Sunday, July 28, 2013

Big Papi Ejected


Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I would not be surprised if is served with a stiff fine.

deborah said...

Is he juicing?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I hope not. Something to consider thought, given the outburst.

He almost hit the captain of the team.

Pastafarian said...

No, no way he uses steroids. He's just very big and very skilled. And very pissed off at the moment.

Some guys you could always tell. I always thought Nomar Garciapara used steroids. Guys like McGuire and Sosa it always seemed painfully obvious, with their bulging comic book muscles and swollen heads.

I liked it when Pedroia at 5 foot 6 tries to step in and hold him back. That's cute.

deborah said...

I never thought Clemens looked it, but he did.

deborah said...

I mean dude was off the hook.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I read Pedroia yelling .. Stop!

Ortiz went from zero to fuck-it in about 26 seconds.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What could possibly be going on in the brain during those acceleration moments.

Chip Ahoy said...

No fair!

I was going to surprise you with this present. Now it's ruined! <-- those words are shaking. Here it is anyway ))))slam(((((

to: Lem


from: Chip

That's the thing about prezzies, people go off and get their own things nowadays.

Chip Ahoy said...

That telephone deserved it.

Who has those things around anyway? That was one of the 22 outdated things about Sex in the City, land-line patron phones.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

I Googled "how long does it take for a person to get violently mad" and found nothing specific.

bagoh20 said...

It's very healthy for a young man to get in touch with his feelings in an open and honest way. This is the path to personal growth and enlightenment. It could be very damaging for his psyche if we judge it without appreciation of the nuance of his needs.

Maybe he had a few too many Skittles?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Thanks Chip.

Chennaul said...

Holy snikes--

I was thinking--I've seen worse...and then he gets going with the bat.

Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

That is just team spirit!

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Time for the umps to go open carry.

Joe Schmoe said...

Maybe Ortiz is a white hispanic. Those bullpen phones are black. I think we all know what happened here.

Joe Schmoe said...

I would not be surprised if is served with a stiff fine.

Definitely a fine. The sports talk radio fodder for Monday will be whether he will be suspended for a game or two. Can't have players acting like Viking berzerkers with all the little kids watching. I expect Ortiz to be made an example with a two-game suspension. Maybe whittled down to one when the union gets done with it.

Joe Schmoe said...

We saw the movie Despicable Me 2 this weekend. The villain was a portly Hispanic (probably white hispanic for all I know) named El Macho.

Seems to be a bit of anti-Hispanic animus out there these days.

Joe Schmoe said...

Big Papi in post-game comments: not contrite.

Sharc said...

That's a perfect moment for Torey Lovullo to find something fascinating about his shoes for a few seconds.

Beta Rube said...

Phones are cheap. Leave Big Papi alone.

Cody Jarrett said...

Why is it always "is he juicing?"

Trust me--people can be just as violent and/or assholish without exogenous test as with it.

Sometimes more so, quite honestly.

It's funny how even the dopes that yp on EEI and CNSNE (I'm looking at you, Lou Merloni) will start carrying on about this guy or that guy using gear because he's big, then turn right around and, in a conversation with Gabe Kapler, start bleating about how Gabe never used steroids or anything else he's just big--and then Gabe will remind them that some of the worst steroid guys are skinny, flabby pieces of dog meat.

Pedroia wasn't trying to hold him back. He was yelling at him not to do anything he was going to get suspended for.

I watched the reply. Pitch might have been high, but if it was it was inches. For a reaction like that I'd expect the ball to have been at eye level.

Although apparently the ump had already missed--and admitted missing--a couple of calls earlier.

Umpires are the worst.

Exogenous testosterone doesn't make one a vicious beast. Being a vicious beast makes one a vicious beast.

And people were getting mad and having epic meltdowns years before the first dianabol tablet was seen outside a bodybuilding gym.

Remember the old days when guys would smash stuff, throw stuff on the field and generally have a destructo party?

Cody Jarrett said...

Besides, the phone still works. It rang later in the game.

And it was only the press box phone. Not like the PB needs to talk to the dug out during the game anyway. And it's not like everyone in the room doesn't already have a cell phone.

Hell, Dustin Pedroia carries an iPad mini with him out to second base.

In the old days, JD Drew carried a kindle. He loves him some bodice rippers.

Cody Jarrett said...

Steroids don't give you swollen heads. That's Growth Hormone.

