Friday, November 16, 2018

Trump / Mueller

Trump has a series of excellent tweets especially regarding Mueller. Presently at the top Trump is talking about servicemen, the VA, and veterans, then earlier further down Trump discusses Mueller.

* Universities will someday study what highly conflicted (and NOT Senate approved) Bob Mueller and his gang of Democrat thugs have done to destroy people. Why is he protecting Crooked Hillary, Comey, McCabe, Lisa Page & her lover, Peter S, and all of his friends on the other side? 
* how many lives the ruin. These are Angry People, including the highly conflicted Bob Mueller, who worked for Obama for 8 years. They won’t even look at all of the bad acts and crimes on the other side. A TOTAL WITCH HUNT LIKE NO OTHER IN AMERICAN HISTORY! 
* The inner workings of the Mueller investigation are a total mess. They have found no collusion and have gone absolutely nuts. They are screaming and shouting at people, horribly threatening them to come up with the answers they want. They are a disgrace to our Nation and don’t...
The whole feed is good.

The thing is, Twitter is totally ridiculous. It's actually obscene. When you click on Trump's text then the thread opens up and behind his feed are all the responses to it. Apparently there are hundreds of people worldwide whose sole purpose in life is hastening to slap on any and every pathetic counterargument they can pull out of somebody else's butt. The same things over and over and over ad nauseam. Poorly crafted Photoshops that somebody else did because the people who post them are too dull to do any thinking themselves. All of them vapid partisan axioms held by OCD types mentally retarded thinking themselves clever. The contrast between Trump tweets that communicate clearly and all the very real Twitter garbage they invoke is vast. It is the very picture of a descent into hell.

I just recently watched a movie on Netflix called "Errementari: The Blacksmith and the Devil" in which a girl trades her soul to go down into hell to see her mother. The depiction of hell as tormented people slogging along crowded packed together in line miserably herded along as cattle by demons is a very good approximation of the Twitter members who follow Trump around attaching to every single tweet with the same obnoxious low level ossified coprolites. Barking noisily like packs of slobbering rabid incredibly dull and malevolent nipping defected puppies. I urge you to click on at least one to get a snapshot of concentrated condensed self-righteous ignorance in its most maladapted crippled form.

In the film Errementari the demons are foiled by jar of chickpeas. This is shown by the blacksmith who captured a demon. Spill out the chickpeas and the demon is compelled to count them. Scramble the strewn chickpeas as the demon is counting and that forces him to start over. He cries like a baby for being messed up. It's cute. The blacksmith goes down into hell to find the girl and return her and by then the viewer forgets this trick about foiling demons so when the blacksmith produces a jar of chickpeas in hell the demons controlling the movement of the dammed are foiled again and that is one of the two techniques already shown on the surface that the blacksmith uses in hell to free the girl and to escape. Likewise, Trump tweets, and the demons across the globe, defective imps actually, get to work digging through their files and frenetically upload crap photoshops they've collected. Oh burn!

Burn, burn, burn, burn, burn, burn with 3rd grade level poorly shopped burns conceived by true dopes so in the end they characterize themselves and do much more damage to themselves while imagining they're damaging Trump.

That's why Trump leaves them. It's why he doesn't block them. He wants us to see the dopes he must deal with every day, every moment of every day, and how they drown out everything sensible, cover everything sincere. Trump is showing that these people cannot even be spoken to because this is the only thing that you'll ever get. It's the only thing that comes out of them.

1 comment:

edutcher said...

I've stayed away from social media on the conviction it rots your brain.

For an unorthodox politician like Trump, it's a great way to go over the heads of the media.

Apparently there are hundreds of people worldwide whose sole purpose in life is hastening to slap on any and every pathetic counterargument they can pull out of somebody else's butt. The same things over and over and over ad nauseam. Poorly crafted Photoshops that somebody else did because the people who post them are too dull to do any thinking themselves. All of them vapid partisan axioms held by OCD types mentally retarded thinking themselves clever.

My thoughts but better expressed. Lynch mob mentality.

If you ever want to see someone describe them in detail, pick up Huckleberry Finn and read the part where Col Sherburne breaks up the mob. Classic stuff. Even at 13, I saw the genius of it.