Sunday, November 4, 2018

Two MAGA rallies; Montana, Florida

1) Belgrade Montana features Crow tribe Indian chiefs in traditional headdresses standing behind Trump and large energetic excited crowd.

2) Pensacola Florida in an airplane hangar again with stunning setting of AF1 outside the hangar door. Exhausted crowd, some having waited 24 hours others all day, clearly wiped out. A man behind Trump is holding a child about 2-years old asleep on this shoulder. There were two health-related incidents of people collapsing or having some kind of health incident, the second one on the risers behind Trump where we see people rushing past the speakers, up to the risers, then back behind Trump again. While Trump remained full energy and top form.

Screen grabs.

Those headdresses look fake. You can buy one for $60.00.


"I wasn't asking. I was saying 'how' like and Indian, as in 'howdy.'" 

1 comment:

edutcher said...

The Crows stood fast against the Sioux and were staunch allies of the white man.

They're also known to be some of the best artisans in beadwork.