Wednesday, July 24, 2013

car door clicks

Jeff G., Protein Wisdom,  notes that whites lock doors in high crime areas no matter who you are. 

You know what is worse than hearing the sound of car doors clicking just because you're a teen and you're on the prowl at night and amongst other teens also on the prowl, you know what's worse than hearing that car's doors click all at once. clickclickclickclick, it's a four door, brrrrrrap. 

Hearing the sound of the horn as you walk by a parked car, recently parked, the owner insouciantly locking the car behind them. HONK  Oh man, I want to throw a brick at them, but alas, a brick does not magically appear in my hand. 


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Revenant said...

I lock my door whenever any stranger approaches my car. People do it to me, too.

Common sense, really.

edutcher said...

I lock my car anytime I'm not at home.

Even around white people. Most white people do the same.

Choom might know that.

If he'd ever owned his own car (which I kinda doubt).

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

(1) It's a special treat when you get the horn blast thing in a public parking garage where you can enjoy not only the shock of the surprise but also the amplification and reverberation of the blast.

I've noticed it's almost always doddering old ladies who do it. I figure they're too dumb to know the horn blast thing can be turned off.

(2) Out of habit, I always hit the all-doors-lock switch as soon as everyone is in the vehicle.

Why wouldn't I?

Besides, it'll be nice to keep everybody together inside when we all go rolling down an embankment to our fiery deaths.

pm317 said...

Outsider looking in: the list Obama spouted in his speech/press conference (I forget what it was) was so juvenile that it was quite transparent to see who he was placating. Only the grace and tolerance of the majority prevents them from ridiculing him. Is he aware of that?

pm317 said...

My car locks itself.

rhhardin said...

I'd like to know what happened to vent windows.

That was the last ventilation system that worked and suddenly they were gone.

Icepick said...

Hearing the sound of the horn as you walk by a parked car, recently parked, the owner insouciantly locking the car behind them. HONK Oh man, I want to throw a brick at them, but alas, a brick does not magically appear in my hand.

Hehehe, that would be me, being a dick, so I'm glad you don't have access to magical bricks!

Besides, it'll be nice to keep everybody together inside when we all go rolling down an embankment to our fiery deaths.

Now if THAT isn't an incentive to keeping the doors locked, what is?!

Icepick said...

Besides, it'll be nice to keep everybody together inside when we all go rolling down an embankment to our fiery deaths.

Based on my viewings of old Hawaii Five-0 episodes, I can only assume you're driving a Ford. Seriously, Fords back in the day had problems with sudden pressure changes. They'd drive off a cliff and fall, for one thing. But the other thing was that they'd explode half-way towards the bottom even if they'd never hit anything.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

My car doors lock automatically ten seconds after all the doors close. Because Honda engineers are racist.

Aridog said...

Obama imagines himself in to every black American experience he has ever read about. Never mind he has never experienced them. Next I expect him to say "when I was marching in Selma with the Dallas County Voters League..."

He was a very active 4 year old.

I Have Misplaced My Pants said...

Heh, Aridog, I pointed that out once on an Althouse thread about Obama doing one of those pensive Rosa Parks photo ops, wondering why he gets so much mileage out of that civil-rights nostalgia when actually he has no family members who lived through Jim Crow, etc, much less fought those fights himself, and was immediately called racist by one of our dimmer fellow commenters. It angered me at the time but now it just makes me laugh.

Michael Haz said...

Know who else locks their car doors? Everyone. It's not a racial thing. It's common sense.

Of course after the Obama family has moved out of the White House and the daughters can drive the family cars, Barry will tell them "Girls, don't lock the doors when you're in the car. That's racist."

Same as any loving parent.

ken in tx said...

Unless you are a reporter investigating a Democrat scandal, your car will not become a fiery tomb when it rolls down an embankment—this statement is deliberately exaggerated for emphasis. The car in question was more than just rolling an embankment.

rhhardin said...

I noticed, many years ago when training Susie my first Dobie to heel off lead in busy public places, ie let no distraction bother her, that guys you don't particularly want to meet cross the street to as to avoid the unleashed Doberman.

Normal people don't.

I'd guess that the thugs grow up around thugs who have dogs they make crazy, so they think dogs are crazy.

Normal people grow up around normal dogs.

rhhardin said...

My icon is Annie my second Doberman heeling off leash. You see how threatening it is.

Freeman Hunt said...

I wonder if locking the doors when you get in is a big city thing. I live in an area classified as urban, but it's not a big city, and I don't know anyone who locks up upon entering.

Now, if anyone is hanging around, clickclickclickclick, I lock them up.

Freeman Hunt said...

In Illinois once, we stopped to get gas, and I stayed in the car while my husband went inside the station. He came out to find some weirdo crouched against the side of our car. I didn't know the guy was there. Glad my husband came out. Since then, I do always lock the doors when I'm parked.

sakredkow said...

My friend would say if you don't lock your car door at least you won't have broken glass all over your seat if or when you get it back.

rhhardin said...

An immediate thought to Althouse's no comments means better thinking post, that perhaps her thought isn't that interesting.

It ran in circles in her head for a while and ended.

It only gets interesting if it runs through a lot of heads.

