Saturday, July 27, 2013

Hello Sports Fans!

To get you in the mood, let me introduce this humorous video with a play-by-play of Beethoven's Fifth Symphony, courtesy of our very own rhhardin:

I showed you that by way of introduction to those who haven't yet discovered the Sklarbro Country podcast series. The Sklar brothers first came to my notice when my son watched their ESPN show, Cheap Seats, which began in 2004. Here is just a portion of their performance history:
The Sklar brothers have also appeared in television shows such as Law & OrderBecker,ProvidenceThe Oblongs (as conjoined twin brothers Biff and Chip Oblong), EntourageGrey's Anatomy (as conjoined twin brothers Peter and Jake Weitzman), Curb Your Enthusiasm (Jason only), and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia (as dance marathon DJs on the episode "The Gang Dances Their Asses Off"). The Sklars have appeared in the films My Baby's DaddyBubble BoyWild Hogs andThe Comeback.
Once, on a long car trip my son and I listened to several podcasts on the way to our destination. On the way back, he asked if I'd like to listen to some more. I declined, but when he said, 'I haven't listened to them yet because I thought we could listen to them together,' well, who could resist an invitation like that?

The 157 weekly podcasts are sectioned into an opening section of banter between the brothers, followed by chats with their two guests, consecutively, and finally, a well done spoof interview, for example, Bryant Gumble complaining of racism in the NFL. 

Please share your favorite podcasts with the rest of us.


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I had a good laugh with this when rh linked to it.

thanks Deb. and rh.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Oooh, looking forward to comments! I love listening to podcasts when I'm working on mindless tasks or exercising but haven't had the time to dig up more good ones that I know are out there.

ndspinelli said...

Deb, What a find, woman!!! I have skimmed the lineup and have many I will listen to soon. I have listened to Matt Walsh and is was great. Thanks.

rhhardin said...

Tim Blair links to Howard Cosell covering a coup.

deborah said...

Pants, let me know some you like when you get the time.

Glad to help, Nick.

rh, that was pretty funny, it was hilarious when Cossell made his way over to the new dictor and interviewed him, then congratulated him. Ironic when you think that Khadafi's demise was videotaped.

Synova said...

OH NOES.... New York Mills, Minnesota!