...where instead of translating a quantum state from a single photon to a large set of photons, they will try to translate the states of one large group to another."
Wanted: Dead and alive |
You know, it's just a matter of time before an actual cat ends up in an actual box and this isn't just a thought experiment anymore.
instead of translating a quantum state from a single photon to a large
set of photons, they will try to translate the states of one large group
to another. - See more at:
instead of translating a quantum state from a single photon to a large
set of photons, they will try to translate the states of one large group
to another. - See more at:
This is an absolute favorite theme at my favorite place on Earth, apparently it's covered in Science class, but oddly no images come up on search. I want to do one, but it's too old to be funny anymore.
Showing a box at Schrödinger's house, and the next panel a cat inside thinking to itself, "If I knew it'd be this much trouble I'd never have climbed into the thing."
"Fred Thompson knows Schrodinger's cat is dead, because he's the one who killed it."
Chip's umlaut-style kung fu is much stronger than mine.
Soft kitty,
Warm kitty,
Little ball of fur.
Happy kitty,
Sleepy kitty,
Purr, purr, purr.
Is that kitten in a coffin?
You can't swing a dead cat without hitting a large set of photons.
I copy/pasted it from Google search.
Is this the cat Titus has been swinging?
More cat pics, please!
I'll give you a click just for the cat pics!
Walking through photons is an ongoing process.
But when a phaser bolt takes out the Cardassian Empire, guess who gets stuck with the check?
Fuck assuming, the cat is dead or alive, because they're too chickenshit to look:
I'd eliminate opening the box altogether by trying to "listen" for the cat,...however someone figured out to do that on a quantum level.
Anywho, that way, you could be sure.
Sound's my answer to everything right now,...
If i was Zambony from miamy i would be mocking the heck out of this.
But, alas, im not Zambony from miami, and i was never here.
The phrase 'not enough room to swing a cat' refers to a short but painful whip called a cat'o'nine tails. It has nothing to do with swinging a dead cat.
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