It takes a lot of originality to beat a lot of heads. If you want originality and thought provoking by reflection in your own head, read Derrida. A lot of stuff that didn't seem related comes into focus.

That isn't Althouse's place. Something else was.

rhhardin said...

The policy most chose at the airport where I kept my plane, an airport open and unfenced and unguarded at all hours, was keep the airplane unlocked.

Otherwise you get really expensive damage from anybody looking to take stuff.

For that matter, the airplane is easy to start and fly off in, and I never heard of it happening in any airport I based in.

Nobody ever took stuff from my plane.

rhhardin said...

Though there was no starter. You had to hand crank the prop. That might put people off.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

What a coincidence...

The friend I told you all about and I spent the day at a car dealer yesterday noon and early afternoon trying to get his daughter's Jeep automatic door locks fixed.

The doors do not lock when she pushes the button.

After about 3 hours of waiting, for something they diagnosed as an hours worth of work, the mechanic comeback saying they suspected a wiring problem, that it could take days to isolate.

My friend was pissed. He told them he could have gotten a car loaner and come back for it when it was fixed. We left with the car unfixed and with a bad recommendation of service in mind.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Maybe the problem is she has to push a button.

What kind of automation is that?

Its iTouch automation.

What she needs is iThink automation.

With iThink automation, I suspect these kinds of problems would disappear.

Meade said...

Wisconsin doesnt have a lot of African Americans but it does have a lot of drunks. When I lock my car doors, it's stupid drunks who I'm trying to protect - from their own haplessness.

Freeman Hunt said...

Yes, the great thing about the comments at Althouse was that things ran through some pretty sharp heads. This made the heads sharper. Then something else would run through. And on and on. It was quite nice.

Freeman Hunt said...

Over a decade ago, I went on a ride along with San Diego police in San Ysidro during the night shift. I got the impression that drunk people cause the vast majority of police calls at night, the parking lot at the border being a particularly frequent stop.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A comment on a High Power Door Lock Actuator 2 Wire says...

This is a product that depends on somebody pushing a button.

Cheap and easy replacement for aftermarket power door lock conversions. After 6 years my initial actuators wore out and I got one of these to replace it. Works perfect, easy to install with the included bracket. Only downside is that the wires were shorter than my original so I had to splice in some extra wire to hook it up. Not a big problem but longer wires would have been nicer. Also make sure you wire them the right way, otherwise you will be unlocking your door when you think you are locking it. With only two wires, you have a 50% chance of guessing right the first time.

I now need to replace the other door's actuator 6 months later, should have just ordered two at the same time.

iThink actuators... problem solved. that's the future. real automation.

rhhardin said...

If you want high security, experts say concealment works best.

Bury your car and wipe the footprints off the dirt.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

Its the only way to be sure.

rhhardin said...

My trick with bicycles is instantly cover the bike in dirty tape here and there, to make it look as second-hand as possible.

Then any old lock works.

Meade said...

Truly racist would be leaving the front door of your house unlocked so that a drunken Barack O. could stumble in at 3 AM, wrongly thinking he'd entered his own house. Someone calls 911 and reports a break in, cop arrives on the scene, Barack reaches for cop's sidearm, cop puts 3 bullets in B's torso. Next day, NBC airs video neighbor took of the (now racist) cop shooting unarmed Barack. Neighborhoods go up in flames. All because you racistly left your front door unlocked.

Unknown said...

Twice I've had people enter my car while it was parked and rummage through it. Neither time was anything taken.

It was a weird feeling of violation but otherwise not a big deal. Well, the first time there was a basket of folded laundry that was messed up and I had to refold. I'm not sure what they thought they would find.

I guess I'm hypersensitive to people's perceptions but I always feel funny clicking the locks if anyone is nearby- white or black. It just feels rude.

Unknown said...

I still miss the old push locks that you could open with a coat hanger.

Good thing my old Plymouth Valiant had those when my dog locked me out at a gas station.

Aridog said...

Freeman Hunt said...

I wonder if locking the doors when you get in is a big city thing...

Good guess. Car jacking usually occurs immediately after you enter your vehicle and are preoccupied with other things. Rule in the city is to immediately lock all doors after you get in, then fiddle with other starting the vehicle when you are looking forward and perhaps a bit down and won't see anyone coming at your door from the side or rear.

Dear corrupt left, go F yourselves said...

Top down Zimmerman bad faith operations continue.

I'd lock my doors if that leftwing radical came around.

Good thing we have a classy president who rises above and gracefully helps with the healing.

Freeman Hunt said...

The car equivalent to rhhardin's bike advice is to not wash the car and to leave a good deal of trash and crumbs in it.

Lem Vibe Banditory said...

A neighbor watch fails, your own fingers are no good, a hard wiring made in china iThink is just what we need. Dont knock it untill you've tried it.

Icepick said...

Besides, it'll be nice to keep everybody together inside when we all go rolling down an embankment to our fiery deaths.

It's because of crap like that that I just don't care if anyone calls me or someone else a racist anymore. It's been so abused as a term of abuse that more often than not I assume the person saying "racist" is just a politically motivated lying scumbag that in a just world would be shunned by society. Of course, that's pretty much everyone that voted for Obama, so the world pretty much sucks right now.

Icepick said...

