I was looking at the upcoming hockey season the other day, and it's July.  Who ya got?  Let's look at the choices:
One finger, that's all I'd need for the likes of you, asshole.
 More after the jump:

Rand Paul:  A few years ago, if you'd told me I might vote for someone with the last name "Paul", I would have laughed heartily, "Oh ha ha hee."  That was before I first voted for someone named McCain (gah) and someone else named Romney (ack).  And over the years, some really good commenters, like ScottM and Revenant, have moved me from conventional conservative to libertarian-ish conservative.

 Paul Ryan:  "Earned legalization is not amnesty," Ryan said of the Democratic Permanent Majority Act of 2013.  That moved him out of the top spot for me.
Chris Christie:  Fuck you, you dumb backstabbing fat fuck, and the giant fat fucking Clydesdale you rode in on.  Fuck.
Jeb Bush:  Really?  We're doing this again?  Of all the families to make into a political dynasty, we have to choose the most wishy-washy liberal Republican family we can find?  Sorry, Jeb.  Too soon.  Try again in 2024.  Ish.
Marco Rubio:  This was my guy, until the amnesty betrayal.  His speech at the convention really resonated with me.  I remember one line where he talked about listening for his dad's key in the lock on his way to work in the early morning.  It left a lump in my throat.  And before that betrayal, he'd taken all the right (as in not left) stands on issues.

That, and he's Hispanic.  Because I'm a racist Republican and skin color is all I see, and even when we conservatives support a brown person, it's because of our racism.

But at this point, I wouldn't vote for him if he announced a platform of elimination of the IRS, income tax, EPA, OSHA, and my idiot brother-in-law.  You broke my racist heart, Marco.

 Ted Cruz:  What's this, you say?  There's another brown Republican?  Be still my beating heart.

Damn, he's kind of an ugly little cuss, isn't he?

Beauty isn't everything; but when you have to capture a pretty large percentage of the female vote, and they base their vote on whether someone appears to be a nice young alpha male with a glowing smile and nice hair who looks good in a suit, and whether does an awesome promotional video on their behalf...I don't know if the only true conservative in this group has a chance.

What say you, commenters?  What's your choice?  Who did I leave out?


Cody Jarrett said...

I prefer Cruz to Rand Paul but I wouldn't be unhappy with Rand Paul. Christie...I think I'd actually sit out the election. Even if he had Cruz or Paul as his running mate I couldn't do it. I despise that man.

Jeb Bush sucks. Rubio sucks. Ryan's okay.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Off Topic.

blog tech issue..


Some of the guys are on your thread below saying something has happened to the formatting--sometime around yesterday--and that change is making it really hard for them to read the text.

I'm not sure what browser they are using.

I disabled the mobile phone application.
and I limited the number of posts, showing on the main page, to all the post posted on that day.

Can someone tell me which of those should I undo.

shiloh said...

Ryan, Bush, Cruz DOA.

Christie will not survive the primaries. Rubio is currently losing to Hillary by 10 pts. in FL. Paul will lose to Hillary in a landslide.

hmm, what did say at TOP last year ~ Keep hope alive!

And hey, it's never too early.

Methadras said...

At this point any of these guys would be preferable to Clinton, but I'll tell you where the distinctions for all them will fall off against Clinton and that is on foreign affairs. Paul, Cruz, Rubio, Ryan, et al. do not have foreign relations experience. She does and I think that will be her strength against any of them. Even Jeb Bush doesn't have the foreign policy bona fides that she does and the MSM will pound that home day after day after day. Watch.

Chip Ahoy said...

Lem, I would suggesting turning on the mobile and the number of posts to 15.

That should do it, don't you think?

Then for multiple videos, we can tuck behind "more"

That would be my temporary plan if I were king of the world.

Chip Ahoy said...

Also, Pastafarian, you sound a bit opinionated.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Ok thanks.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

shiloh said...
Christie will not survive the primaries.

The desire to win will be strong by 2016, so don't count out Christie.

Chennaul said...

Libertarians are like Lesbians--disproportionately represented on the internet.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

tech update.

The mobile app is going to take a while to go into effect.

Chennaul said...


Libertarians, Lesbians and Lawyers.

Revenant said...

Rand Paul would be the ideal choice, but I could live with Cruz. The rest aren't worth voting for.

I wouldn't read anything into current polls, though. According to the 2005 polls, Hillary should *already* be President. :)

Titus said...

Palin against Hildabeast would be great fun.


rcocean said...

Sorry, I'm too busy thinking about the 2018 mid-terms.

Revenant said...

She does and I think that will be her strength against any of them.

The problem she faces there is that "foreign policy experience" only helps if voters actually like the foreign policy of the United States. It seems to me that they don't.

Inasmuch as voters like Hillary they like her *despite* the foreign policy she oversaw, not because of the foreign policy she oversaw. She's still getting by on warm memories of her husband's Presidency.