And there's no reason to use GH anymore--not when there's really cool (and legal!) peptides that stimulate the pituitary to release GH naturally so you get the good benefits without the bad stuff like growing your jaw or growing your intestines or growing tumors (GH will cause everything to if you have a small tumor hidden somewhere, the GH blows it up. Happy birthday!).

Dunno if Roger was or not. He still says no. And there's actually no proof he did. A syringe dropped in a beer can? Really?

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Remember the old days when guys would smash stuff, throw stuff on the field and generally have a destructo party?

Rick Burleson 80's shortstop.

Cody Jarrett said...

I loved Burleson.

He'll get a fine. I don't think a suspension.

Not if the ump had in fact already admitted to blowing calls earlier in the game.

Plus it's better for Ortiz to hit a phone than the ump.

Cody Jarrett said...

Another reason hockey is better than baseball.

In hockey, next shift puck hits ref in unprotected leg.

Cody Jarrett said...

Is larraboy juicing? he's been given to some pretty sudden and nasty outbursts.

Meade said...

He should be permanently banned from Baseball.

Cody Jarrett said...

Meade said...

He should be permanently banned from Baseball.

Why, Larry?

And PS, do you intend to be channeling Trooper York?

I'm Full of Soup said...

He could have killed a teammate. A long suspension is warranted. 30 days sounds right to me.

ndspinelli said...

The bullpen probably loved the phone being off. Napoli is known to make constant obscene calls from the dugout.

ndspinelli said...

10 days @ the most.

The Crack Emcee said...

Until he mentioned the Skittles, I agreed with bagoh. I figure it's because I wasn't sheltered, like madawaskan said he was.

Why Joe Schmo expects contrition confuses me. And Lem, what's going on in the brain during those acceleration moments is this thing called testosterone - look it up.

CEO-MMP gets it, that people can be violent and/or assholish - and I like that "and/or" because that's the truth.

"He should be permanently banned from Baseball."

Anger's now an outlawed EMOTION - if you're a man? Or does MALE anger scare you? I mean, you seem pretty proud of your wife's. Would that change if she was capable of replicating Ortiz?

Hey CEO, next, can you give us a little history lesson on the feminization of the country and it's subsequent demise which never could've happened unless some men (WHITE) sold their nuts to the highest bidder, pleeeeeaaaasssseee,...

Meade said...

"some men (WHITE) "

Is Crack racist? Or simply a hater of women.

The Crack Emcee said...


The Crack Emcee said...

But there's nothing simple about it.

Meade said...

Oh right - you're real complex.

The Crack Emcee said...

I know - you've told us:

You're used to a whole 'nother level,...

Meade said...

A level that rejects both racism and woman hate. Come on down. If you can.

ndspinelli said...

Crack, When I'm having a bad day, I always try and think of people who have it MUCH worse than myself. Now you have the person for you to visualize when that bad day almost certainly comes along. Can you imagine having to walk a day in those shoes?

Meade said...

Yeah, Crack, sneak around in Nick Danger's old gumshoes once in while, would ya? See what's it's like.

ndspinelli said...

The "I know you are but what am I" comeback makes me nostalgic for 5th grade.

Meade said...

Surprised you ever got promoted from 4th.

Cody Jarrett said...

Hey CEO, next, can you give us a little history lesson on the feminization of the country and it's subsequent demise which never could've happened unless some men (WHITE) sold their nuts to the highest bidder, pleeeeeaaaasssseee,...

I'm not certain they were sold, and if they were I'm not certain it was to the highest bidder.

Joe Schmoe said...

Why Joe Schmo expects contrition confuses me.

Let me clarify. I don't expect it. It is simply the script for these kinds of things. Player fucks up, player later acts sorry for doing it whether they really are sorry or not, judicial official goes easier on player. Subsequently, the umps aren't supposed to continue to hold Ortiz' intransigence against him.

Ortiz basically said he had free license to do what he did because the ump sucked so bad. In addition to his fine and suspension, Ortiz just turned most of the umpiring crews against him. That will hurt him and the team.

Let me add I'm a Red Sox fan. David Ortiz has been the greatest clutch hitter this team has ever had, including Ted Williams. I love Big Papi. But what he should've done after the game is just say sorry. When you're part of a team, sometimes you've got to swallow your pride for the betterment of the team. You just do.