The car equivalent to rhhardin's bike advice is to not wash the car and to leave a good deal of trash and crumbs in it.


Unknown said...

The car equivalent to rhhardin's bike advice is to not wash the car and to leave a good deal of trash and crumbs in it.

Wonder if my insurance company will give a discount for making use of this anti-theft device,

sakredkow said...

Oh dear, there's a big menacing looking dude with a knife in his hand hitchiking. I need to pick him up or he'll think I'm rude!

ndspinelli said...

Not to rain on the parade here. However, the locking doors is when a person is stopped @ a light or stopped in traffic. Most folks don't drive w/ their doors locked. When I worked in some of the toughest neighborhoods in this country I would have my doors locked and always have an exit. If I'm stopped in traffic or @ a light, enough room in front to get the hell out if needed.

If it's a revelation that alcohol related incidents dominate a police forces resources then it's a sheltered life lived, doesn't matter what city, town, village. But, makes sure we keep cannabis illegal. San Ysidro is rough around the edges, being 20 feet from Tijuana, but I go there sometimes w/o worry. Careful, always careful in any city, but it's ok. Much safer than virtually any black inner city neighborhood.

ndspinelli said...

Madison has a good number of black folk, if you wander away from your comfort zone. Of course, academics, limo liberals, etc. like to pontificate rather than experience the real world.

sakredkow said...

Someone calls 911 and reports a break in, cop arrives on the scene, Barack reaches for cop's sidearm, cop puts 3 bullets in B's torso.

Oh you dummy. Now whenever a President visits Wisconsin you'll have to talk with the Secret Services.

bagoh20 said...

The problem is that eventually you have to unlock the doors and get out unprotected in the open with these other people around. Often I will have to visit the Home Depot 10 times just to get a CFL bulb. Getting there when nobody is around is not easy, and I can feel those Mexican guys undressing me with their eyes.

shiloh said...

Obviously "you" don't need TOP to be just as anti-Obama as before. Congrats! And her lonely, wayward son has found a new nest. Love it when a plan comes together.

Soon all you fools and lawnboy will be sitting around the campfire singin' Dylan, The Who, The Kinks. Indeed all of her majesty's favs!

Used to think she needed the comment section for daily affirmation of her self-righteous dogma. But in reality, her ego is so large and she's so cock sure of all her gobbledygook, one wonders why she ever needed a comment section to begin with. ok, ok, she's all about blog hits, bless her little heart.

Lem, wishin' you all the best w/the current version of TOP con echo chamber.

Happy trails ... click!

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

Car jacking usually occurs immediately after you enter your vehicle . . .

That reminds me of something my girlfriend told me back when I was in college.

In Camden, NJ, there are maybe 5 or 6 traffic lights between Rutgers and the highway interchanges you take to get back to the suburbs.

My girlfriend was by herself, driving home, late at night, and a cop pulls her over.

He gives her a scolding, tells her never to sit at a red light.

Cop said, "You stop, you look both ways, and if it's clear you keep going."

That was back in the late 1980s.

My guess is these days there aren't any cops left who give a shit.

I wonder what the cops are doing in Detroit these days.

Meade said...

rhhardin said...
" A lot of stuff that didn't seem related comes into focus.

That isn't Althouse's place. Something else was."

Here's an original thought: Will rhhardin ever be able to beat (and/or jerk) out of his head the ever circling thoughts of female inferiority?

shiloh said...

An original thought from Meade. Oxymoron personified ..

Meade said...

Shiloh. Moron.

shiloh said...

Don't get nasty now Meade. My feelings may get hurt. Damn, are you this original around mommy? Rhetorical.

rhhardin said...

The female difference isn't ability but what's interesting enough for them to obsess on.

It's got to be complex and stay unresolved or it's not interesting to them.

Math is complex but does not aim to remain unresolved.

In either sex the thoughts just circle, having reached all the places it's going to go. The graphs all loop, as guys say.

Not being up to Derrida's level isn't misogynistic.

Most of Derrida's translators are female, though. A task that interests women.

Derrida is a virtuoso reader, mostly.

AllenS said...

You can't go wrong removing the pistol from your pocket and making sure everyone sees you do it.

Aridog said...

ndspinelli said...

Most folks don't drive w/ their doors locked.

How's that? Most cars built in the past decade have automatic door locks, and the default setting is to lock when "drive" is engaged for a few seconds.

I would have my doors locked and always have an exit. If I'm stopped in traffic or @ a light, enough room in front to get the hell out if needed.

That is the de rigueur driving style if you have any sense in Metro Detroit, heck, most of Michigan really [most aggressive & rude driver state anywhere...makes NYC drivers look like pussies]. Never get boxed in, never use any center lane if you have to stop, etc. etc.

Aridog said...

AllenS said...

You can't go wrong removing the pistol from your pocket and making sure everyone sees you do it.

True dat. However, picking my nose with a Model 1911, and looking cross-eyed at others seems to draw too much attention.

rhhardin said...

Curiously, another great author of mine, Stanley Cavell, doesn't get Derrida at all.

It's the continental vs Anglo-American approach difference.

They wind up in the same place.

Aridog said...

5, 4, 3, 2 ....

rhhardin said...

Cavell has an essay pointing out that Derrida badly misread Austin.