Chennaul said...

Okay--let me try to be more clear about what I am trying to say.

Public policy polling, and/or statistics if you've dabbled in that at all.....

Internet commenters in no way represent the population in general (see the guy posting directly above ^ par example).

They are not random, and they are "self-selecting"--IOW you cannot draw any meaningful conclusions from what the majority of internet commenters say.

Blah--including the crap I just wrote.

Screw it.

bagoh20 said...

Great post, Pasta.

Chennaul said...

Oh shit!

When I started writing....

(see the guy posting directly above ^ par example).

that was another commenter... Mr. tits

bagoh20 said...

That photo of Obama and Christy is deadly in a campaign. He's toast. And looking at it makes me want to kick my dog.

Methadras said...

Revenant said...

The problem she faces there is that "foreign policy experience" only helps if voters actually like the foreign policy of the United States. It seems to me that they don't.

Inasmuch as voters like Hillary they like her *despite* the foreign policy she oversaw, not because of the foreign policy she oversaw. She's still getting by on warm memories of her husband's Presidency.

Leftists already show a huge penchant for having a short memory and making everything about their lives as being political. They will completely and utterly ignore, to deny, and outright lie for her and with the backing of the MSM. She's a coattailer for sure, but it will be a Bill and Chelsea full court press for her. A husband and wife team that are nothing but power grifters for the sake of it. At this point I'm thinking that short of anything else, republicans will not see a presidential seat for a long while. I'm already guessing her ticket will be all female as well.

bagoh20 said...

Actually, I'm more of an ass man myself.

sakredkow said...

Paul, Cruz, Rubio, Ryan, et al. do not have foreign relations experience

I think they can overcome not having the experience - lots have succeeded without it. But I don't think Paul could because his foreign policy ideas are so....unconventional.

Chennaul said...

I think they can overcome not having the experience - lots have succeeded without it. But I don't think Paul could because his foreign policy ideas are so....unconventional.


He forgot an age old law of politics--it gets translated differently but...

Here is one version of it:

If you give me six lines written by the hand of the most honest of men, I will find something in them which will hang him.

Richelieu, Cardinal De -

Titus said...

I think it would be cool if it was all women pres/vp candidates.

4 sets of tits bouncing along the campaign trail eating hot dogs.

test said...

Haven't you figured out both Rubio and Cruz are White Hispanics?

Paul: No, ties to racism prevent from winning. Plus quite valuable where he is.

Ryan: Not a huge fan, damaged by budget proposal.

Christie: No, same reasoning as Pasta.

Bush: No, SRAP.

Rubio: No, SRAP.

Cruz: Interested in hearing more. Don't fuck it up.

Chennaul said...

Paul Ryan also forgot the Cardinal Rule.

test said...

Blogger madawaskan said...
Libertarians are like Lesbians--disproportionately represented on the internet.

That's what makes it great.

test said...

Who did I leave out?

Scott Walker?

Chennaul said...

Marshal said...
Blogger madawaskan said...
Libertarians are like Lesbians--disproportionately represented on the internet.

That's what makes it great.



Who did I leave out?

Scott Walker?


Probably the winner isn't being talked about much yet.

edutcher said...

Cruz is a first termer, so he won't run and he's got better sense to try.

Pasta's right on the other 3, but somebody like Jindal (as an example) could also catch fire.

shiloh said...

Ryan, Bush, Cruz DOA.

Jeb and Rubio.

Cruz is very much alive and that scares people like Bathtub Swabbie.

Christie will not survive the primaries. Rubio is currently losing to Hillary by 10 pts. in FL. Paul will lose to Hillary in a landslide.

Oh, you mean like the last time she was the anointed nominee, how long did that last?

Iowa, wasn't it?

Even with the Chi-town vote fraud, she'd still blow it.

The Demos better have someone better than Shotgun Joe and Andy Cuomo in the bullpen.

test said...

Chris Christie 7/1
Marco Rubio 8/1
Sarah Palin 10/1
Paul Ryan 12/1
Rand Paul 15/1
Jeb Bush 18/1
Mike Huckabee 18/1
Eric Cantor 20/1
Mike Pence 20/1
Bob McDonnell 25/1
John Kasich 28/1
John Thune 30/1
Jon Huntsman 30/1
Bobby Jindal 30/1
Luis Fortuño 35/1
Jim Demint 35/1
Scott Walker 35/1
Scott Brown 35/1
Ken Cuccinelli 40/1
Rob Portman 40/1
Rick Santorum 40/1
Tim Pawlenty 40/1
Nikki Haley 40/1
Susana Martinez 40/1
Kelly Ayote 45/1
Rick Perry 45/1
Mitch Daniels 50/1

A list from a randomly found website.

Huckabee should probably be included in the list. He's probably my least favorite but he's run before and he does have a base of support. Agree with Mad the likely nominee is way down or not on the list.

Chennaul said...

