Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Joe diGenova: Jeff Sessions has a duty to fire Rosenstein

I don't have cable so don't watch Fox, all that I see are clips on the internet. This is Hannity hosting Alan Dershowitz and Joe diGenova talking about how it must be Sessions that fires Rosenstein, and in the very least have Rosenstein recused from the collusion investigation. Dershowitz is appalled with Rosenstein for allowing the concept of client confidentiality to be destroyed, an historic error, just to pursue an avenue so far afield from collusion. While diGenova asserts Rosenstein has marked animus toward  the president, by allowing the search unrelated to the investigation, so cannot be part of an investigation team in which he is also a witness.

I think.

And it occurred to me, diGenova said he cannot be part of President Trump's legal team due to his current cases. Yet here he is asserting very hard advice. And Dershowitz keeps telling us he is not part of President Trump's legal team. Yet here he is providing acute legal perception, history and advice. So they are part of Trump's legal team. They are the pro forma media portion of Trump's legal team. While Trump's actual working legal team performs behind media attention.

Watch the Fox video here.


Evi L. Bloggerlady said...

[Insert thinking emoji here]

edutcher said...

What's important is that Dershowitz has sided with Trump in all of this.

And, if the eminent Mr Surber is correct in his estimation, nobody is going to fire Rosenstein but the Donald because, as he noted a few weeks ago, Trump figures his managers are there to do a job. The fire-eating belongs to him.

As would the firing of of Lurch II, if it happens.


PS See where the Lefties are convinced there would be riots in DC if Li'l Lurch is fired? They'd have bus in ANTIFA from Berkeley for the occasion.

Chip Ahoy said...


Methadras said...

And then resign himself.