But Austin is Cavell's mentor and the point was pretty subtle.

It escaped Derrida, who made other points anyway against Searle who was no better on Austin.

Eric the Fruit Bat said...

I'm curious to know why Meade all of a sudden wants to pick a fight with rhhardin.

Last I recall, Meade used to remark regularly about how excellent a commenter rhhardin was and he once reported that Althouse wants to give him a hug.

Althouse, also, regularly praised rhhardin for the high quality of his comments.

I don't detect any substantive change in rhhardin's comments (he is commenting more frequently, I've noticed) but I don't recall Meade having ever sniped at rhhardin before.

Can anybody help me out here?

Unknown said...

When we stop for a quick purchase at a convenience store, often my husband runs in and I stay in the car with the kids.

I always lock the doors, but the danger I imagine has more to do with fat white pedophiles hoping to kidnap my kids, and scraggly drugged out white guys trying to hijack the car.

Not that I've ever actually seen any such potential assailants, mind you (that I know of); it's just a precaution.

If a black person were approaching his car at that moment, I would probably hesitate to lock the doors until they were out of earshot. But I don't worry about offending the old white lady on the other side.

Maybe we should all just stay home.

rhhardin said...

I am unmolested on a bicycle.

Some people wave. I have no idea who they are.

rhhardin said...

Meade can't pick a fight with rhhardin.

Any attack is an opportunity to expand the previous idea.

Do that and there would be no fights at all by anybody.

ndspinelli said...

Mitchell, Situational ethics.

Trooper York said...

When you get on the subway you can't lock your door. Everybody is riding in closed metal tube underground.

That's why I don't racial advice from people who live in the suburbs. Just sayn'

shiloh said...

Meade's a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. ok, let's simplify. He's a childish adult who won't allow anyone to attack his mommy.

Hey, the truth hurts!

He wallows in the mud, so Althouse doesn't have to. Indeed, one wonders when/if she ever got down and dirty. She's like McCartney's grandfather in 'A Hard Day's Night" ~ very clean!

Meade said...

"Any attack is an opportunity to expand the previous idea."

That may be the most beautiful and brilliant comment I have ever read. Makes me want to hop on my bike, pedal to Ohio, grab rhhardin by his head and kiss him full on the mouth.

Freeman Hunt said...

It wouldn't work because when you grabbed his head, the baby monitor would push against it, and it would hurt, and you'd have to be all, " Oh, excuse me. I am so sorry," and you can't go mouth kissing somebody during that.

shiloh said...

"Any attack is an opportunity to expand the previous idea."

Meade just admitted he's wasting his time here. The truth shall set you free!

Pastafarian said...

Meade: "Makes me want to hop on my bike, pedal to Ohio..."

Stop by my part of Ohio, Meade. It's along the way. I'd like the opportunity to speak to you and find out just what the fuck your fucking problem is.

ndspinelli said...

I love it when lawnboys try to buck up.

ndspinelli said...

Look @ threads sans Meade and Inga, and compare threads w/ them. 'Nuff said.

Meade said...

Very impressive detective work, Nick d. Tell us more stories of what it was like in your golden years when you were an important secret federal agent doing high level stake out missions, will you?

shiloh said...

Meade, if all you have to offer is inane deflections, it may be time for you to disappear.

shiloh said...

Hey Meade, I'm an Ohioan also, let me know if you want my email addy also. Although I'm not a trained analytical psychiatrist, I have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express.

Meade said...

Sure, shiloh. Email me whatever you want.

Freeman Hunt said...

So Rh is to have a little army of feuding bicyclists headed to his place? I hope pictures of this are uploaded to Flickr.

Freeman Hunt said...

Cyclists. That's the correct term, yes? Is that supposed to be inclusive so the guy on the unicycle doesn't have to use a different bathroom?

ndspinelli said...

I was never a Federal agent. But, I have mowed laws. Just about everyone has. Your silly snide remark was not responsive to my point. You and the nurse are cancerous here, as you are in other venues. Just read the threads, it's all documented.

Meade said...

Freems: "bike nuts" will do.

bagoh20 said...

Party at Hardin's! Woohoo!

Freeman Hunt said...

Meade didn't start anything in this thread. Shiloh did.

Meade said...

" But, I have mowed laws."

I'll bet you have, Nick.


Freeman Hunt said...

Party at Hardin's! Woohoo!

Bring Your Own Scythe

Methadras said...

phx said...

Oh dear, there's a big menacing looking dude with a knife in his hand hitchiking. I need to pick him up or he'll think I'm rude!

Don't be a knifist!!!

ndspinelli said...

Enabling only makes it worse.

ndspinelli said...

"LAW" was a Freudian typo! Shakespeare and now Freud.

bagoh20 said...

"Meade didn't start anything in this thread. Shiloh did."

Nope. RHHardin blew the dog whistle at 9:06.

He said a magic word.

Freeman Hunt said...

I could cut a lawn with a mower like Meade's or a scythe like Hardin's. The gas-powered mowers are too loud. Who wants to push or drive around some screaming thing?

Freeman Hunt said...

Bagoh, yeah, but that didn't really start anything.

Meade said...

"blew the dog whistle at 9:06."

Splooge clean up at 9:06. Stooge splooge.

ndspinelli said...