Damn it Marshal that is interesting....

Ugh--I don't want to get hooked again...

I can feel the poll junkie flop sweat already...

test said...

I think Pence is a guy to look into. Foreign affairs while in congress, was in leadership so should have fundraising ability. Solid from a moderate state, harder for the media to pigeonhole him.

Worth a look.

deborah said...

Are there any females that are contestable? IF Hillary gets the nom, she will have unbelievable momentum, just being the first possible female president.

I wondered, when Kay Bailey Hutchison ran against Cruz if she had presidential aspirations (as having been a governor is seen as having more gravitas than having been a senator). She will be 73 in '16.

Here is a list of female governors, past and present:

female US governors, past and present

deborah said...

Mads, yes, Scott Walker might be able to manage the Hilldog :)

shiloh said...

"Cruz is very much alive and that scares people like Bathtub Swabbie."

Much like you et al cons keep spamming Dems were/are afraid of mama grizzly.
And re: the "astute" con prognosticating at the TOP last year I may have to peak in here Sept/Oct 2016 ... for a few laughs.

Re: edutcher's childish ad hominem, try using a little imagination for once in life ...

Or not.

If I were to make a pre-prediction, Hillary wins AZ, NC and MO as well as all the 2012 Obama states regardless of her opponent. And maybe even GA/AR as well. And she forces whoever to spend $$$ in TX.

In any event, Obama is still pres for another 3 1/2 years! Happy Trails ...

Titus said...

A nice set of tits and a great bod can go a long way.

Palin or Bust.

Kay Bailey is a RINO and she's old and no bod.

edutcher said...

shiloh said...

Cruz is very much alive and that scares people like Bathtub Swabbie.

Much like you et al cons keep spamming Dems were/are afraid of mama grizzly.

Then why bring her up if you're not afraid of her.

And why call Cruz DOA? As a first termer (which I pointed out), his chances would be nil.

So clearly, Bathtub Swabbie is afraid of him.

If I were to make a pre-prediction, Hillary wins AZ, NC and MO as well as all the 2012 Obama states regardless of her opponent. And maybe even GA/AR as well. And she forces whoever to spend $$$ in TX.

Uh, this assumes she does better this time than last.

It also assumes she performs as well with the millstone of Benghazi around her neck.

In any event, Obama is still pres for another 3 1/2 years! Happy Trails ...

May you say that when you're the one who's the object of the knockout game.

Or raped by 10 wetbacks.

Or wiped out in the next crash.

Y'know Paula Deen and George Zimmerman were both supporters of Der Fuhrer.

All the gay repartee in his name won't save you when it's time for you to go under the bus.

PS Try showing some imagination yourself and say something intelligent instead of nothing but the latest boilerplate off Kos.

Titus said...

Does Rand have a Hindi Pindi between his eyes in that pic?

When I was in India I had a huge zit between my eyes and I kept squeezing it and trying to pop it to no avail and as a result it made me look like a whitey in India with a Pindi.

Tits on a plate.

shiloh said...

edutcher may be more unhinged than Meade, if possible ...

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Hillie's foreign relations experience was the tax payer funded travel party. IOW - not a big deal to over-come.

Methadras said...

I'd hold my nose and vote for Christi if I thought he even had a chance at winning.

edutcher said...

shiloh said...

edutcher may be more unhinged than Meade, if possible ...

Sure, Detroit's just a blip.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

I'm liking Rand more and more.

test said...

AprilApple said...
Hillie's foreign relations experience was the tax payer funded travel party. IOW - not a big deal to over-come.

Agree with this. The left thinks foreign relations experience means you had the job, not that you accomplished anything. When your big policy initiative is a reset button you don't have anything to offer.

Pastafarian said...

Yeah, I forgot Scott Walker. I'd put him pretty low on the list, for the same reason as Cruz. Not enough kevorka.

Jindal? Imagine the racist, yet effective, SNL skits they'd run there. Put some asshole in blackface and have him blabber in a southern accent -- it would be lethal. Not a single low-information voter would vote for him after that.

Palin...I'd vote for her. I don't know. Has the whole "I can see Russia from my hoase" thing blown over enough? Because they couldn't really play that card again.

I liked Thune...til he chickened out and didn't run in 2012 and left us with Mitt fucking Romney as the best, most viable choice.

I like Kasich, but no kevorka there either. I'd have to research Pence.

By including Haley, Martinez, and Ayote on this list, you've just proved your racism. And sexism.

Pastafarian said...

Hey, guys, she did a great job with Benghazi.

Reset this point, what does it matter??

Michael Haz said...

It's a long ways off. Everything will change.

Who is filling meeting halls now?

Palin, every time. Looks like she's going to do a senate run, though.

Walker was in Iowa two weeks ago and drew HUGE crowds. Chair of the Iowa reps says Walker's the guy. He's bulletproof on personal scandal.

