Sunday, November 10, 2019

It seemed like a good idea at the time

'Nothing has happened' the television lady kept repeating.


ndspinelli said...

Baghdad Bob's daughter.

Rabel said...

A lifetime of nightmares for the kid, but a good time was had by all.

At least they weren't Americans.

AllenS said...

A big, and I mean big WTF!

The Dude said...

If one knows anything about predators one could immediately see that the lion has figured out that the best Scooby Snack within reach is the small human. I never want to see a lion look at me the way it is looking at the idiot child. Or is that the child of idiots. Small matter, I suppose.

Rabel said...

When I was a baby I was so ugly they had to hang a pork chop around my neck to get the mountain lion to play with me.

Or something.

Rabel said...

One of the most disturbing parts is the minimal effort by the handle to get the animal away from the baby after the attack began.

It is clear that the well-being of the animal was his priority.

And, fuck him.

The Dude said...

Rabel, it is good to know that your parents cared enough to encourage the pet lion to interact with you. Would that more parents were so thoughtful...

MamaM said...

Bored kitty goes for the squeal. The action starts after the child starts squeaking. Half the fun of the hunt is to get the small wiggly thing to stop moving and disable the inner squeeker.

The older woman is skilled in rupture and repair. None stop soothing in action.

It wasn't going to eat the kid, just have some fun and maybe pull out some of its soft innards to lick.

Rabel said...

Story of my life. No respect. No respect.

MamaM said...

Good thing there was no purchase to be had on that slippery floor. If the back claws had been able to dig in and hold, there might have been some blood and guts spilled.

The handler did not respond with fear, which would have been sensed by the lion.

MamaM said...

I go with the Big Cat being the clearest thinking of the bunch.

The back story would be interesting. Was the lady in the jeans there with the woman holding the baby, or were she and the guy with the leash a pair who owned or came there together to talk about the animal? The guy calmly sticks his hand in the mouth to break the bite, and she pulls off the paws like they know the animal.

Good thing the host didn't decide to tap it on the head with his microphone.

ricpic said...

"At my age I like to get the sex over with quickly...then I can get to the nap."

--The Great Rodney