Enablers are always well intentioned.

test said...

bagoh20 said...
Nope. RHHardin blew the dog whistle at 9:06.

I'm getting amused with the idea of Meade sitting over his computer waiting to pounce, counting on his very presence being so unpleasant everyone will self-censor to avoid it. It cannot be good for his self-esteem.

Plus I can't help wondering if this is going to generate blowback should Althouse reopen comments. Escalations tend not to work.

ndspinelli said...

Usually really nice people, often too nice

Cody Jarrett said...

Freeman Hunt said...

"Meade didn't start anything in this thread. Shiloh did."

Which explains why Meade decided to insult Rh?


Methadras said...

Mitchell the Bat said...

I'm curious to know why Meade all of a sudden wants to pick a fight with rhhardin.

Last I recall, Meade used to remark regularly about how excellent a commenter rhhardin was and he once reported that Althouse wants to give him a hug.

Althouse, also, regularly praised rhhardin for the high quality of his comments.

I don't detect any substantive change in rhhardin's comments (he is commenting more frequently, I've noticed) but I don't recall Meade having ever sniped at rhhardin before.

Can anybody help me out here?

He's going through his hit list. I know what Meade did. Plain as day and he revealed himself in the process. He fell for it too cause he just couldn't help himself.

bagoh20 said...

No Splooge stooge here. I had my splooger modified. It shoots confetti and whistles Tchaikovsky now. Very uplifting.

rhhardin said...

I get my stuff at

Get the straight snath. They bend the bent snath too much today.

26" grass blade is good for beginners, for mowing. Or for small lawns or tight spaces.

The 36" blade is faster but tricky in various common circumstances.

Methadras said...

shiloh said...

Meade's a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma. ok, let's simplify. He's a childish adult who won't allow anyone to attack his mommy.

Hey, the truth hurts!

He wallows in the mud, so Althouse doesn't have to. Indeed, one wonders when/if she ever got down and dirty. She's like McCartney's grandfather in 'A Hard Day's Night" ~ very clean!

Wait, isn't that beta male behavior. Hmmm...

ndspinelli said...

There's a symbiotic relationship between enabler and enabled. It eventually destroys both if not dealt w/ directly and honestly.

Freeman Hunt said...

It is not possible to "start something" with RH? Who does not know this?

Cody Jarrett said...

Here's something to think about: This place was started in part to be able to talk about whatever AA had posted.

I've read Freeman say exactly that a couple of times even.

So Rh did that.

L. Meade hears the dog whistle and starts insulting Rh. Shilo says something...then Freeman accuses Shiloh of starting it.

When was L. Meade. Because Rh was doing what part of the stated purpose of this joint was.

Sorry. Just seems weird to me that it's tolerated, even encouraged. Especially after the way L. Meade embarrassed himself RE Palladian.

I'd think Lem etc et al wouldn't want to stand for that stuff.

Or does that $52 really buy that much? Because if it's that, I'll kick in $53 so L. Meade doesn't get to ever treat anyone the way he treated Palladian again.

shiloh said...

Freeman, I know Althouse & Meade are your heroes, sorry. And feel free to blame me for everything, regardless as "we" all know Meade is a choir boy!

Again, stopped posting at Althouse last year, so no one can blame me for her current conniption. Oh hell, go ahead and blame me anyways as it's all innocuous internet bull shit.


Indeed, the key to a good life is always having someone else to blame for your misfortune. Althouse is extremely happy!

Cody Jarrett said...

Freeman Hunt said...

"It is not possible to "start something" with RH? Who does not know this?"

Does that really matter? Shouldn't the important part be that he tried, thus continuing the pattern?

Cody Jarrett said...

scythe supply place makes excellent gear. Good choice.

Freeman Hunt said...

I've read Freeman say exactly that a couple of times even.

Link please.

Freeman Hunt said...

Meade launched a little opening salvo with RH. RH answered. They were done. They actually seem to like each other, by the way. Mutual respect and whatnot.

It got stupid with shiloh.

ndspinelli said...

The enabler is the only one in this toxic relationship who can fix it. The enabled never will.

Meade said...

"Wait, isn't that beta male behavior. Hmmm... "

I don't know. I've never claimed to be alpha. I've never wanted to be alpha. I'm delta. At most.

Cody Jarrett said...

Freeman: right at the moment I don't feel like going back through every single comment to find the ones where you mentioned how this blog would or could be used to discuss things that AA posted on her place.

Are you actually saying you never said anything like that?

It's not a criticism of you, you know. It's just something I thought the place was for, at least in part.

But are you saying you never said anything like that?

Freeman Hunt said...

Also, I have no problems with people discussing the posts at Althouse. I do challenge the idea that I said that that was the purpose of this blog though. I've always thought the purpose of this blog was for commenters to interact. It's a showcase of commenting.

bagoh20 said...

"They actually seem to like each other, by the way. Mutual respect and whatnot."

Haa! Ask our other friend who got repeatedly stabbed in the back yesterday about how that works.

ndspinelli said...

Omega, dude..all Omega.

Freeman Hunt said...

CEO, I remember someone misreading something I wrote and writing that I wrote that, but I didn't.

This is Comment Home. The point is the comments on whatever topic they may be.

Icepick said...