Ryan still draws big. Wait out the immigration thing to see what his position is. I know him - the media miscast s what he says. Also bulletproof, and very smart on budget, economy, Obamacare and foreign relations.

Christie is dead to me.

Cruze is smart and a brilliant debater. BTW, check YouTube for the speech Cruz's father gave at Glenn Beck's recent dealio. Fucking brilliant. The son is like the father.

Everyone else is running for VP..

deborah said...

"Hillie's foreign relations experience was the tax payer funded travel party. IOW - not a big deal to over-come."

But how will the low information voters break?

Aridog said...

Marshall said ...

Cruz: Interested in hearing more. Don't fuck it up.

He will have to stop saying "abolish the IRS" ...won't happen, can't happen, with a flat tax or the fair tax.

Somebody has to collect the revenue...this is a nation where "avoidance" not only legal, but encouraged. That and "evasion" still has to b e prosecuted. Saying "abolish the IRS" is nothing more than poor electioneering.

Yes, fix the code by simplifying it...and re-gain control of the SES+ bureaucrats who operate the IRS. Outright eliminate 50% of the SES+ types first off, they-do-no-real-work...note that only two IRS executives are Presidential appointments....the rest are career appointments internally....they appoint each other, and actually do not day and day to day processing.

Cruz wants notice he needs to be realistic and dwell on what can be done, not a myth.

Aridog said...

Need to add: I LIKE Cruz, and want to like him even more. That is why I said what I did here.

Birches said...

Walker or Rand. But first Walker. We need someone who can manage a government. I don't think Senator translates very well to an executive office, or I'd be interested in Cruz too.

Christie would just be Romney rehashed. He wouldn't even win his home state. Same with Ryan.

Beloved Commenter AReasonableMan said...

deborah said...
But how will the low information voters break?

Given that Rush means all Democrat voters when he uses this phrase, I don't thing I am going out on a limb by suggesting that they will love her.

shiloh said...

Detecting a very defeatist con attitude here. Much like 2008/2012. Hey, it's too early for such despair.

ok, Obama could have lost OH/VA/FL and still won in 2012. Never mind.

But hopefully all of you have gotten over your Rasmussen/Gallup fetishes.

William said...

Hilary has advanced years and a recent concussive injury. The risk of dementia is just too great to nominate her. Level headed Democrats realize that and will be reluctant to nominate. (The bright side of this is that if those photos she sent to Huma ever come to light, she can claim their etiology was caused by illness and not perversion.)......The challenge every Republican faces is to convince the American electorate that he does not wish to revive the institution of slavery, end funding for HIV research and treatment, and launch a preemptive nuclear strike on Venezuela. That's all the electorate hears when they watch the news or listen to their favorite movie stars....Those candidates who are unassailably sane are Jeb Bush, Paul Ryan, Scott Walker, and Chris Chrystie. They stand a chance of winning.

sakredkow said...

But how will the low information voters break?

Every time you call them "low information voters" they break further and further away from you.

Icepick said...

Libertarians are like Lesbians--disproportionately represented on the internet.

Also, they're more interesting in theory than in actuality.

The Crack Emcee said...

I told you guys before, you didn't listen to me. There was humiliation. There were tears.

Don't fuck it up again.

Looking at this list, and wanting to win, I say Christie's all we got.

Anyone named "Paul" is a minefield most can't cross - even if it's your first name.

Anyone named "Bush" (who isn't George) lacks genuine charisma.

Little known fact - Latinos are getting up there with George Zimmerman and SSM as a few of blacks' favorite things.

Naw, if this is it, I suggest you order the Whopper Double Bacon Burger With Extra Cheese - in a Large Combo Meal - and learn to like it.

That's who we got that everyone understands,...

bagoh20 said...

"Every time you call them "low information voters" they break further and further away from you."

They have no idea they are called that, thus the name.

The Crack Emcee said...


That photo of Obama and Christy is deadly in a campaign. He's toast.

Unless he wants to win.

I know, I know - just like last time:

You don't need my vote anyway,...

The Crack Emcee said...


Somebody like Jindal (as an example) could also catch fire.

If you douse him gasoline and light a match, maybe,...

bagoh20 said...

"Obama could have lost OH/VA/FL and still won in 2012."

The fact that you find something to be proud about with what Obama has brought is disappointing. If there is one thing you guys on the left never do it's learn that winning is not always good for your country. Winning a popular vote doesn't wash away a mistake's nature nor outcome.

I bet if you took a vote on the Titanic early that night, "Full Steam Ahead" would have won hands down.

The Crack Emcee said...


Chris Christie 7/1

I can't HEEEAAARRR youuuuu,...

bagoh20 said...

Christy is a Bush with charisma, and charisma was never the main problem with the Bushes - they won, then what?

I'd rather lose than let another soft Republican end up sticking this mess on conservatives. That's all the left needs to get out of the hole they have dug themselves. I'd rather they keep digging than throw them a ladder.

bagoh20 said...

We need someone willing to be a one termer from day one.

bagoh20 said...

"You don't need my vote anyway,...".

We both know you are a one man demographic, so probably not.

The Crack Emcee said...


I'd rather lose than let another soft Republican end up sticking this mess on conservatives.

Self-fulfilling prophesy.

I wondered how these things happen,..

The Crack Emcee said...


We both know you are a one man demographic, so probably not.


Thought I could sneak that shit by you,...

bagoh20 said...

There are a few hard and basic things this nation needs to do or it will falter and stagnate. Either we do them or not. If we are not going to do them, then all that's left is who gets blamed. If the wrong ideas are blamed, as has been the case most of my life, then there isn't even any hope for the future. So it comes down to a real reformer from the right, or a Democrat to take responsibility and put the nails in this thing.

The Crack Emcee said...


There are a few hard and basic things this nation needs to do or it will falter and stagnate. Either we do them or not. If we are not going to do them, then all that's left is who gets blamed. If the wrong ideas are blamed, as has been the case most of my life, then there isn't even any hope for the future. So it comes down to a real reformer from the right, or a Democrat to take responsibility and put the nails in this thing.

Too hard-line (and hard Right) to win.

We have to deal with reality:

We are going to face Obama III - The Feminist Version.

Less effective visuals but the same sterling ground game. How do we combat it?

Considering Christie's abilities with straight talk, and knowing the electorate - who isn't as upset about that Christie/Obama photo as some of you - I'd run with it and ask, "Who would you rather have a beer with?"

Nobody wants to drink with Hillary,...

bagoh20 said...

Crack, the problem is the women. They get a vote that counts the same as a man's and they don't want to have a beer with Christy. They and many men think a woman President will prove women can do anything, just like Blacks thought Obama would prove something. They are just a couple more people, and of course prove nothing about those groups. If I was Black, I'd be calling Obama a White African, that how proud I'd be.

This may sound trite, but I think Hillary will beat a fat Christy, but probably not a thinner one. I think he's done the homework on that too.

The Crack Emcee said...


Crack, the problem is the women.

Seriously? You've never held a room of women spellbound?

Bags, c'mon,...

The Crack Emcee said...

Iggy Pop - Lust For Life:

"That's like hypnotizing CHICKENS!"

The Crack Emcee said...

Hey - I'm just a modern guy!

edutcher said...

shiloh said...

Detecting a very defeatist con attitude here. Much like 2008/2012. Hey, it's too early for such despair.

Bathtub Swabbie projects once more.

Hillary! is the best the Demos have; she's good enough, she's smart enough, and, doggone it, people like her.

ok, Obama could have lost OH/VA/FL and still won in 2012. Never mind.

He means without 20% of the voter registration rolls in OH being phony and people being bused into VA from out of state to vote.


As Pasta said, there's an Obama Election Theft Machine and, without all its vote fraud, Choom would sunk by the bow.

(that's a naval term, if BS asks anyone)

Joe Schmoe said...

I'd vote for Jon Huntsman's wife.

Hillary is not going to be the nominee. She sounds good 3 years away from an election, but once she gets more screech time on TV, people will talk themselves into any alternative. That's how we got Obama.

The Dems could have an Obama 2.0 in the stable if MA guv Duval Patrick were to decide to run.

sakredkow said...

They have no idea they are called that, thus the name.

More wisdom from the guys who brought you Obama's victory in 2012.

Aridog said...

Crack sez ...

"Who would you rather have a beer with?"

This is true. But that factor, if the main one, is what scares me. It scares me because I suspect you are right about Christie, that he is the most viable candidate. Is that based upon charm and hustle mostly? I'd like to like Christie, so tell me how and why I should. Please.

My old age cynicism is that good men or women do not win elections. Has to be some grifter in there to win. Why would experienced successful straight up folks run for office?

Trooper described grifters per se quite well on another thread. By that description, our current POTUS is the grifter king. Worse, the institutionalized senior executive bureaucrats that do not change admin to admin are grifter princes....liars defending lies with more lies and squirrels in one massive mobius loop of activity.

Please to allow me my negativity ... being from Detroit & Michigan and all that....we are the only state in the US of A that had a unmitigated VAT tax for 40+ years [gone the horse, barn door and all that] implemented by a very popular Republican governor [still popular in his dotage]...same one who implemented an income tax here, at the same time. Masterful butt stabbing of the constituency.

Aridog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aridog said...

Some one said that photo of Christie and Obama together as buddies would be a killer for Christie. I think they are wrong in general...all the voters who went for Obama will see it as favorable. I live immediately adjacent to an 86%+ black city, in the east end of a city that is 50% Arab, 90% where I live, near a neighborhood that is about 90% Hispanic. The right to vote isn't lost in municipal bankruptcy. If the choices are narrowed down to where Christie is the alternative, who do you think they'd vote for, if they wanted some change, off hand?