Cyclists. That's the correct term, yes? Is that supposed to be inclusive so the guy on the unicycle doesn't have to use a different bathroom?

Freeman, ruptured testicles are no laughing matter.


Ah, hell, who am I kidding?! Ruptured testicles are freakin' HILARIOUS - as long as they belong to someone else, of course. They're particularly funny if they chapened due to some incredibly stupid activity such as "EXTRME" uni-cycling!

shiloh said...

Neither here nor there story.

At the liberal blog I used to frequent a con asked me how I could be a diehard Ohio State football fan knowing Jim Tressel was a very conservative Republican ?!? And w/out skipping a beat I replied Tressel could be an Islamic Fascist as long as he kept beating Michigan!

And then the very conservative Republican had to resign in disgrace for lying er trying to cover-up some of his players transgressions.

Hey, I'll give him credit for loyalty to his players however misguided.

carry on

Methadras said...

Meade said...

"Wait, isn't that beta male behavior. Hmmm... "

I don't know. I've never claimed to be alpha. I've never wanted to be alpha. I'm delta. At most.


Unknown said...

Meade didn't start anything in this thread. Shiloh did.

Yeah, but Meade's older, so he should be able to stop it. :)

(Where's Bender? He had a great link for this a couple threads back.)

Icepick said...

Party at Hardin's! Woohoo!

The BAD news is that Bagoh's going to show up naked, drunk and frisky again.

The GOOD news is that the Mexicans aren't going to need bothering undressing him with their eyes.

Meade said...

"Because if it's that, I'll kick in $53"

Do it!

Cody Jarrett said...

Freeman, I'm fairly sure I never said you said the only reason for this blog space was for people to be able to talk about Althouse's postings.

I believe I said "in part" or something similar.

The one in particular I'm thinking of...I just can't place which post it was after but you said something like "and we can talk about it here..."

Whatever. I have no interest in arguing with you. You've always been one of my favorite commenter personalities, my only issue here is the people encouraging or seeming to encourage L. Meade to attack people willy nilly.

That crap from the other day really stung me. And yes, I put my money where my mouth is, before anyone decides to get all bitchy about that (not you, just anyone).

Freeman Hunt said...

I think Bagoh should glide there. He'd have to start from somewhere extremely high though. (Or is that right?)

It would be exceptional, Bagoh, if you could glide in and pluck any one of the cyclists from off of his bike and then glide in tandem the rest of the way.

bagoh20 said...

Icepick, make sure to catch the confetti. There are tiny messages on every piece.

Cody Jarrett said...

Meade, there would have to be signed assurances from both Lem and you that with that--you'd be done with this place.

So there, peaches.


Freeman Hunt said...

CEO, I don't think we're really arguing. I misunderstood you to mean that I said this was a place for Althouse comments, but it seems that's not what you meant. Certainly people can make comments here about posts over there.

Methadras said...

Icepick said...

Party at Hardin's! Woohoo!

The BAD news is that Bagoh's going to show up naked, drunk and frisky again.

The GOOD news is that the Mexicans aren't going to need bothering undressing him with their eyes.

You know that's totally incorrect. He'll show up naked, drunk, frisky, in high heels carrying a cardboard cutout of one of his selfies, setting up on the street corner with the sign that says, Kiss the cook for $1... All the while if any of those Mexicans get fresh he'll whack them with his bag of dicks.

Cody Jarrett said...

Freeman, I just didn't want you mad with me. I can make enough people mad with me without even bustin' a sweat.


Cody Jarrett said...

Wait--for a buck I can kiss Bags, or the cardboard cut out?

Cuz I got ten bucks burning a hole in my pocket....

Freeman Hunt said...


bagoh20 said...

From the pics I've seen, RH's yard is a perfect landing zone. Put the keg in the middle, and I'll find the place without a GPS. I'd like to see all the Comments Home ladies dressed as cheerleaders and lined up on both sides of the runway. I always have that rider in my contract. Pretty standard really.

shiloh said...

Again, Meade enjoys wallowing in the mud so Althouse doesn't have to. It's a unique symmetry to their relationship, lawnboy notwithstanding lol.

Methadras said...

CEO-MMP said...

Wait--for a buck I can kiss Bags, or the cardboard cut out?

Cuz I got ten bucks burning a hole in my pocket....

Split it in half. $5 for the cut out and $5 to get a five mexicans to kiss him.

bagoh20 said...

"Wait--for a buck I can kiss Bags, or the cardboard cut out?"

Oh no. The bag of dicks - a dollar each.

Icepick said...

RHHardin blew the dog whistle at 9:06.

He said a magic word.

Yeah, RH, don't you know we're not allowed to mention the names of the lawn boy or the law professor here?

ndspinelli said...

Meth, We can be partners in Omega, because we're not Omega.

Meade said...

Psst... bags, except for Freeman, all the commenter ladies here are... sit down now... try to relax...

guys dressed in cheerleader costumes.

bagoh20 said...

Icepick, what you did there is called alluding. Still illegal.

Icepick said...

I had my splooger modified. It shoots confetti and whistles Tchaikovsky now. Very uplifting.

And you wonder why the Mexicans (and so many others) are always undressing you with their eyes?

Meade said...