Yeah, that photo might piss off some conservatives, the fraction of the whole that has never won an election in my lifetime.

shiloh said...

"The fact that you find something to be proud about"

Sour grapes aside wasn't talking about Obama per se ie this thread is about 2016 and Rep's slim chance to win the presidency.

But hey, bagoh20 is consistent w/his ad nauseam deflections, Obama or otherwise.

Indeed, Reps really, really don't want to talk about pres elections. They prefer to talk about low turnout midterms where they have a chance to succeed because of voter suppression also.

One wonders how many "low info voters" voted for mittens. I suspect a lot more than voted for Obama ie Willard won:


Yea, Alabama/Mississippi/Arkansas/Oklahoma etc. are leading the nation in education lol.


Top states for math and science:

1 Massachusetts
2 Minnesota
3 New Jersey
4 New Hampshire
5 New York
6 Virginia
7 Maryland
8 Connecticut
9 Indiana
10 Maine
11 Florida
12 Illinois

Bottom feeders er con heaven!

39 Alaska
40 South Carolina
41 Arkansas
42 Oklahoma
43 Nebraska
44 Nevada
45 Arizona
46 New Mexico
47 Alabama
48 Louisiana
49 West Virginia
50 Mississippi

Have a wonderful day and a pleasant tomorrow ...

shiloh said...

Oh phx, since you're now good buddies w/TOP emeritus, edutcher, please whisper in his ear that the 2012 pres election wasn't stolen, maybe it will cling to some of that decaying grey matter ...

or not!

Aridog said...

Shiloh said ...

... they have a chance to succeed because of voter suppression

Oh, please. Just please. I live in as dense and diverse minority population center as there is anywhere in the United States and I've never seen any of those votes "suppressed" because of ID requests.

"Voter suppression" is a tired worn out trope. Explain how this "suppression" works. Really. Even if hard times take you down, to get an EBT card you have to ID yourself. Just whose vote is suppressed and how?

I'm old now and very tired of the meme, from either side, that if they win it's because of a great message, but if they loose it is because of malfeasance of the other guys.

BOHICA is the rule both sides adhere to...

edutcher said...

shiloh said...

Oh phx, since you're now good buddies w/TOP emeritus, edutcher, please whisper in his ear that the 2012 pres election wasn't stolen, maybe it will cling to some of that decaying grey matter ...

Apparently Pasta thinks so ("Obama Election Theft Machine"), as do more and more people.

Take NSA surveillance,

IRS intimidation,

skewed polls,

crooked voting machines,

voters bused in to crucial states from elsewhere,

poll workers voting multiple times,

statistically impossible "100% support" tallies in select precincts (just like Saddam),

states with significant percentages of phony names on their voter registration rolls;

Yeah, it was stolen.

And James Taranto isn't the only one calling him President Asterisk.

BTW, how much longer do you think he can keep pushing back that swell health care he wants you to take before somebody just repeals it?

shiloh said...

ok, let me revise. Voter suppression is indeed an accurate description of what Rep legislatures/govs are now attempting. But, it will have no effect on pres elections and a slim effect on low turnout mid-terms.

Whereas it is true low turnout always helps Reps. Indeed, when voting is made totally simple ie one is able to vote online er close to 100% eligible voters vote, that will be the day the Republican Party goes the way of the Whigs.

Damn, no one wants to discuss the dubious con "low info vote" meme. Shocking!


And discombobulated, 65+ y.o. little buddy, edutcher ~ just let it go ...

ok, here's what you should do right now to help you feel better. Go make another donation to TOP.

Indeed, you probably feel better already just thinkin' about it.

Happy trails!

edutcher said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shiloh said...

Somebody give edutcher a quaalude! TIA

edutcher said...

shiloh said...

Sour grapes aside wasn't talking about Obama per se ie this thread is about 2016 and Rep's slim chance to win the presidency.

No, Bathtub Swabbie's too busy trying to convince himself how invincible Hillary!'s gonna be.

It's called whistling past the graveyard

Indeed, Reps really, really don't want to talk about pres elections. They prefer to talk about low turnout midterms where they have a chance to succeed because of voter suppression also.

Yeah, asking for valid ID suppresses the vote - the vote of Dick Tracy and Mickey Mouse.

Without it, Bathtub Swabbie's little friends couldn't be elected dog catcher.

One wonders how many "low info voters" voted for mittens. I suspect a lot more than voted for Obama ie Willard won

Last anyone checked, literacy rates in Demo strongholds weren't exactly stratospheric

Detroit's is 53%, as is LA's and the Messiah's home, Chi-town

Philly's is 48%

Gotham's is a whopping 20%

Yeah, let's all talk about low info voters, shall we?

PS Your pal, Ned Silver, thinks the Rs will retake the Senate in '14.

edutcher said...

shiloh said...

ok, let me revise. Voter suppression is indeed an accurate description of what Rep legislatures/govs are now attempting. But, it will have no effect on pres elections and a slim effect on low turnout mid-terms.

Actually, it's the demos who suppress votes, particularly military votes.

Then there are those voting machines that flip every 10th R vote to a D.

Whereas it is true low turnout always helps Reps. Indeed, when voting is made totally simple ie one is able to vote online er close to 100% eligible voters vote, that will be the day the Republican Party goes the way of the Whigs.

No, online voting is when vote fixing goes high tech (Bathtub Swabbie's little wet dream) and the Demos won't need to import 35 million slaves from Mexico to make sure they can win.

Oh, and be careful of what you wish for.

When the Republicans replaced the Whigs, the true believers beat the Hell out of the Democrats for 50 years.

The last thing people like Chuckie Schumer want is all the RINOs into truly become "his" Republicans moving into the Democrat Party, which they seem to be doing.

Aridog said...

edutcher asks ...

... how much longer do you think he can keep pushing back that swell health care he wants you to take before somebody just repeals it?

Understand that I am sympathetic to you point, BUT...

Doesn't have to be much longer, less than one more year actually, and by that time it won't matter, Obamacare will be impossible to repeal or revise. It is going according to plan, just not the one advertised. The extension of mandatory large employer requirements for one year includes reduced to zero qualification requirements for those still under the mandate....small businesses and individuals, proprietorships, partnerships, etc. In short, you can get the federal subsidy without proving you qualify. After that is in effect for the year, the deed is done...we will have effectively implemented Obamacare...and moved much closer to single payer. Good luck repealing something a large percentage of the population thinks is advantageous to them.

Next, there are not enough Republicans with the balls to de-fund the program now, and right now is the last time it will matter...after 30 September 2013, the deed is done. Any ... repeat ANY ... CR that funds the PPACA is guaranteeing its survival. Do not hold your breath waiting for a CR without ACA lips are out of style.

The original plan was single payer health care, uber-medicare/medicaid, and that plan is underway. No, you cannot keep the insurance you have and like...even the Unions have figured that out. Whoops.

The dude lied. He knew he was lying, for the greater good doncha know.

Aridog said...

Shiloah said [then went all yada yada :-]...

Voter suppression is indeed an accurate description of what Rep legislatures/govs are now attempting.

I know you are better than that, but nice deflection anyway.

Please try to answer my question ["expain how voter suppression works?"]...just what are governors and legislatures doing to suppress votes.

Please give examples that don't include mere requests for identification and proof of citizenship [at some stage of the process, usually registration]which are legitimate state's options in our system.

I will listen, really. Really. I've gained new found respect for many of my imagined former foes since the move from TOP. I think you believe what you say, therefore it is in good faith and I want to listen, if you will explain.

test said...

Aridog said...
[Cruz] will have to stop saying "abolish the IRS" ...won't happen, can't happen, with a flat tax or the fair tax.

Cruz wants notice he needs to be realistic and dwell on what can be done, not a myth.

I agree with this 100%. If libertarians were smart they'd refer to reducing instead of eliminating. The point is to take small steps and let the success validate the policy. Incrementalism is more palatable to most Americans and ususlly it captures the majority of benefits.

edutcher said...

Ari, this thing is more unpopular than Prohibition.

If the public hates it enough (and it appears they do) a way will be found to get rid of it.

test said...

Aridog said...
Some one said that photo of Christie and Obama together as buddies would be a killer for Christie. I think they are wrong in general...all the voters who went for Obama will see it as favorable.

Christie's problem is he cannot win a primary: Republican or Democrat. The 7% of Republicans who voted for Obama could vote entirely for Christie and he still wouldn't break 20%.

Aridog said...

Shiloah = Shiloh ...sorry, I'm not high enough yet today :-)

edutcher said...

Don't worry, he is.

edutcher said...

Marshal said...

The 7% of Republicans who voted for Obama could vote entirely for Christie and he still wouldn't break 20%.

They want us to believe 7% of the Republicans voted for Choom, as well as the, what?, 7 million that stayed home?

Of course, they did.

Aridog said...

By the way, when I said ...

...ANY ~ CR that funds ...

... anything, does so allowing 95% of prior year expenditures to be spent without specific appropriation, or oversight, or with any barriers to moving funds from X to Y or Z as the administration wants. No Budget is a government executive wet dream. Call it splooge-o-rama.

In short, any CR funds the PPACA.


Aridog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Aridog said...

edutcher said ...

...more unpopular than Prohibition ... If the public hates it enough (and it appears they do) a way will be found to get rid of it.

Again, I am sympathetic to your point, and your faith and hope, but here are differences this time around. Government is in the business, not just regulating it.

In Prohibition the government wasn't in the alcohol business other than taxing it. Upon repeal, the many state governments jumped on the opportunity to go in to the wholesale and retail alcohol business. A hint of things to come was only criminal until the government figured out how to get its increased cut.