For the record, I made a proposal: stop mentioning our names or alluding to us, and I promise not to comment here. I then made you all a bet that you can't do it. And, so far, I'm winning.

bagoh20 said...

"guys dressed in cheerleader costumes."

I don't want to marry them, I just like the way it looks when the wind blows. A cheerleader skirt is an excellent wind indicator. That's the only reason I even look at em.

Freeman Hunt said...

I don't know why cheerleading exists. But then, I guess I'm not the intended fan.

shiloh said...

"For the record, I made a proposal: stop mentioning our names or alluding to us, and I promise not to comment here. I then made you all a bet that you can't do it. And, so far, I'm winning."

Or you could just be an adult and stop posting regardless.

bagoh20 said...

Althouse Meade
Althouse Meade
Althouse Meade


Icepick said...

Meade launched a little opening salvo with RH. RH answered. They were done. They actually seem to like each other, by the way. Mutual respect and whatnot.

A lot of us thought that about A-house + lawnboy and Palladian too. How'd that work out?

Meade said...

":Or you could just be an adult and stop posting regardless."

Sure, shiloh shinola. How about you lead the way?

Freeman Hunt said...

People will always comment about the posts at Althouse. Just like they might comment about posts at Instapundit or elsewhere. Nothing wrong with that.

Meade said...

bagoh20 said...
"Althouse Meade
Althouse Meade
Althouse Meade

See? You like me. You REALLY LIKE ME!!

bagoh20 said...

As I'm sure you noticed, Meade, your forbidden words are running rampant across the internet now. Maybe you should just start some firing squads, like a decent despot. This verbal violence is so so beta.

Trooper York said...

Grifters always try to control the dialogue. They don't want opposing viewpoints which is why they isolate their marks from friends and family and even casual acquaintances. Thus the abusive relationship dynamic seems the norm.

We are getting a first class demonstration that scholars and forensic psychologists will be using as a case study for decades.

bagoh20 said...

"See? You like me. You REALLY LIKE ME!!"

There was a time.

shiloh said...

Childish ad hominems aside, I did stop posting at Althouse.

Meade, if you stop posting here, I will. Deal.

The crowd cheers!

btw, Meade used a deflection er personal attack to not answer my post. Shocking!

sakredkow said...

Don't be a knifist!!!

I specifically avoided mentioning he was a Chinese black guy.

Trooper York said...

Maybe it is time for another hostage tape to show us that all is well.

Try a grapefruit in the face this time. It made Jimmy Cagney a star.

Meade said...

"Grifters always try to control the dialogue.:

Says big brooklyn boy with his gary cooper mask on backwards who just finally got out of bed. Coffee, dear?

sakredkow said...

Nope. RHHardin blew the dog whistle at 9:06.

He said a magic word.

Yup. "Derrida".

bagoh20 said...

Another 400 comment thread today. It's been a daily thing almost from the beginning.

Icepick said...

Icepick, make sure to catch the confetti. There are tiny messages on every piece.

Wow, what a feature! Can you get that done in the states, or did you have to go to TJ for that?

Methadras said...

phx said...

Don't be a knifist!!!

I specifically avoided mentioning he was a Chinese black guy.

Damn bro, that's rough.

shiloh said...

"Another 400 comment thread today. It's been a daily thing almost from the beginning."

ok, Meade's at least good for blog hits! A positive and a negative.

bagoh20 said...

Yesterday, I got rid of Inga by asking her how much Meadhouse was paying her to be here.

Maybe it will work again: Meade how much is Inga paying you?

You know, you never see them both at the same time.

Freeman Hunt said...

Another 400 comment thread today. It's been a daily thing almost from the beginning

Lem: Alpha Bloghost

Icepick said...

Icepick, what you did there is called alluding. Still illegal.


bagoh20 said...

" did you have to go to TJ for that?"

Of course. Where else? They use Tequila for anesthesia. Actually, I only ordered the anesthesia, and woke up with the surgery done. The "doctors" seemed very happy to see me up and about.

Meade said...

fellow comment homies: It's been fun. Time for me to get some work done, you know - serve my mistress and earn my gruel.

Have a super day!

bagoh20 said...

See it works every time. I have the magic question!

Meade said...


sakredkow said...

This would be so much more productive and constructive if we only used this opportunity to get our lawn care questions answered by Meade.

For instance: I have a power mower. How do I get rid of my disposed oil when I do an oil change? Who takes that stuff? What should I transport it in?

Cody Jarrett said...

bagoh20 said...

Yesterday, I got rid of Inga by asking her how much Meadhouse was paying her to be here.

Maybe it will work again: Meade how much is Inga paying you?

You know, you never see them both at the same time."

Ding ding ding...

PS George W. was a cheerleader. He was very cute in his little sweater.

A little too much padding in his bra, but other than that...

Meade said...

Just pour it down the storm sewer gutter like all my lefty neighbors do.

sakredkow said...

Sewer gutter... That's great, Meade! Thanks!

shiloh said...

Meade leaves avoiding my generous proposition. Indeed, he really likes you guys and would be totally lost otherwise.

He can't quit 'ya baby! :o


And he's back again as I rest my case.

Meade, who loves 'ya, baby ...

Icepick said...

I then made you all a bet that you can't do it. And, so far, I'm winning.

No, you really aren't. First, the bet wasn't accepted. And someone would be foolish to take a bet from someone that was so damned nasty.

Second, you've really exposed yourself as a very nasty person, no better than Mary. And that was a very low bar to have to slither under, but you managed it.

Third, if the two of you don't want to be mentioned anywhere, TAKE DOWN YOUR PUBLIC BLOG. You can't be a couple of simpering fame whores one minute and then complain about the coverage the next.


Finally, the problem is that Meade needs to be moderated off the blog. He (and one can only suppose Althouse) want nothing but sycophantic coverage, and anything else is to be trashed and destroyed. It's not really conducive to anything useful, as I don't consider making a couple of sociopaths happy something useful.

sakredkow said...

I'd challenge Meade on his characterizations of my libtard cohorts but he's got his hands full with you dingbats.

Icepick said...

"See? You like me. You REALLY LIKE ME!!"

There was a time.

Forget rhhardin's scything, Bagoh seems to be the expert.

Meade said...

Now really I must be leaving. She'll be back from her office any second now and I mustn't let her catch me using her computer or she'll say things that hurt my feelings and make me scrunch my alpha face up even more than it already is. She's so cruel. And with me, she's isn't even neutral.

sakredkow said...

One thing Meade has done for sure - he's taken a LOT of pressure off of lefty morons like myself and shiloh.

shiloh said...

"fellow comment homies:"

Meade, who were the lucky two you wouldn't delete at Althouse?

Have a super day!

Cody Jarrett said...

Pretty sure I'd never call you a moron, phx.

Dope maybe, but never moron.


bagoh20 said...

Inga said: "BOO!!!"

I don't think you really appreciate just how scary that is.

I see you rising out of the bathtub like Glen Close, but in a wife beater and ball cap. It freaks me out.

shiloh said...

phx, are you really a liberal as I have my doubts. Just wonderin' no biggie regardless.

sakredkow said...

That's because you don't have the GUTS to call me moron, CEO-MMP.

Icepick said...

Meade, who were the lucky two you wouldn't delete at Althouse?

He's full of shit on this topic too, shiloh. But so much remains off-stage.

bagoh20 said...

OK, so the Google alerts are:


Cody Jarrett said...


On Inga rising from the tub...

Picture the scene from The Shining where Jack goes into the super secret off limits haunted room and that attractive broad slinks out of the tub...he kisses her...madly...only to see in the mirror...

Yep. That's the one.

Cody Jarrett said...

Well that's a hurtful thing to say, phx.

Just wow.

sakredkow said...

shiloh: thanks for asking - I think you're the only person whoever has. Not really. I usually vote Dem/liberal (if I ever vote again) but there are things about the conservative philosophy I really like, and things I don't like about the liberals.

I'm generally sick of the rank and file from both sides.

Can I ask you a question Shiloh? And no biggie either. But are you male or female?

sakredkow said...

CEO-MMP putting you on notice I'm not to be trifled with.

Cody Jarrett said...

bagoh20 said...

OK, so the Google alerts are:


You suppose meadhouse is on the list?

What about twatwaffle. I'm pretty sure twatwaffle has to be on the list.

Cody Jarrett said...

Oh bull phx. I asked you if you were really a lib. You did a little dance...sang a little song...

You were very pretty in your shimmery dress under the purple spotlights.

Trifled with. Sheesh. As if anyone would trifle with you. Except for money.

Icepick said...


And Derrida. And lawnboy. And probably douche nozzle.

Anyone wonder if Meade is going to show up and piss all over InstaPundit threads whenever Insty links to Althouse?

sakredkow said...

Keep in mind if Shiloh is female, I saw her first, you Omega righties.

Icepick said...


Man, why you got to go ruining two fine words by combining them and applying them to the Meadehouse train wreck?

Cody Jarrett said...

Insty could make Ann and L. Meade cry though.

Pretty sure L. Meade would be a tick careful with that one.

sakredkow said...

I've never been there but something tells me nothing good ever comes out of Instapundit.

Cody Jarrett said...

I'm not sure, icepick. A friend of mine started saying it--his little boy is at the age where he mimics whatever he hears...and twatwaffle is a little better for a little kid to say than some of the other words my friend usually uses.

But he got me using it too.

Freeman Hunt said...

There should be a football team or the building of a pyramid or something. Channelled energies.

Cody Jarrett said...

phx said...

I've never been there but something tells me nothing good ever comes out of Instapundit. "

You should go. It's great. He posts links and sometimes a sentence about the link and everyone thinks he's brilliant.

I've never gotten the joke I guess.

rhhardin said...

Instapundit has an amazing fixed smile, and his wife has no sense of humor as far as I can tell.

The site is great, check every now and then to see what's up.

Icepick said...

InstaPundit is the original Tweeter.

Freeman Hunt said...

There are people who don't like Instapundit? Pod people. Clearly. What is the opposite of that breathy scream the pod people make in the 70s Invasion of the Body Snatchers when they see a non-pod person?

Cody Jarrett said...

Freeman, could you (or some other Insty fan) please explain the attraction?

I go there once a week or so and look things over but I just don't get it.


Hey, maybe a blog post!

"A Guide To Instapundit for the Insty-challenged"

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