Now here comes Obamacare, which the federal government, and many state governments, are vested in from the git go, and have constructed the implementation to resemble a Venus Fly draw the gullible, and intimidated, in until the jaws slam shut. A new thing requires massive new hires, new rules, new power...the aphrodisiac.

The Cloward-Piven strategy is working...a system designed to bankrupt itself and force its own collapse, thus primed for rescue by federal single payer health care cradle to grave. Voila'!

There is a reason Congressman John Dingell (D-MI) was sitting next to Obama at the PPACA signing, grinning like a Cheshire Cat. He, and his father before him in Congress, had championed single payer health care every year, year after year [over 70 years]...and he knew that now, it was a done deal, even with the front end shuffle, the goal was in sight. Single Payer.

Cripple it now, by de-funding, at 01 Oct 2013 [FY2014], or live with it forever in ever condensing and coalescing form.

sakredkow said...

@Aridog that was a good thing you did on behalf of Palladian the other day. Much respect as always.

Aridog said...

It wasn't just me. AlleS stepped up with me, and at least 3+ others did so as well, substantially, without saying anything here. Only reason I, or AllenS, said anything openly was because I lost my temper at a remark made by you know who. Normally if I help out somewhere I say nothing. It is not about me.

Thanks for noticing, however, I meant what I said in the longish comment about "community." I know others do so as well.

Aridog said...

If the administration of Obama had wanted to implement a federally overseen and contracted, but privately managed, health care system, it would have gone with John F Kerry's proposal in 2004. Expand the Federal Employees Health Benefit Program (FEHBP), which is already successfully operating for decades now, with services provided by no less than a dozen insurance providers with various prices to meet various requirements specified by OPM and revised annually.

Amounts of subsidy could have been graduated and means tested where appropriate. Best feature is that the bureaucratic structure is already in place...e.g., at OPM. It obviously works well, even Congress is happy to utilize it. Minimum new hires of anyone other than actual application processors...e.g., mid range civil service folks, no SES and bloat-grades required.

That concept would not accomplish the real goal of PPACA, so it was ignored.

No surprise.

Anonymous said...

Yes Aridog made a great show of his "decency". BTW my military daughter says you are a major asshole and you need to apologize to her sister.

Michael Haz said...

Bar's open!

Aridog said...

Hi Inga

shiloh said...

When I bookmarked this post, I titled it "con despair". Which leads me to Mann who opened up her comment section again:


Records From My Father, Part 3: "Memories Are Made of This." For Part 3 of this series, I chose "Memories Are Made of This," a 1960 album by Ray Conniff/His Orchestra and Chorus. This is extremely, possibly insanely cheerful music.

The obvious:

1) Mann is really, really tired of talking to herself er no one.

2) She has/had daddy issues.

3) She wants to listen to nostalgic/happy music from the past ie she's old!

Indeed, she's always been like another of her posts today: Weiner holding on to the TOP of the Empire State building er they both are desperately seeking attention.


As I'm writing this Mann just posted another Records From My Father. Perfect! lol


Myself, I have no issues, so this is my last hurrah here and at Norma Desmond's palace er TOP.

Again, the crowd cheers!


Re: voter suppression, the proof is in the pudding ie most, if not all ID laws have been started by Reps and since Obama has become president. And how many federal legal challenges will overturn the current laws being passed. Yes, these laws effect many Rep voters also, but the Rep hierarchy has quite carefully calculated it will effect a lot more libs, than cons.

And again, the irony of it having an adverse effect er it's forcing several Dem organizations to go out of their way to help Dem voters go thru the hoops to be able to vote, hence, ergo, therefore having people vote for the first time, who may have never intended to vote in their lifetime.

So yes, it's voter suppression ie anything that causes voters extra time and $$$ to vote is a poll tax. And yes it is backfiring on all cylinders.

Of course ending same day registration, weekend voting and being able to vote a month before the election at the BOE, etc. is obvious in its intent as this mainly effects minorities, young people, etc ie Dem voters.

Yea, I'm smilin' as I type this knowing I'm 99% sure it's my last post. :)


Indeed, Reps will have to come up w/a less obvious ruse in order to win pres elections as they have only awakened a sleepin' giant!

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!


Yea, Mann misses you guys so throw her an occasional bone ... or not.

Do you miss me yet? :-P

Besides edutcher of course who will have me inside his head 'til the end of time. Hey, at least he has something up there, bless his little heart.


Aridog said...

Shiloh...sorry you are leaving, still didn't answer my question about just how ordinary identity necessities for every day life suddenly becomes "voter suppression" when applied to voting and registration.

What is the reason identification is resisted...beyond the fantasy that it amounts to a poll tax. Last I heard around here a state ID card can be had for free if you need it.

I understand if requirements are egregious and costly, but they are far as I know. Enlighten me.

And if you are really leaving, adios & good luck.